Quesada Ultimate Spider-Man #160 Variant Cover

Marvel.com just sent me this press release. What do you think? Leave your two cents in the comment section.

Marvel Unveils Joe Quesada’s “Not A Dry Eye In The House” DEATH OF SPIDER-MAN Variant Cover


Death of Spider-Man, the story that everyone from ABC to MTV and FOX News are talking about, reaches its stunning conclusion this June and, to commemorate this momentous issue, superstar Joe Quesada illustrates an all-new variant cover! This powerful piece, from Marvel’s Chief Creative Officer, arrives in two different versions—the full color Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #160 Quesada Variant and the raw, penciled version for Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #160 Quesada Sketch Variant.


It’s the biggest story in Ultimate Comics history—and it all ends in Ultimate Spider-Man #160. No fan can miss out on the story that’ll have fans around the world talking for years!


Retailers, please note that this issue FOCs 5/9/11, with an on-sale of 6/22/11

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  1. Wow, I so have to buy the other issues. I’m not an Ultimate fan, but I do love Bagley’s art, and this one is rather good, touching and poignant. I love the fade effect.

  2. If he really died, it would send all sorts of signals…and paranoid, post-marriage haters (like me) would have a field day. Seeing as Peter and MJ just got back together in USM, only to kill him off. Oh, I can already feel the fan-boy rage building.

    Better for the nerves if it is just to raise the sales.

  3. Well said number one. But what if they do get rid of him? I mean, there are other verses in which he is alive?

  4. @Two-Bit Specialist
    True, I forgot about the polybag. So it will be pure luck wether you get a variant or a regular cover?

  5. Ben… Man ultimate Ben was so cool you almost hate bendis for killing him lol. This covers emotional value is amazing a picture truly is a thousand words. Big ups to quesada for drawing this good… Unfortunately the title is such bullshit that it makes me want to spit in his general direction. I am one of the ultimate universes biggest supporters and this event has been wild thus far but I really wish marvel would cease with the mind raping and just let this unfold naturally this pseudo real / fake Out cover is disheartning it sets one up for disappointment if he lives or dies oh well

  6. Were forgetting thats its Marvel. He wont stay dead..also its PETER FRICKIN PARKER! They wont let him stay dead(if he truly is dead) for long. I mean give it 6mo-1yr before Johnny Storm comes back some how.

  7. That’s a pretty damn good cover in my opinion.

    @Jack Brooks – It would make sense for it to be Ultimate Uncle Ben considering from the back side he’s got his appearance and with him being dead, it would only make sense for him to greet Peter to the afterlife. But that’s if they really do kill him off… and with the potential publicity that their already planning on having it may happen.

  8. First variant cover i might get from the ultimate line. That is, if its not grossly overpriced.

  9. I don’t want to take anything away from the cover, but as emotive as it is it also envokes a really cheap sense of shmaltz.

    If he lives, it was a fake out typical of comics. If he dies, it’s a cheap death as only the Ultimate line can deliver in an attempt to garner ratings. If this were to truly be a great story in my opinion, it wouldn’t need to go for such publicity but that’s the 21st century for ya.

  10. Well as Gerard and other have mentioned, Quesada’s weak point as an artist is that he’s not very good at drawing faces. Since those aren’t here, it probably helps. I’m not a Quesada fan by any stretch of the imagination, but this is definately one of his better covers.

  11. dr warren, it’s rather common to get a variety of artists to do variant covers, and personally I think Quesada knocked it out of the park on this one.

  12. son of a bitch! Quesada better stay away from ultimate spiderman! faaaar away! him doing variant covers is a bad omen

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