BD Health Update #2

Thank you all so much for the posts, e-mails, calls and texts. I’m doing great. I came out of the heart surgery a-ok and I’ve got a healthy ticker now. I’m on the mend and am going back to work on Monday. I’m taking the next 48 hours to heal up and get some strength back. In the meantime you can tell I’m feeling better because this proud pappa is showing more cute Ava pictures. This was taken last Saturday at our local comic book convention Hurley Con. Ava went in her Spider-Girl outfit and I wore my black suit t-shirt. Thanks again everyone!

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  1. Good to see you up and around again BD – but I just can’t help but think that you’re desperately exploiting Ava’s cuteness – hoping that her adorability will somehow transfer to you….

  2. Awesome news and a very heart warming picture. Ava just gets cuter in every pic! Can’t say the same about you but you definitely look like a proud dad. I hope you continue recovering at a speedy rate. Don’t let the shirt convince you into biting off any arms, even if you spit it out it is still cannibalistic and wrong!!

  3. Great that you’re doing better. Just remember now’s the best time to get people to do stuff for you. Don’t waste it =P

  4. Enough about this unimportant stuff Brad … we all want to know one thing: what does all this mean for your 5-Dew-a-day habit? IS THIS THE END OF BRAD DOUGLAS’ LIFELONG RELATIONSHIP WITH MOUNTAIN DEW?!

  5. Glad to have you back and glad everything went so well. Ava is too freakin’ cute! I love the Spidey dress.

  6. Glad ot see you doing better and that the surgery went off really well. 😀

    Try to take it slow for a while before you get back to work. You know to make sure that your heart is working properly. 😀

  7. Glad to hear everything worked out. Make sure you rest and spend as much time as possible with that adorable little girl!!

  8. I Knew The Chief Was Gonna Make It All Right!! Besides That Little Chief Is CUTEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I’m glad to hear you’re doing well, Brad. I hope you get better soon and wish you and your family nothing but the best. Take care, buddy.

  10. Great to hear you’re doing well BD! It only makes sense your daughter makes your heart feel better 😉

  11. Great news, Brad! Glad to hear you’re doing ok, and came through everything alright. but let’s get one thing straight…

    Were you healed by the doctor, Mephisto, or the Power of Love?

  12. Glad your doing better. If i was you I would milk it though and stay home from work for weeks and weeks. Unless They wont pay you.

  13. Good to hear BD and even though it sounds like I’ll be repeating what everyone else is saying but I don’t care, Ava looks adorable. Now onto you…

    Guys, pull out the boom box and some Lady Gaga, we gotta get that symbiote off of Brad!

  14. Fred- Nope the doc said on Monday and he’s done me right so far. But thanks for your kind words about me and Ava.

  15. Glad you are doing well BD but i have to ask, is it kind of soon for you to go back to work? I don’t know much about the procedure you went through but i though maybe you might need more time.

    Anyway, God Bless you and your daughter looks adorable.

  16. Can you confirm or deny that the black & white symbiote you’re clearly bonded to in the posted picture has in any way affected your recovery? Or is its parasitic nature countered by the “OMG cute lil’ girl!” with you?

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