First Look at Lizard Scales, Aunt May and Uncle Ben

The Collider website snapped a few pictures of Rhys Ifans portraying Curt Conners and the image shows some Lizard scales on his next.

They were also able to snap a few pictures of Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben. Winning!

And we get to see Sally Field as Aunt May. As far as I know she was never confirmed for the role, but this pretty much makes it official. What do you think? 

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  1. Love the pictures, hoping it would be a great movie

    @Durabill: Martin looks like he’s in the same slope with the ground, the camera wasn’t held in the right position

  2. im feeling less and less excited about this movie… going to need something really cool to wow me… he’s a cool uncle ben but he’s one of those actors that is too well known i think… everytime i see him i’ll think “oh, martin sheen” or, “oh, its the voice of the illusive man”…not uncle ben, and she doesn’t strike me as a good aunt may either.

  3. I´m hoping they´ll do the lizard transformation well. This picture looks okay, but I´m still a bit worried.

  4. Does anyone know why Sally Field and Martin Sheen are walking on a raised surface from the sidewalk?

    Is it a movie trick for sound, or making them look taller ???????

    Just wondering.

  5. I honestly have no idea what to expect from this movie….it has a very good cast but I just don’t know what to think……

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