I stumbled upon this today, I thought you guys might get a kick out of it.
[From that Marvel Strength and Fitness book]

First of all, allow me to say that I hope that this first Spider-Tracer article of 2020 finds you all well. Hard to believe that I’ve been writing these for over two years now, but […]
I’m sure somewhere along the line you’ve encountered the Spiderman Meme. Basically people have taken screen shots of the 67 spidey series and used photoshop to place images out of context. They are really quite […]
I stumbled upon this on youtube while looking at NBA videos, weird right. Anyways I thought the video was extremely well done and worth being shared.
Next time I want to let out a little stress, I’ll try this.
That is so awesome! Feel free to post any other weird Spidey stuff you stumble across.
Green pants and yellow socks equals awesome.
http://www.amazon.com/Stan-Lee-Presents-Strength-Fitness/dp/0671223127 Thats it on Amazon.com right there. Marvels attempt to get kids to exercise or something. Fun stuff.
yeah, I got this book, but of course its out in storage with about 9/10ths of my Spidey Collection. But it has a bunch of funny stuff like this page thru out it. Cool little collectable.
The cover of the book says Joe Giella.
My money says it’s not Romita Sr or Gil Kane.
Maybe Ross Andrews? I’ll look it up a date.
Do we have a date for it? I do not think it’s Gil Kane.
This is perfectly appropriate, because I really feel like screaming today.
@Don, I’m thinking either Romita, or Romita Jr. (Early) maybe Gil Kane?
Cool! Trying to figure if that’s a Romita drawing, or someone else. It doesn’t scream Romita…
OMG. So awesome. Funniest thing ever!