Ultimate Spider-Man Reviewer, No More


It is with deep regret that I must announce my resignation as regular reviewer of the Ultimate Spider-Man title for the Crawlspace.

When I first took the reins of this critique, which around the time of a transitionary period for the creative team, I felt it was the chance of a lifetime. I have been a devoted Spider-Man fan since the age of five; through comics, cartoons, and movies, I have followed his exploits and tried to model my sense of responsibility after Peter’s, often running into similar moral dilemmas. I got chills up my spine as I watched the latter half final web-slinging sequence of the first movie; that big swing from the crane, a somersault through the air, then clinging on to that flagpole was the moment where I said to myself “They did it. They brought my hero to life.” It is this passion that compelled me to jump at the chance at reviewing a weekly title had tried to convey through my reviews over the past few years. I have no regrets over any previously-published analyses of the issues. I have enjoyed the feedback you all have given me, and the allowance of extra time by Brad Douglas. However, in light of my commitment to becoming a teacher – which is no small task, I assure you – I can no longer act in the same capacity. The demands of the job conflicted with a program that leaves very little time for extracurricular activity. So, in light of this obvious fact, I have to take my leave of the review. The job demands someone who is on-point, not someone who keeps putting it off till when he has more time.

So, to my successor, my parting advice to him/her is to write with a clear voice and objective viewpoint. Put your fanfare aside and analyze the text as you see it; it’s the only way to see the material and present it in a clear light. Be honest, for that will go across a lot farther. Truth is like life; sometimes it hurts, but ultimately it is something we must all embrace. That being said, Spider-Fans, I wish you all the best of luck and I hope to see you all again in the near future. My thanks goes to Brad Douglas for the opportunity and the website to do so.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility,
Jason Larouche 

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  1. If you tackle education with the integrity that you conveyed in this parting post, I think you’ll go far as a teacher. Good luck!

  2. Thank you Jason so much for your reviews. You’ve lasted longer than anyone. You started back in 2007 with Ultimate Spider-Man #114 back before the site was on word press. He would write them up, e-mail them to me and I’d post the text and add the pictures. If you’ve like to check out his old reviews they’re located right here.

    And his other reviews are located here

    It was with a heavy heart that I had to ask Jason to step down from reviewing the book. He was running three months behind and I can under stand very well how real life can get in the way of our hobbies. It’s affected me this year a lot.

    Jason, I wish you the best and you’re going to make a great teacher. You still have an open invitation to post creator interviews or editorials anytime you’d like on the front page. Don’t be a stranger to the site.

  3. As a former teacher I understand not having the time to get these reviews out anymore. Thanks for all your hard work.

  4. Also, that comic cover is one of my favorites. When I saw the new Captain America movie poster set up in the same iconic pose as that iconic Captain America stance with the shield in front of him, I couldn’t help but think how awesome a movie poster copying this comic cover would be.

  5. Good luck with your future as a teacher. It’s the noblest and most selfless of professions, or at least should be. My father has been a math teacher for decades and has loved it.

    Brad asked me to step in and pick up the Ultimate comics (can I announce that?) so I’m looking forward to picking up where you left off. I look forward to reading all the back issue reviews you wrote to get caught up to speed.

    Best of luck again, and don’t be a stranger!

  6. I kinda had a flashback to my childhood reading this. I also grew up with the cartoons and the video games and everytime I watch Spider-Man, I still get chills with the music and the effects at the end! Man!

    Sorry to get into a tangent! Thanks for the reviews and good luck with your future!


  7. Blast, I was looking forward to teaming up with you when Death of Spider-Man started (I would have reviewed Ultimate Avengers Vs. New Ultimates). Best of luck and thanks for the reviews, they were great.

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