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Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #6 review!

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  1. A really good game has to have a good story, learnable controles, the feeling of being in control (even when you’re not), a balanced flow and good pace. A good game has to have some of these points right (particulary the flow), whilst a usable game need to give the gamers multiplayer to cover up everything else. Spider-man games are never really good games.

    I’m not looking forward to this game, as I’m one of those few people that didn’t like the first one all that much.

  2. @ the timeline crammed into one game or not convo

    Id rathe see it spread out over multiple games anyway. Like someone above said alot of those storylines deserve their own game plus what if the mechanics in one sucked? We’d be fucked for the whole timeline since theres no next game to fix the bugs on.

    Plus why would any company wanna blow their load on one game when they can have sequels and make more proffit? I certainly wouldn’t wanna squander potential millions of dollars by doing only one game.

  3. @10

    Anti-Venom is manipulated here by the 2099 scientist, and there’s a rather morbid reason why he’s getting close to Spidey….

  4. @Steerpike – I’m not saying it’s impossible to do such a game with today’s technology. I’m saying that on the basis of the track record of Activision head Bobby Kotick, who’s been quoted as saying:

    “With respect to the franchises that don’t have the potential to be exploited every year across every platform with clear sequel potential that can meet our objectives of over time becoming $100 million plus franchises, that’s a strategy that has worked very well for us. It’s something that we have been very disciplined about and so while there are lots of promises for a lot of these products that we had in the portfolio, I think generally our strategy has been to focus, especially given the increase in development expenditures on the products that have those attributes and characteristics that we know if we release today, we’ll be working on 10 years from now.”

    tl;dr, Activision will only publish those games that can be milked for sequels every year. That’s why you’ll see a new Call of Duty every year (and why they all look the same). That’s why there would be a new Guitar Hero every year before they saturated the market and killed it. And that’s why you are seeing a new Spider-Man barely a year since the last one released.

  5. heck you could even do it in chapters, as dlc similar to what Telltale Games does. Unfortunately I think Activision always manages to somehow shortchange the fans on their spidey games. But think of the possibilities, they could change up the art by era to match the work of Romita, MacFarlane, Bendis, JRJR, Ramos etc.

  6. @6 and other various responses to that… They may have the capability to do a complete video game epic that goes over many of his storylines, but it just wouldn’t be worth it I feel. For starters, they would be able to milk much more money out of the series if they divided those games into individual full length games. Second, a good number of those stories deserve their own game and not have to share it with others. Maximum Carnage was a great game and would be awesome if they brought it up to the next gen console. I would rather them not cram as much into one game as possible and just focus on creating a quality game and story. I don’t think you’d have that if you tried to have it span over that many stories. DLC would be beneficial, but DLC (unless your name is BioWare) is hardly enough content to warrant a full story line.

  7. I guess I’m alone in saying I’m not looking forward to this. I guess it might be because I’m not huge fan of Anti-Venom. Also, the whole symbiote looking hive thing had me think of Web of Shadows and it gave me a bad chill. Though, I could be wrong so I’ll keep my eye on this.

    @7 It’s not impossible… It’s very do-able considering the gaming technology of today and what the current gen consoles to do. I actually have been working on a game bible for a Spidey game similar to what #6 posted. I was actually a class project that kept going.

    @9 10 sequels? Nope, it can be done in the confines of a single game. Think DLC.

  8. Story looks much better this time…
    But they got Anti-venom wrong. He’s a good guy and not someone Spidey can fight with close range combat. 🙁

    Still the combat looks ripped straight out of the first game with no obvious improvements.
    I think I can definitely wait on this one to drop in price! Too many Triple A games coming out this year!!!

  9. I second @7 about @6. That is never gonna happen but if it did, it would be a lot of fun. This game looks great. I loved Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions an I know I’m going to love this one also.

  10. Really liked this, and I’m guessing Mr. Negative does NOT kill Eddie any time soon. Looks like they were going for a “Bane” look for him here.

    I just really wish they would make a game where you could play through the entire fictional history of Spider-Man. Uncle Ben, The Bridge, SInister Six, SM No More, Secret Wars, Venom, Kraven’s LH, Death of Harry, The Clone Saga, Identity Crisis, Morlun, The Other, Civil War, OMD, BND, Big Time, Spider-Island. Make it like a 50 hour gameplay experience with every available costume. I’d pay good money for that.

  11. My complaints:
    1.Steve Blum voicing Anti-Venom. I love him as Wolverine and the Green Goblin but he does not fit Venom or Anti-Venom at all.
    2.Anti-Venom is too bulky.

    Other than that, I think it looks great.

  12. Makes sense with Anti-Venom being the killer since just being near him makes Spidey’s powers fade.

  13. sa-weeet… that minute and a half trailer was better than the two hour long movie I just spent 10 bucks on… cool to see Anti-Venom getting a big push already as a main video game antagonist.

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