Spider-Man, Anti-Venom and the Wraith take on Mr. Negative in a battle which changes things FOREVER! Read this review, and be changed FOREVER!

Spider-Man, Anti-Venom and the Wraith take on Mr. Negative in a battle which changes things FOREVER! Read this review, and be changed FOREVER!
Typical college aged comic fan who wants to write and draw in the biz
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… the Wraith’s breasts make me happy.
That is all.
Seriously? Damn…good lookin’ out Gerard.
FYI, Don: Slott had a co-writer on this one. AGAIN. (It was Christos Gage.)
i kinda liked the way eddie brock was characterized: as a self rightcheous unstable douchebag who takes himself waaaay too seriously
To add to your observation about the lackluster reactions to Li’s outing, it seems like Robertson equated this outting to Osborn’s fall at Asgard. I don’t see how a comparison like that would be warranted. Everyone (certainly Urich, Robertson, Jameson) knew that Osborn’s whole routine was a facade and that it was only a matter of time before the truth came out. If you compare that to Li, who was supposedly a philanthropist, you’d have to make the claim that Robertson felt like Li’s outting was imminent. Seeing Li vs Osborn arrested, imo, should have been two completely different events/reactions.
Also, if Carlie doesn’t know Peter is Spidey, why did she get the Spidey tatoo again? I feel like I’m missing something.
Nice review.
Wow. Essentially, this story was shortened and rushed most likely in an attempt to make sure that there would be no hanging plots so that they can make sure the only thing we care about is that stupid spider-island overly long summer crisis event that will be made overblown and most likely be dissapointing. God it sounds like civil war all over again.
I think Dan Slott can write Peter Parker/Spider-man. These two issues have cermented that into my mind. However it also made me realise soemthing else. He can’t write any other character. Anti-Venom was the lynch pin of this story and his character moments where bizarre to say the least. Very over written, too “arch”. Also what should have been a very exciting scene between Carlie and Yuri was hollow,prehaps just rushed. The two characters just seems to be phoning it in, with no real emotion or feelings coming through.
I was also confused that Phil has gone from informant to Bugle camera man. When did that happen? (I don’t read Spider-girl and Hercules).
My favourite part of the issue was the Mr. Negative stuff. He is the only BND/Big Time villian I hope to see more of into the future. Unfortunatly I’m guessing once Dan leaves Amazing we’ll never see Mr. Negative again. I like that the status quo of that story has finally moved forward after over 100 issues…and the finale of Li being inprisioned until his alter ego returns was very creepy.
On a final note Max Fiumara can do not wrong in my eyes. If he has an ongoing Spider-man book I would be there in a shot. I bought the Four Eyes trade so I could see moer of his work
“Of course not, I blame SPIDER-MAN”
Good ol’ Jonah, still with his same charming personlity
Nice review. I too liked the fact that the story did not drag out. So far his little 2-3 chapter story arcs have been a breath of fresh air compared to the 6 issues it takes Bendis to tell one. Carlie confronting Watanabe was a bit surprising. Definitely seemed like a crowded ending with three big events being wrapped up, the Mr. Negative reveal, Anti-Venom’s sense of accomplishment and the Wraith reveal. I didn’t mind Carlie’s little side detective missions, at least an interesting use of her character, but their talk in the end about Spidey was a bit meh… again, nice job
I for one really liked this issue. Sure the Wraith thing was big, and spidey once again become a guest in his own book but i always felt that Brock was underplay. I mean the guy is supposed to be stronger faster etc… and he never been able to own Peter in the last few years! Beside on a side note, wasn’t the whole “every inch of my skin is sticky” thing a result of the Other storyline, or did he had that power before?
Carlie says, and I quote:
“But for now, maybe it’s best if you–And the Wraith–disappear for a while.”
Yuri isnt leaving town. She just isnt going to become the wraith for a while