‘Avenging Spider-Man’ Coming in November

‘Because having the Avengers appear monthly in ASM’s just not enough!’

Marvel’s announced a new Spider-Man and Avengers title called ‘Avenging Spider-Man’ that will be rolling out in November.  The new Spidey & Avengers book will be written by Zeb ‘Shed’ Wells and drawn by Joe Madureira.

How will it mix with what Dan Slott’s doing in ‘Amazing?’  According to Wells:

“In my mind, Dan is Daddy.  I don’t want to make Daddy mad. I don’t want to spank him. If Daddy likes something we do, he can run with it.”

There are hints of other villains as well, from Avengers villains to ‘Vulture,’ though it’s not clear yet if it’ll be the Vulture or the Throw-Up Vulture.

More info at CBR.

–George Berryman!


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  1. it never ends does it…

    blah blah blah, non-spider-man-related dribble… blah blah blah, middleschool cut downs…. blah blah blah, you’re a doo-doo head… blah blah blah

  2. Re: #50


  3. @stephen wacker

    We’re as close as two consenting heteros can be without crossing the line… well, as far as posting goes, that is.

    I’m one of your favs, huh? Wow… that means… absolutely nothing to me. I think I’ve already made it clear that I don’t like you. And I’m being civil about it.

    And as for using me to make a general assumption of the whole site, that’s reaching. I don’t even have a mascot uniform. But if I did, I’d want it to be the black symbiote suit.

    Something else comes to mind… if someone isn’t directly speaking to someone else, you don’t really have any reason to respond or even speak. THIS is what constitutes ignoring? Don’t forget, the person I WAS talking to… well, you responded. And used my name, no less…

  4. KEvin, I didn’t realize Enigma belonged to you. Anyway, I do not wan him to go away. Are you kidding? He’s one of my faves and I think a perfect representative for the site.

    But except for me, People here do tend to ignore him a lot. Don’t blame me. Blame your other posters.

    The rest of your post is a master class of your usual projection and entitlement issues. I don’t believe I wrote that you didn’t care about Spider-man. That’s sort of the point. Your very defensive about what you think you’re reading.

    Sorry you aren’t digging the book, but as you grow as an artist you’ll learn what an easy and contemptuous emotion anger and dismissiveness is when it comes to art whose worst crime is trying to entertain you.

    And I do apologize that you don’t get your books for free. I don’t get movies, books or DVDs for free, therefore I pre-hate them all. That’s some good Crawlspace logic!


  5. @Wack
    I’m glad your tastes include Mr. Wells’ work, I happen to not share that point of view. Though it may not be a terrible idea to school him to one of JR’s Andy Rooney-esque ramblings on the Lizard, since the Shed arc made it fairly clear that he’s not very familiar with the Lizard’s history in the slightest. Or just let him write whatever he wants to, who cares?!?

    And the Pujol’s analogy is a little weak…c’mon, you can do better than that…

    Thanks in advance for ignoring this!

  6. #44 – Thanks for replying, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for an annihilators guesting when earthfall starts.

  7. @#43

    You ignore me… by responding?

    I’m not sure you’re clear on how this ignoring thing works.

  8. #39- At the start it’ll be Avengers, but I’d like to open it up more. So would Zeb and Joe.


  9. Enigma, isn’t it clear yet everyone is ignoring you? It’s been months since anyone took your bait.

    Brad, I was careful not to call the site negative since I know that’s the word many people here immediately jump on rather overly-defensively (protesting a bit too much in some cases, but what’re ya gonna do?). This wasn’t about not liking a book, this was about yet another dramatic proclalamtion about how apathetic one of your cast memebers is at an unarguably big announcement. If he’s not even excited to talk about news on the podcast maybe it’s time for a new gig.

    To use the baseball analogy, this is like a Cub fan bitching not only about signing Albert Pujols {shudder}, but complaing that hey even have to to discuss the signing. Sure you can do it, but that’s not to say it should be done.

    I know some of your guys though are young and still like to lead with their “angry young man” personas. They’ll grow out of it, but it’d be a nice chnage of pace if Kevin and a couple other of your players could at least pretend to keep an open mind about an ANNOUNCMENT.

    Anyway, just my opinion about the podcast. I check in from time to time to listen to the boys awkwardly talk to “Spider-Girl”, Brad’s over-laughing and most of all to hear JR’s Andy Rooney-esque ramblings (though he was mising from the last one I heard).

    You certainly know what your audience expects, so I don’t blame you for catering to their need to brag about how uninterested everyone is.

    Sorry you don’t like Zeb. Unfortunately your stuck with my tastes (yes, like I’m stuck with Kevin and George).


  10. The podcast reviews have been mixed of late. Recently, different panelists have liked different stories and it has been very unpredictable. Everyone there loves Spidey and wants to like the books.

  11. @#37

    I like to use [/sarcasm]… keeps me from confusing everybody…

    @Stephen Wacker

    .. if Marvel gets to keep YOU around, Kevin’s not going anywhere… unless he wants to. We want to keep HIM around. And are you using two signatures, or is someone impersonating you?

  12. Steve, out of curiosity what was the last podcast you listened to?
    I generally give the highest grades and Zeb Wells stuff IMO is always sub- par.
    However, I get it from a business aspect. Spidey was selling three times a month and it’s now down to two. So there is a market for another title. If you called it Marvel Team Up it wouldnt sell. However the Avengers are selling well so putting the adjetive in front of the name gives it a better chance of selling in this market. Getting Joe Mad was awesome, but why not a stronger writer to give the book a better shot? Like someone whos never written Spidey?
    Also as far as calling this place negative, please take into account the several positive reviews that are posted on the front page every week.

  13. Will this just be Spidey and the avengers or will the FF, Cosmic or the maybe Thunderbolts be featured in the book as well?

  14. #36-The RoughRiders are great.

    Other than that though, what a predictable, not-the-same-at-situation-at-all answer. (and, yes, this is your cue to counter with “you’re predictable too, Wacker. Nyah.

    I don’t expect anything to happen really since the bread and butter here by most of the regulars is proving who hates the Spidey books the most


    I would propose that it’d be a less predictable podcast if there more folks on it who didn’t groan about having to read the books…particularly one with a concept even your own show has advocated in the past (and please George, don’t try to derail things by jumping on the fact that I just said “your show. I know it’s Brad’s site.).

    Anyway, I know there’s no use in advocating for this since it goes against most of the site’s politics, but when a major creator on a major new book still causes you to race to prove your ambivalence and brag about how uninterested you are, the problem isn’t the comics.


  15. @#28…Enigma, I was being sarcastic, sorry that wasn’t clear. I dropped ASM b/c of a combo of Shed and OMIT, Shed was the worst Spidey story I’d read in a long time…and I was Zeta member for a while before that.

    @#33…Maybe its b/c I’m from Philly, a town with sports fans who have been given a negative reputation. But just b/c someone criticizes something or expresses disappointment, that doesn’t mean they ‘hate’ it, in fact, it usually means they’re passionate about it. Just look at philly sports talk radio, you’ll see that the hosts rarely discuss sunshine/lollipops/rainbows…but I doubt they ‘hate’ the Phils/Birds/Flyers/76ers…just sayin.

  16. I dig baseball – a lot – but I walked away from major league fandom a decade ago when they almost went on strike. I may do the same with the NFL if it can’t get its act together. There’s still minor league, little league, college and farm teams (Go Frisco Roughriders!)

    I still buy Archie, and I still buy trades and collections of things. Not near as much as I used to because too much of the new stuff’s so disappointing.

    It’s possible to like a sport, or a team, but be terribly disappointed in the way its being run. A fan can hope it becomes something great again someday.

  17. Brian,

    It’s me. i was on the call today.

    Hope folks dig it.

    On another note, considering Kevin’s comment, maybe it’s time to get some new blood on the podcast since it’s getting filled with people who aren’t excited about the subject matter. I mean just to mix it up so it doesn’t keep sounding like the Springfield Retirement Home for People Angry About Being Here.

    It’s like listeing to a baseball podcast starring someone who hates baseball.


  18. Wacker, you’re like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. I was literally just thinking “gee, I wonder if Wacker will be editing this so the reviews will get some attention” and bam, here you are…

    So, yeah, did they mention who the editor will be? Or do we not know that yet?

  19. I’m willing to take a shot at a review, and let BD judge.

    Jack “Mr. Noodle”

  20. @#26

    Wow… I don’t even have a snappy comeback for this one… just wow. For the record, I do NOT agree with you.

  21. So did I read it wrong, or did it say that Red Hulk will be the main person he teams-up with? Is that just for the first story arc, or for the majority of the series. And it looks like it’ll be mainly members of the Avengers team, not the New Avengers?

  22. BD Im still going to review marvel adventures spidey like we talked about, ive just been really busy. my review of issue 14 will prolly be up tomorrow though. its a mysterio story which is awesome

  23. I’d read Spider-man again if it were about characters and story. Unfortunantly it’s not and those days are gone. They refused to do stories that they actually promised people. I have to be honest. I read some of the BND stuff and it doesn’t really seem like Spider-man. I couldn’t figure out how this blank character had anything to do with the guy I read. It’s really hard to overcome the worst comic ever. It seems like the people at Marvel didn’t even care if THAT was good or not. Six years ago? Yeah, I would loved this idea. Loved it.

  24. @Brian – Well I won’t have much left to review anyway since Carnage is wrapping up (finally!) and Death of Spider-Man is drawing to its end. And then everyone is probably going to end up reviewing something for Spider-Island… so yeah, I’m probably thee least active reviewer here. 😆

  25. @Nataniel,

    Ha, good point. I assume its ultimately up to the head honcho, but that would make sense to me. They should implement a nice “/need” or “/greed” rolling system like in WoW

  26. “Hopefully they’ll be using this title as the place to show more of his team-ups and keep Amazing more Peter Parker-centric, to many of the haters delight”

    Damn those haters for wanting ASM to be about Peter Parker and not the Avengers! 8)

  27. @Brian Bradley – *AHEM* Since technically I’m the only reviewer around here that isn’t reviewing an ongoing series, maybe I should snag this one? 🙂

  28. Spideydude,
    We don’t review Ultimate, Marvel Adentures etc. So no need to review Marvel Team up 2011.

  29. Very cool, I like this idea. Hopefully they’ll be using this title as the place to show more of his team-ups and keep Amazing more Peter Parker-centric, to many of the haters delight…. does the dibs system work on reviews?

  30. I dug Mad’s X-Men stuff back in the 90s, however all enthusiasm is lost when I heard that Zeb Wells is writing. I couldn’t stand his story of Spidey in the blizzard, and I hated his Lizard eats his son story. And this does sound very Marvel Team Up vol 4 or 5 ish.

  31. I’ve got high hopes for this. It sounds like what I’ve really wanted out of Avengers since Spider-Man joined the team, which is Spider-Man centric Avengers stories.

  32. Don’t really care who writes this and what it will be about, if Joe Mad keeps drawing this then I’ll keep buying it.

  33. Firstly, I really like both the writer and artist. Zeb Wells work on Peter Parker: Spider-man was a really pleasure to read, and Joe Mad’s style speaks to me for some reason. That being said…my soap box rant:

    3 years ago I was a Marvel Zombie, but since Batman Reborn and Blackest Night my pull list has overgown a rapid alteration. While DC seem to be all about characters and story Marvel seem to only be interested in the “next big thing”. The only books left on my Marvel pull list is Amazing Spider-man, for sentimental value rather than actually loving the series.

    The no.1 complaint I here online is that Marvel won’t let a Spider-man story be about Spider-man. Amazing is basically a team-up book lately. So while DC are giving me different ways to read my books, coupled with creative teams I know can deliver quality Character-Driven stories, Marvel’s hyped up a book that for all intents and purposes is redundant. If this was Peter Parker: Spider-man by Wells and Mad I would be dropping one of my new DC #1’s to make room for it, as it is I might as well just stick to Amazing, as I’m sure Slotts has more Avengers and FF stories in him. I thought it was funny the article references Amazing as the home for the Peter Parker soap opera, I haven’t seen it there in a few months at least.

  34. I don’t want this to come off offensive, but with that quote I can’t help think of Slott as a sugar daddy pimping out Wells…

  35. For being marvel’s next big thing, this fails to capture the hype of DC’s big news. I have no interest in a Spidey title that will most likely only ship 6-9 issues a year due to the artist and that’s being generous!

  36. It sure sounds like Marvel Team-Up (just don’t call it that cause it’s not Marvel Team-Up!) but only using Avengers characters. More like Marvel Avengers Team-Up starring Spider-Man.

  37. Didn’t they cancel the other titles originally because of the belief “if its something big it’ll happen in ASM.” This really flys in the face of that doesn’t it?

    So basically its Marvel team up by Zeb Wells? Although I welcome a second book for Spidey, Wells would not have been my first(or second) choice.

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