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Suspicious Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon Info

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  1. Watched the high def version and I still didn’t feel any big “Wow” moment. Not a big fan of rehashing the origin, especially like someone said above, when he’s pulling the spider string out of the bite in his neck (also, why was he bit on the back of his neck?)…

    I think the beginning with his parents was interesting.. maybe they’re going to build off of that storyline when they stretch this out into a trilogy. Could be an interesting approach for the movies.

  2. This movie may be as good as they come, but that all remains to be seen. The only thing we can be sure about is that the director will do his/her hardest to make this movie better than the last Raimi. At least we don’t get the Venom origin again. Who knew that having that on film would be more embarrassing than reading in in the comic?

  3. Jeez, why does everyone think this movie is going to suck? It’s got a great cast, along with a great director, and a good scriptwriter. So much criticism!

  4. So they ARE re-doing the origin? So that talk about this being an untold tale from the Raimi universe was utter BS?

  5. @AbdulAziz – LOL, I wish you were right. I’d love to be a big fan of the movie. But Ultimate never won me over and I read it for 80 issue’s. So I doubt it.

    My blog dissertation on why this movie is going to suck is currently at about 30 paragraphs long 🙂 – There will be quotes, sources and diagrams to back up my points 🙂

  6. I know it’s poor qualiy footage, but the POV part looks terrible….I hope that’s not really part of the movie. Really hope they don’t spend too much time on the origin but it looks like they will be….but I agree with some of the others in that I like the tone….I really hope this movie doesn’t suck.

  7. Looks pretty cool. WHY does it have to be 2012? Too overwhelming, with Cap,Thor,GL,Transformers 3, and Harry Potter 7 p.2(AMAZING movie, by the way)?

  8. Spyboy,

    I believe they finished shooting the film in May. I’m not sure why exactly there’s so much time before the release. I thought it had something to do with the 3D, but I don’t know.

  9. I think that it looks very promising so far! The trailer has a great tone, but the proof will be in the actually film which is still almost a year off. Still, looks like they have completed a fair bit of priniciple photography to have this much in a trailer so far away from the release date.

  10. This reveals too much for a teaser of a movie that will be released one year from now

    Somehow Parabolee, I anticipate you become the movie greatest fan

  11. I feel kinda lukewarm towards it. The trailer doesn’t suck but at the same time there’s nothing making me go “hell yeah!” either. Also, granted its only two and a half minutes of footage, but it seems a little too serious and somber for my taste. The POV shot was nice though, and the reflection in the building was a neat reveal. It sucks that nothing they’ve released so far has gotten me excited about the movie. I’ll still see though and hope its good!

  12. Yeah, this looks like Ultimate all the way. Which is why I can’t get behind this flick. Although I’m hoping it turns out well because it’s Spidey. I did enjoy the dinner bit with the Stacys. I like the tone.

    Parabolee, the last line of your comment was funny to me. 🙂

  13. Strange but watching it did not give me an ASM movie vibe, felt more like a preview for a horror film to me if that makes any sense. Still the POV scene was nice.

  14. I agree, the atmosphere and tone looks pretty good. No clips of him webswinging tho. The rooftop scene was interesting tho.

  15. I gotta say, the tone of this movie looks really good. It seems as though it’s a bit more on who Peter is as a person, but the origin being done again is still groanworthy.

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