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Amazing Spider-Man Classics Podcast #22

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Origin Sequence in New Movie?

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  1. Hey, I just noticed that if you look VERY closely you can see that this version will utilize Web Shooters.
    There is a tiny metal slit on each wrist. I’m at least happy about that. 🙂

  2. “Every time a photo is posted, it seems a ton of people were just waiting to hate it.”

    So if people don’t like it they should what… lie and say that they so Zadom won’t throw “haters gotta hate” at them? Or just not comment while anyone who does like it is more than free to do so on Planet Zadom?

  3. I’ll reserve judgement.
    Not excited about the costume…but it could be worse. Look at Green Lantern!

  4. well, it’s over. The movie is officially gonna suck. I showed my 4 year old daughter, who is getting married to the Tobey Maguire version of Peter Parker, this pic and she said she didn’t like it, with no provocation from her father. Out of the mouth of babes!

  5. I wish they would stop changing the costume. I would be happy with the original one. Hollywood neds to keep things true to the book, instead of screwing things up by taking artistic licence.

  6. I liked Maguire AND the other suit better.


    I’m gonna reserve harsh, stinging judgment for when they take a pic of it undamaged, in daylight so we can see the d*** thing. WITH A MASK.

  7. I don’t like it for the simple fact that it looks too professionally done. It doesn’t look like a costume a high schooler could cobble together in his bedroom. Now, if they could explain why it looks so “artsy”, then perhaps I’d buy it more (if I remember, they are going down the Ultimate route and I don’t read Ultimate Spider-man at all).

  8. I really like this costume. I couldn’t stand the silver webbing in the first 3 films and I love how its back to the basics for the costume design.

  9. @ Steerpike

    LOL, the position of his right leg in the image you provided, looks like….oh nevermind. -_-;;

    Garfield in costume….actually not bad in my opinion. It could have been a lot worse and I think he captures Parker in this photo…especially if compared to the conclusion of Amazing Fantasy 15. But that’s just me…


  10. Doesn’t help that the suit is damaged in the first screen shot. I’m more worried about how the mask is gonna look…

  11. I can almost deal with most of the changes but “no belt no Spider-Man”!!!

    The Maguire suit was perfect. I agree bigger eyes could have been a possible improvement on the old costume.
    It’s refreshing to see a slim Spider-Man though.

  12. what I don’t get is the “it looks like he coulda made it” remarks. Unfortunately, I feel as rich as Peter and I think that look costs a lot more than a needle and thread. To me, looks like he coulda made it would be what the majority of what people at cons wear.

  13. I like it. It looks more like one guy made it, unlike the old Spidey suit, which was clearly professionally made

  14. …I just like that it has web-shooters… I’ll hold final judgment until we get a promo pic of the suit, untattered, in daylight, compete with mask.

    Still, my spidey-sense is telling me to be cautiously optimistic.

  15. I don’t think this image is NEARLY enough to start saying “This movie will suck, AND THIS IS WHY.” It’s mostly the same. They can’t eff up the mask either. I do wish the Spider-Belt was still there. I don’t give a **** about the gloves, they’re alright.

  16. …yeah… no. The look of the costume says “trying too hard.” The Spider Symbol look a little like the “Tron Spidey” costume from the Big Tim arc (like with the spider design running all the way down to the stomach).

    Well I don’t hate it completely, though I’m not digging it too much. The Rami costume kept the classic set up while making it modern. So this, I don’t know. I might come around, but as it stands right now, I hope it is only his prototype suit. I will admit that he does look good as Peter, so that’s a plus. And the Web shooters are back. Not a plus nor a minus for me. I personally liked the organic webbing from the movies, but the shooters are true to the comic. Though the “I’m out of web fluid” set up can be seen from here.

    Btw, impossible to make the comic come to life? BAM!:

  17. Developing on my previous comment, just realised how poor the gloves are :/ So thats 2 improvements needed: belt and gloves.
    I can just see the mask being dead controversial..

  18. The costume looks close to what the House of M costume looks like. Part of me doesn’t mind the look but I hope they do some more work on it. On the other hand I mean… I of course expected the classic look.

    I have to see more and the costume still needs more work but besides that I’ll try to live with it.

  19. OK. They couldn’t keep the same as the last films, so why people say about that is irrelevant really.
    I think it’s decent. I like how undefined it is – it looks more gritty. The only problem I have is the absence of the red “belt” around his waist. It misses it severely and with it would have looked like a cool new version of the classic costume. So that’s my only (big) complaint. But he looks great as Spider-Man.

  20. I like it. It looks like it will look good in a fight scene or web swinging scene. Doesn’t look like flannel pajamas but a genuine superhero costume. Every time a photo is posted, it seems a ton of people were just waiting to hate it.

  21. I don’t love or hate it. It’s clearly based off of the Ultimate Spider-man design.
    I accept that they had to do a few things different. I’ll reserve my final judgment for the full reveal.
    The Raimi films really set the standard for Comic to film superhero suits. I really didn’t expect them to do any better so I’m not really disappointed.
    I don’t think anyone can really get any worse than the X-men or Daredevil films have costume wise. =/

  22. I REALLY hate how the spider legs go allllllllllll the way down his stomach, and I don’t like the textures, or the patterns, or anything. Why mess with something that was already perfect? 🙁

  23. I know u can’t see me right now but I’m crying from pure sadness right now. For the 1st time since they announced this reboot I’m questioning whether or not I will go see this movie I’ve been disappointed on the reboot the cast and now this butt ugly costume if the trailer doesn’t THRILL me I might be done. And Ima guy who can get past a lot but I don’t think I can move passed this im going into this movie with low low low expectations right now.

  24. I Agree With George The Spider bugs the crap out of me the gloves are alright but can be better

  25. @George – Look, I’m not here to start an argument. Just know that I don’t appreciate the condescending tone.

    I don’t mind that the suit is not “comic book perfect.” If they get one detail wrong that doesn’t really matter in the big scheme of things, it’s okay. It’s not automatically trash.

  26. Hmm. Initial reactions are that it looks like an even younger Harry Osborn from the previous trilogy and that Spider-Man would NEVER be walking home from school in costume, but with his mask off. Then I realize not to take it TOO seriously and simply looking at what iconic subjects they decided to include along with some of the design choices, I have to admit that I will be staying tuned as a loyal Spidey Fan. However, I will not have the same excitement as I did for Day 1 of the first Spidey flick. Cheers!

  27. Okay, let me get this out of the way:

    Andrew Garfield looks GREAT — as PETER PARKER. Seriously, he looks so much like the Spectacular cartoon version of Peter, it’s scary. I’m also digging his hair in this picture compared to the previous photos with him and Gwen Stacy, where he looked like Edward Cullen as a homeless bum. I’m going to have to be sold on him being Spider-Man though, but hopefully he’ll do a Tobey Maguire and prove to me he’s perfect in the role.

    In regards to the web-shooters peeking out of the gloves a little, I can’t WAIT for those! I love the web-shooters! I actually missed them in Raimi’s movies. It’ll be a whole new ball game when “oh, crap, I’m outta webbing — not NOW!” situations kick in, but hopefully just once in a while and they don’t over do it.

    As for the Spider-Man suit itself… eh…

    It could be good, but so far, I’m not impressed. I am not digging the new web-pattern, as, like others have said, it’s not well-defined enough. This actually reminds me of the Superman Returns suit, with the patterns on the red and blue areas of the suit, and it’s driving me nuts. Also, the spider chest emblem with the dagger-point-shaped butt and long legs that go down the suit are more Ben Reilly suit than Peter Parker suit in my opinion. Also, it looks like either the belt is gone from the front and is only on the back or that maybe the back red spider emblem peeking through, as you can clearly see some red at the sides of his waist where the belt pattern of the suit would be.

    Also, I am genuinely nervous for the mask. I hope they go the John Romita Jr./Alex Ross “Marvels” mask route for the movie, and they don’t mess it up.

    I’m with Captain Cheesesteak: I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it. And since Spider-Man has THE best superhero costume in all of comics, that’s not a good thing. 🙁

    Oh, and one more thing: for the love of Stan Lee, I hope Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man MAKES SOME JOKES IN FIGHTS THIS TIME!!! Is that REALLY so much to ask?

  28. “I just don’t understand some of you guys sometimes.”

    In life you’ll find that some of the other 6.8 billion people on Earth will agree with you while others, shockingly, may not.

    I don’t like the chest design. Yes, it’s slashed, but you can still see the basic spider design and I don’t find it pleasing. I *hate* the glove design.

  29. ok looking at suit it in detail, the spider has been slashed,

    it looks ok, just need a trailer before we make any decision

  30. I don’t hate it I don’t love it.
    I think it’s weird that it’s the same kinda material that the other spidey suits were made from. I’ll hafta see if this grows on me, but I really liked the Maguire suits, they ciulda just made the eyes bigger if they wanted a fresher look.

  31. I like it.

    Is it perfect? No it can’t be since it’s impossible to make the comic come to life but I think it looks damn cool. To me it’s easily recognisable as Spider-Man with lots of neat little touches that say “this could work in real life”.

    The no mask thing doesn’t bother me in this pic as he has a backpack so it’s clear he’s either taking off the costume or putting it on. If he take it off at the end fight I will be pissed though.

  32. Remind me a bit of the “House of M” costume. But the costume pointing toward his… thing… Did he got inspiration from one of those “the man/the Legend” shirts ?

  33. I think it looks great. When they were going on about the costume looking like a boy in his room did it, I was concerned, but this is honestly looking good.

    I just don’t understand some of you guys sometimes.

  34. If u look at the back his wrists closely, you can see webshooters. Zoom in and it’s easier to see. I like the material, but I don’t like the design. The logo and how it goes down to his junk to be honest. Then again, it’s clearly after a beat-down, so who knows.

  35. Skinny, Steve-Ditko-Style Body: OK
    Looking sad, the weight of the world on his shoulders: OK
    Costume: Look Tim and Daniel

    Hope dies last……..

  36. I like the colors. Glad there’s no shiny webbing, as I thought that was too distracting.

    There needs to be more defined web patterns in it. Looks too scruffy. Need the mask too. If they for a minute pull the “Let’s take off my mask during a fight!” again, I will walk out of the theater.

  37. Uh…Please tell me it’s supposed to be the proto suit? Akin to the wrestling costume in the first Raimi film? To

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