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Spider-Captions # 148

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  1. “Quick, Devil-Ostrich! Aunt May has the flu, so we must erase my relationship with Carlie Cooper!”

  2. Spidey: Y’know, when I said I wanted a new ride, this is NOT what I had in mind…

  3. Spidey: Something I saw once on Inspector Gadget.
    Spectactor: Who?
    Spidey: Forget it. No one watches cartoons anymore.

  4. Jeez! I thought that marrying a supermodel and then undoing it, joining The Avengers and the Future Foundation and the resurrection of Norman Osborn was a stretch!!


    The Vulture has a new costume and he’s even more powerful than before!

  5. “Good thing I had a back-up plan after my web-shooters ran out of fluid. Again.”

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