Below is a Marvel Press Release, which was sent to BD and then sent to me. Two things that make me happy: The Hoodie and the
Spider-Ben (Maydays Costume) make an appearance, to your left. To your right, you have THE JACKAL?! Holy… Crap. Do I trust Slott to handle him right? I’ll make the prediction: He’ll be closer to his 70s counterpart than his 90s. But, we shall see. I’m happy, so I’ll be happy til there is something I don’t like, or rather if there is something I don’t like. After the Jump, we’ll get the press release, including a quote from frequent commenter, Steve Wacker. (Who the hell is that guy anyway?)
11:51 CDT: Two other images are after the jump. The image is the cover of 667 to the left, and the image to the right is 668.
Marvel is proud to announce Spider-Island, the comic book event of the summer from the best-selling creative team of Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos. Kicking off this August in Amazing Spider-Man #667 (with a special prelude in #666) the citizens of Manhattan—including some of Spidey’s closest allies and deadliest foes—begin exhibiting the web-slinger’s very own powers! But as Spider-Man must stop a seemingly insurmountable super powered crime wave, he must also find out just who’s responsible for mutating Manhattan…and the truth will irrevocably alter his world. Fans will get their first full-length lead in to Spider-Island in Marvel’s special issue of Amazing Spider-Man, available for free at all participating comic shops on May 7th, Free Comic Book Day.

“Back when Slott launched Spider-Man into the ‘Big Time’ last year, he started laying the groundwork for possibly the biggest Spider-Man story you’ve ever seen,” said Stephen Wacker, Marvel Senior Editor. “The price of power is high for heroes and villains. The Avengers, the FF, Venom, Spider-Girl, Spider-Woman, the Sinister Six and even YOU are connected to ol’ Web-Head in new ways. By the end of this story, we’re going to see what Spider-Man means to Marvel Universe and just how far he’ll go to keep it safe…including some life-changing choices that have major consequences.”

Plus, don’t miss “Infested”, beginning in the pages of April’s Amazing Spider-Man #659 and setting the stage for the next big chapter in Spider-Man history
O GAWD! NOT THE JACKAL!!! That means this storyline will meander for three years and will resolve with some dead spider-villian being revealed to be the actual mastermind behind it!!! 😮
I’m looking forward to this.
And even if I didn’t, I would stay classy and civil, which is something several posters on here lack severely.
This is by far the best Spider-Man website on the internet and some of you guys are bringing it down quite a few notch in the way you are acting and speaking.
Keep up the good work BD!
@Spideydude #30 Mr. Wacker is like Beetlejuice, but you only have to say his name once.
The image with everyone putting something Spidey on is awesome
Statue of Liberty with a Spidey mask on her face? Green Goblin statue from the 90s cartoon :p
I’d call the Gwen Stacy clone as the mystery lab partner over The Jackal.
This looks interesting. As for the Jackal being in the lab next to Peter’s at Horizon. Didn’t see that coming. Nice!
Shang Chi, from the right angle, kinda looks like the kid from Crimson…
Without having read this nor planning on reading this at any time in the future, I can say with all sincerity and conviction that this will suck.
Mr Know Nothing Know It All
The Panther is wearing the Ben Reilly Spider-Man suit. Shang-Chi is wearing the Costume from Webspinners 9-11. Also known as the Costume that is seen in Spider-Man Unlimited.
@ 33/Iron Patriot: It’s the Spider-Man Unlimited costume.. but your guess is as good as mine for the skin under it. Doesn’t Iron Fist have a protege now?
@33 – To Spidey’s left are Black Panther and Shang-Chi. No clue about the costumes.
The Jackal is going to be the secret member of Horizon Labs, calling it now. Unless that has already been revealed, I’m a few issues behind 😛
In the first image,who’s that to the left of Spidey and what costume is he wearing?
I am loving Slott’s run so far. I haven’t looked this forward to an issue of ASM since I was a kid reading PPTSSM, MTU, Marvel Tales, and Stern/Defalco ASM. It is too soon to judge Spider-Island, but it sounds awful.
I think Gerard already gave this a 1/5 with 10 paragraphs in his “Ugly” section.
Wacker, the first post wins the internets today.
But I have to say: speak his name his name he shall appear.
@9: God, I need an editor, I offered Wacker the job, but recommended Brennan.
I can blame Brennan right?
@25 – More like “Two guys, one girl and some prison time”
Besides, I think she already has a creepy older guy menacing her in her own book.
I hear Mary Jane is a free-agent though. Maybe she could provide the romantic tension. 🙂
This looks so awesome!
@Brian: Now that’s just crazy talk. Arana-Girl is completely fictional, whereas Wacker and I are only partially fictional. 😉
Mr. Wacker’s posts are written out in tiger’s blood. #Winning!
Now that Spider-Girl is out of a job maybe she can be written in to offer up that highly coveted love triangle…
We can call it: “Two guys, Arana and a Crawlspace”
@Bradley: You even get the bonus “white guy and minority guy” angle that Hollywood loves!
Hell, I’d do it. SIGN ME UP! 😛
Can we get a network to pick up a TV pilot staring Gerard and Wacker living in a small two bedroom New York apartment together? Zany antics would surely as they debate the hardships of being a Marvel editor, the politics of New York city and the current state of everyone’s favorite webbed-wonder. It’s a sure fire hit.
The always delightful…
This looks and sounds like shit, but I’ll try to keep an open mind as always.
I’m excited for this storyline. I think this answers who’s in the lab next door to Peter.
Spider-Woman in the hoodie is awesome and made of win.
I thought the big summer event was Fear Itself? It would be cool to see 1970s Miles Warren though.
@#10 Or what if MJ is asking “Peter what have you done?” means that Peter accidently gives everyone Spider-powers…..maybe in trying to fix his Spider sense he screws up and gives everyone his powers or something…..either way I’m intrigued by this andexcited, I’ve loved Slott’s run so far.
@PirateBeck… very cool. I didn’t want to take the review or anything, just curious to make sure it was getting covered. I was tempted to pick up the issue in the store today but figured I’d wait to hear a review on it first. So, no pressure or anything, but my decision may be totally based on your review.
@Wacker – I prefer Iliad Fails.
Love the Ben Reily Spidey outfit and the Scarlet Spider hoodie, very cool touches.
It looks like something Slott came up with when he was 5 years old, trying to do the coolest things possible with Spidey but at the same time, looks actually quite intriguing and exciting and new to the table. As someone who isn’t interested in Slott’s run, even I’m going to be following news involving this.
Not all us haters are mind-bent on negativity!
This has got me excited! The shockers returning! one of the most underrated villains ever!
Well, I’m excited. Any word on how long this story will run?
Are there any “fails” anymore that aren’t “Epic”?
Also the original term for Epic Fail was “Odyssey Fail”. True story.
does this mean no Sinester 666? or did I forget something?
@Stuart – That Jackal cover could just be a fake out. It’s not like they are above those.
As I said on CBM, this looks like an epic fail to me. Here’s why:
– The Jackal is back? Really? Do we REALLY need the Jackal back? We’ve had so many dead villains resurrected already and most unnecessarily (looking at you, Sergei Kravinoff). Then again, Dan Slott has the Ghost of Jean DeWolff coming up, did we really need THAT? This would also explain that two-page preview where Peter was so shocked by who’s been next to him in the lab – the Jackal. Barf. Also, it’s clear the Jackal will know Peter is Spidey thanks to that pic. So Norman Osborn – NORMAN (OOH LA LA!) OSBORN – can’t remember Peter’s Spidey, but the Jackal can find out? Where’s the justice in that?
– What does anyone want to bet that these other spider-powered guys have the one power Peter currently lacks: his spider-sense? Ugh. Wait, maybe they have Peter’s organic webbing and other powers he lost post-OMD. UGH!
– That Shocker pic reminds me of that 1995 Spider-Man trading card Doppel Shock — in a bad way.
– That two-page preview showed Mary Jane with spider-powers asking, “Peter? What have you done?” There was also a pic of Doctor Octopus, still in his dying metal diaper form, with his tentacles around the Earth. What do you guys want to bet they were referring to this event with those pics? M.J. gets powers and Doc Ock is the person I’m betting gives everyone spider-powers as his “terrible revenge” promised in #600. Oy. Then again, maybe it’s the Jackal.
– This is still post-OMD/BND/OMIT/BYOB Spider-Man we’re talking about here. Dan Slott is a good writer, but I don’t like how he has been handling this post-not-the-devil-devil-deal Spider-Man. Let me know when Mephisto loses his deal and Spider-Man’s marriage to Mary Jane permanently comes back. I’m sure I can hear Marvel yelling “Not gonna happen!”
” I’m happy, so I’ll be happy til there is something I don’t like, or rather if there is something I don’t like.”
lol Isn’t that how it usually works? You got problems if you are happy if there’s something you DON’T like.
Got to admit, the upcoming issues do like rather interesting and I hope the storyline actually goes somewhere unless some of the more recent issues where the changes felt a little forced. Nice to see the Jackal returning though!
“Also, this is not Amazing Spidey related, but I saw the FF#1 issue came out today… do we have somebody picking that up to review it by chance?”
-That would be me. I will attempt to write it on the day it’s released but due to prior arrangements I had previously made, I couldn’t fit writing a review in my schedule today! It will be up ASAP!
All of this is win. 🙂
Color me excited!!!
I just noticed that… that is SO F’N HOT!!!
Also, is Spider-Woman wearing the blue sweater from the Scarlet Spider costume? Nice touch.
Finally. *$&% FINALLY!!!
Can’t wait to see how this storyline plays out. Jackal in a Spider-book =SOLD
Also, those phrases I mentioned are obviously cliched statements to get people interested, but hey, they’ve hooked me so they work somewhat.
The phrases: “By the end of this story, we’re going to see what Spider-Man means to Marvel Universe and just how far he’ll go to keep it safe…including some life-changing choices that have major consequences.” and “…and it’s Spidey’s great responsibility to keep this chaos from spreading even further! But just what will Spider-Man have to sacrifice in the process”, as well as “setting the stage for the next big chapter in Spider-Man history” have me really interested since they sort of play into my theory about what is happening with Spidey.
I’m definitely interested in these upcoming stories. Especially if they play out like I hope they do. Looking forward to this summer.
Also, this is not Amazing Spidey related, but I saw the FF#1 issue came out today… do we have somebody picking that up to review it by chance?