‘Avenging Spider-Man’ Coming in November

‘Because having the Avengers appear monthly in ASM’s just not enough!’

Marvel’s announced a new Spider-Man and Avengers title called ‘Avenging Spider-Man’ that will be rolling out in November.  The new Spidey & Avengers book will be written by Zeb ‘Shed’ Wells and drawn by Joe Madureira.

How will it mix with what Dan Slott’s doing in ‘Amazing?’  According to Wells:

“In my mind, Dan is Daddy.  I don’t want to make Daddy mad. I don’t want to spank him. If Daddy likes something we do, he can run with it.”

There are hints of other villains as well, from Avengers villains to ‘Vulture,’ though it’s not clear yet if it’ll be the Vulture or the Throw-Up Vulture.

More info at CBR.

–George Berryman!


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  1. Ratpack,
    Sorry you didn’t’ get what you paid for….oh wait. You should produce a Spider-Man podcast that you’d enjoy to show us all how it should be done.

  2. BTW I think that Wacker is somewhat right that the quality of the Podcast is not what it used to be.
    5 minutes of ASM reviews and the rest is mostly talk about other stuff I don’t really care about. I don’t care about the recommendations, the listener questions to you (Jesus I hate that actually) or your spouses.

    Concentrate on Spidey and not so much on your personal stuff.

  3. Let me say that I applaud you for banning Wacker. How many chances did he need to start acting professional? CBR lets him and Dan Slott get away with that stuff all the time, and he gets anybody banned that stands up to him. His unprofessional attitude is a problem that is a very serious one at New Marvel. They have many editors and writers online who have a sense of entitlement, condescend to the customers, insult anybody who doesn’t kiss their butts (as clearly illustrated by Steve Wacker’s antagostic and insulting confrontations), and refuse to take responsibility for anything, preferring to point the finger of blame at everybody else, instead. He is just one of a long line of immature jerks working for Marvel. Sales in the industry are reflecting this, but again, it’s OUR fault, not theirs! Why are we supposed to be excited about this? Is it because of how much of a rousing success the last forgetable Spider-Man series was? Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine flopped, despite Adam Kubert drawing it. In fact, the whole Astonishing line that was supposed to be built around that book and the Astonsihing X-Men flopped right out of existence, despite us being told how “It’s the greatest thing ever! You must not miss these books!!!”. Is he really so dumb as to think intelligent people are supposed to keep giving the benefit of the doubt, and paying $4.00 an issue to boot? Well, I’ll just let Wacker’s posts speak for themselves, because he answered that question pretty loud and clear.

    Nice job enforcing the rules with integrity, BD. With great power there must also come — great responsibility! One would think that the editor of Spider-Man would live by that, at least in public. New Marvel already blacklisted and basically destroyed the newsarama site for not controlling the customer opinions, so I don’t see CBR taking a stand anytime soon and putting a stop to the behavior of the insulting and condescending “professionals” (used very loosely…) like Wacker and Slott. Their solution is just to ban everybody that they start a fight with that doesn’t take their BS.

  4. @141 I believe it was both Loeb and Joe Mad that caused delays.

    Joe Mad is infamous for his delays and Ultimates 3 was no different. What made it longer was Loeb’s writing approach as he is afraid of fill-in artists taking his scripts (that are tailor made to a specific artist) he doesn’t write the next issue till the current one is finished. So Joe Mad caused delays and Loeb made them even worse.

  5. Did Joe Mad do every issue of Ultimates 3? And was it late and if so, was it he or Loeb who caused the delays?

  6. Brad I think you were more than patient and fair with Steve’s blatant trolling and baiting. It’s a damn shame that you had to kick a professional Spider-editor off of here because the idea of interacting with the creators is cool but when he is being disrespectful and constantly combative he doesn’t leave you with many choices.

  7. Suddenly I’m looking REALLY looking forward to the next podcast… even more than I usually am…

    And kinda back on topic. On the subject of Joe Mad… the man’s GOOD. He’s a favorite. But I keep bringing up Battle Chasers, because I was collecting that book, and I STILL feel ripped off… YES, even after all this time. Would have been nice to finish it.

    And I recall an Atop the Fourth Wall video of an Ultimates comic he did art for, which I lump right in with Superman: For Tomorrow and All Star Batman and Robin… two stories penciled by one of my all time favorites, Jim Lee. The point being, even awesome art can’t help a so so or crap story. Yeah, Zeb hasn’t done the book yet, but his track record is enough to cause you to not get your hopes up too much. Always room to be pleasantly surprised, however.

  8. I can say I ‘Won’t be getting this’ IN fact I haven’t picked up a Spider-man book in almost two years. But I’ll pick this up because of Joe Mad’s art.

  9. I agree with you BD it was cool that a spider-editor would stop by to chat it up.

    It’s kind of sad that it’s come to this…….

    And even sadder when I checked the site today and saw the number of comments for this story I already knew what was going on before I ever clicked the button to see them…..

  10. Somehow I don’t think that’s gonna happen now that most of the snark has been removed.

  11. And this is Steve’s third warning and now ban. The third warning was due to these lines which he knew would cause the ban.

    Stephen Wacker says:

    “Ahhh, the warnings. Often a sign here that someone’s getting too close to an uncomfortable truth. Does Kevin get a warning for “flaming” himself? I was the one saying nice things about him.”

    and he also had this line today:
    ” The rules don’t seem to be applied evenly in this thread…but everyone kind of sees that, though they can’t say it.”

    then he continued the mocking of the site with this line.

    “Not that it has ANYTHING to do with this site and it’s regulars, but I always it find it funny when someone who has even the most vaguely nice thing to say about the book or people working it and they have to preface it with a mile of “Not to get people upset, here, but…”or “I don’t want to get a warning, but…”

    I’m sure that skittishness people have about going against the grain has nothing to do with the people here and everything to do with Marvel editorial, I’m just not sure how yet.

    Maybe George can help…?”

    Well, that didn’t take Steve long to martyr himself on this thread. He had one warning from the message board, just got a second warning on the front page for personal insults.
    And now he’s talking about his warning in the thread and also being disrespectful to me and the board. So three strikes and he’s done. He can now brag that he’s been banned by the Crawlspace. Which I’m sure he’ll do at CBR where they’ll let him insult members and potential customers all day without consequences. It’s really a shame. I thought it was cool that the Spider-Editor would stop by and chat it up with the gang. A simple Defalco-ism’s like “Sorry you don’t like the book, I hope we put out something you like next time” could go damn far. Instead he comes into a site that has more visitors a month than buy ASM through the direct market each month. Why you’d be combative with that group, insult the members and piss off this webmaster is beyond me.

    As evidenced in this long thread he doesn’t give a shit. He doesn’t care about the rules or being civil.
    Here are the rules of the front page and message board. It doesn’t cost a thing to post here the only thing I ask it to respect each other and follow these simple rules.

    Onto 500 replies on this thread now.

  12. Mr. Wacker,

    Even though I haven’t been a fan of the books, I personally try to consciously critique the books and not the creators themselves. I think you have overseen some great work in the past (52 of course was brilliant, and the early 2000’s Hawkman introduced me to the character). Though we may have conflicting opinions on what makes a good story, you seem to me like a decent human being. I may not be a fan of the current status quo, but I try to treat the pro’s with respect.

    That said, it makes it quite difficult when you throw out personal attacks on these people I consider my friends. After the Dan Slott ordeal, I think you of all people should know that though our friends may say some harsh things in the heat of the moment, we’ll always be in their corner. Although some may critique the work, we generally like to give the creators the benefit of the doubt.

    Would it be so much for you to treat the Crawlspace web-heads with the same respect you would expect from us? There’s a difference between trashing the book and trashing the writer. A bad story does not make a bad story teller. When they pan the books, they are not being hostile towards you or your cohorts.

    I know that sometimes it may sting, but are they not entitled to give their honest opinion? It’s nothing personal, so please don’t try to make it so.

  13. So now you mock brad, very classy Steve.

    I think wacko wants to get banned, just so he can cry martyr to all his pals. History will not be good to this era of spider comics nor its cocky creative staff. I was supportive Steve, now I just feel bad for you.

  14. @Mr. Wacker – “Ahhh, the warnings. Often a sign here that someone’s getting too close to an uncomfortable truth.”

    Or, it’s a sign that you are breaking the rules.

    “The rules don’t seem to be applied evenly in this thread…but everyone kind of sees that, though they can’t say it.”

    Let’s pretend this is true. That’s a pretty terrible lesson to live by. “Hey, if someone breaks the rules and they get away with it, you should break them too.”

    What is this I don’t even.

  15. I just want the old Spider-man back. No magic origins. No Gwen Stacy Retcons. Not a guy who doesn’t use his head. I don’t want a book where they repeatidly tell fans they are going to have new stories involving everyone finding out who Spider-man really was then ignoring it becuase they want him umarried. I don’t want a book where they put the main character into the worst possible situation and have him do the most horrific of things by betraying all his ethics just to save his aunt who had already died before. DON’T LIE TO THE READERS. The guy in the books now doesn’t really seem like Spider-man because he’s a blank slate with no history. He has no head. DO NOT keep referencing that issue that was referred to as ‘The worst comic ever’ and joking about and about how good it was.

    Marvel just apologize for it and retcon it. Nothing in The Other, Civil War, One More Day was of a heroic character. Make it that it was somebody else. That’s why SPider-man books can’t go anywhere. It’s not the marriage or that he was single, it stuff like that. Becuase you change your main good-guy character into something pathetic and won’t do that big story. You say ‘I quit he’s not married anymore’. So we don’t get an unmasking story. We get nothing. Nobody’s going to care about SPider-island in a couple years because we don’t know who this guy is. He is the old Peter Parker who was heroic and used his head? Was he just a pathetic dweeb who never used his head and weaseled his way out of situations?

    Bring back the old Spider-man.

  16. #123 Of course not. You’re just bad at extrapolation.

    The rules don’t seem to be applied evenly in this thread…but everyone kind of sees that, though they can’t say it.

    Anyway, seems the fundraiser didn’t take. That’s too bad.


  17. @Enigma… from what I’ve gathered he’s been hanging out in Brazil until he was chosen as one of the Serpents Worthy in Fear Itself… so now he’s rampaging through South America as Nul, Breaker of Worlds

  18. @Wacker
    So asking you to respect rules is because the mods are losing an argument? Hope you never get a speeding ticket, cause I dont think the cops will like to hear that if they give you a tickets it’s because you are winning the race…

  19. @tnr105, yes I believe that was the case. I don’t follow the Hulk storylines but ever since Avengers #7 I believe, he has been trying to reform himself and has since been accepted as a member of that team

  20. *Sigh*

    So…Maybe I’ve been out of the loop for too long, but wasn’t Red Hulk a bad guy?

  21. @115… that rant, like my previous one a ways back, is always directed at the back and forth between posters and Wacker and not directed at who starts it. Just once the baiting starts, it gets out of control and all I’m hoping to see is a decline in it. Wacker can be a bit jerky in responses, but he’s not always alone, it’s the nature of online commenting. But its not my place to say these things so don’t worry about me ranting again. Brad has taken control of the situation, agreed it’d be better suited for a message board, and gave Wacker a warning this time, so hopefully it’ll start getting through. And for the record, I feel that everybody has a right to feel a bit defensive about their work, which Wacker is doing, albeit in a bit of an antagonistic way. So even if nothing negative was being said about him personally, the negativity towards the job the creative team is doing riles him up, but we all have the right to our own opinion so he should try to cope with it a little better. Sorry again if i offended you with the rant, enigma.

  22. Not that it has ANYTHING to do with this site and it’s regulars, but I always it find it funny when someone who has even the most vaguely nice thing to say about the book or people working it and they have to preface it with a mile of “Not to get people upset, here, but…”or “I don’t want to get a warning, but…”

    I’m sure that skittishness people have about going against the grain has nothing to do with the people here and everything to do with Marvel editorial, I’m just not sure how yet.

    Maybe George can help…?


  23. 114 – I fully support that notion, but don’t just look at the one shouting the loudest. I direct your attention to post 110.

  24. #109- You got me. I don’t really think Brad will pay me. If you want to find offense at everything though, you’re in the right place.

    However I do think all of you should go right now to the front page and pay him five bucks for dealing with a horrible, horrible person like me. If you raise $500, I’ll never post here again…a dream come true!

    There’s a PayPal button up top.


  25. Ahhh, the warnings. Often a sign here that someone’s getting too close to an uncomfortable truth. Does Kevin get a warning for “flaming” himself? I was the one saying nice things about him.

    And Jack thinks I should be fired! Can you even imagine?! He’s said worse though, so I suspect he’ll be fine.

    Please and thank you!

  26. @#73

    Before you make a post like this again, I want you to look back and see just how much ranting was aimed at Wacker BEFORE he showed up and started trolling.

  27. Ok Steve you had to expect this was coming with lines like this,

    “George, you have a child’s view of human behavior. I’m starting to suspect you may not actually know people.”

    and this line
    “Me mocking you has nothing to do with how the book is doing. I’ve been doing it for awhile. You do make yourself a cartoonishly easy target with your tough guy, know-it-all persona that’s even wearing thin here at your house. ”

    and this line
    “You got bigger problems than comics you don’t like, that much is clear.”

    and this line
    “Enigma, isn’t it clear yet everyone is ignoring you? ”

    and this line
    “Trying to open Kevin’s eyes to the smallmindedness of his angrily insouciant and dismissive worldview was just me being nice.”

    It’s too much. Please refresh yourself up on the rules. Specifically number 4.

    It states.
    Rule #4: Respect the people around you. NO FLAMES.

    We ask that you be as polite as possible to others around you. We all have our opinions, we all have our beliefs on things. Please be civil, intelligent conversation is necessary for this board to be a good board. Generally speaking, we don’t have this problem, so let’s keep it that way. We don’t want the board to become a ‘Beyond Thunderdome’ Battle Royale.

    This is your second warning.

  28. I have an idea. Let’s all ignore Mr Wacker, just like we all ignore Enigma. 🙂

  29. SW: Like I said at the other place, if you worked for a division run by adults, you’d be fired by now.

  30. @Mr.Wacker

    Excuse me Mr. Wacker, but I think you last comment is out of line. While I’m sure Brad loves when the fans can discuss their opinions on the book, I think maybe you should pay him for the cost of the bandwith it takes that your posts take; especially when you’re baiting other posters to continue the heated debate.

    I’m not an admin, or even a mod, but can I please remind everyone to keep this discussion relevant to the books instead of making it personal?

    Geez, leave it to the socially awkward teenager to be the voice of reason 😉

  31. I don’t care what anyone says. That “Dr. Remulak” thing was funny.

    I’m still laughing just thinking about it.

  32. 103-I don’t think it’s veiled in the least at this point.

    The difference though is that I don’t pretend to be something I’m not.

    Also, the difference is, I’m the only person who can get any discussion going on these threads.

    If Douglas should be paying anyone, it’s me!


  33. “Everytime”. Heh. What an act! I say it when you do it.

    Are you ever going to actually discuss the point I made in my original posts?

    In fact, it’s fun to contrast my first few posts in the conversations as opposed to yours. I hope you didn’t trip on anything as you lunged to convince people how bad it was all going to be and how this was all “JUST LIKE MARVEL TEAM-UP!!!”. (not that you’re constantly, predictably negative. Heaven forfend!)

    But with your “nuff said” I can tell you want this to end.

    Given how you’re coming off, I don’t blame you.


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