In this show we tackle the rest of the dozens of message board questions. Some of the highlights include:
*Could Batman beat the Green Goblin?
*What Clone Saga character was underused and didn’t read their full potential?
*Would Ben Reilly and Felicia Hardy make a good couple?
*Is Marvel or DC more progressive when it comes to gender, race, sex?
We’ve recently changed our xml feed you can subscribe to it here.
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Once you listen to the show review it on this thread on this thread on our message board.
In case you missed any of the other February shows here they are.
Podcast 127
Podcast 128
Podcast 129
Wow…someone asked me which I would choose, I choose one, and I get chastised for it…how odd! Just because I’m a teacher doesn’t necessary mean I’m going to subscribe to every theory religiously!
Rich, I’d ask who you are, because I have no clue, I’m assuming you go by a handle on the boards. Please, I have no clue who you are.
Already downloaded the February podcasts but haven’t been able to listen to them yet. After Rich’s angst-coated screed and the positive reaction from the forums I can’t wait to finally hear them!!
Wow, Rich. Your little rant had me worried about this episode with the “intelligent design” topic but when I listened and saw that it was only like a one minute long discussion… only addressed by Stella really, I fail to see what you are so offended about. The only thing ignorant about it all is the fact that you think you have the right to attack someone else’s opinions and beliefs. Sure, religion and stuff doesn’t mix with comics, but this is their podcast, it was a question that was asked and real briefly addressed, and you completely blew it out of proportion by attacking their views. You obviously came back after your 18 months off with a negative outlook and were looking for an excuse to hate it again. Do you really think this was an appropriate way to express yourself? Talk about making mountains out of molehills.
After a self-imposed eighteen months away from The Crawlspace, following a disagreement with Kevin over the rights and wrongs of calling for the death of senior Marvel editors, I returned to listen again recently. This episode went some way to showing me that I was correct to leave in the first place.
First we have one member of the panel condoning the killing of all criminals and the bombing of foreign countries who have a dispute with the US. Then we have a member of the panel (the one often referred to as the most intelligent one and a TEACHER, if I remember correctly) stating that they reject evolution and subscribe to intelligent design.
While it is quite common for other members of the panel to disagree with opinions given during the discussions that centre around the latest issue of a Spider-Man comic book, nobody saw fit to challenge either of these shockingly ignorant views.
Why are these subjects even being raised on this podcast? Since when does reading a few hundred Spider-Man comics entitle you to broadcast ignorant and uninformed opinions on matters of such importance? You are obviously entitled to hold reactionary, violent and ill-informed opinions, but do you really think this is an appropriate forum from which to deliver them?
I know from past experience that there is little point in disagreeing with members of the podcast crew and hanging around to debate the point. So I’ll be taking my leave for the second, and last, time. Just to let you know, you guys certainly do a good job of reinforcing the stereotype of the ignorant, isolationist, bible-belt Midwesterner.
Excuse me, when Batman killed the Hugo Strange beast it was in Batman 1 story 2, that was sometime after the introduction of Robin in Detective Comics 38
Before having Robin as his sidekick, Batman used the gun in 2 or 3 issues
Jesus! What a fast turn around. And all the while recuperating from surgery! A round of applause for BD!