Spinner Rack Still in Grocery Store

Evidently this old spinner rack is still stocked with comics in this New England grocery store. This is how I bought comics back in the day and it’s nice to see one still in operation.Corey Blake recently posted this on his blog. Very nice find.

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  1. all of my comic shops have a spinner rack, but in my state they don’t have any comics in the grocery stores!

  2. There’s also spinner racks in Canada at a book store chain called Chapters. They’re usually a month or so behind, but all of the top sellings issues are there. I noticed though they didn’t stock some of the “event” series, like Secret Invasion or Siege.

  3. Before it closed recently, my local Borders had a spinner rack near the checkout line. It had all the top books.

  4. Most of the Stop and Shop chain of grocery stores in CT still have the spinner racks. I always stop to check it out. Its usually a month or two behind the local comic shops. On average its loaded with Archie, Star Wars, Sonic the Hedgehog, Scooby Doo and Ben 10 comics on one side. DC gets two sides filled with Batman, Superman, and Green Lantern books. Marvel has the final side with Avengers, Hulk and X-Men books. Sadly no ASM. Although on this weekends trip I did find Spider-Girl on the spinner rack.

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