The Amazing Spider-Man Classics Podcast #21

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Spidey fans all ’round! While you wake up to look under your trees and into your stockings, if you peruse your iTunes account you should find out that the ASMC Podcast is back in the game!

Jon, Josh, Donovan and their guest Eddie deAngelini tackle the second Spider-Man Annual that features Doctor Strange, but only after going through e-mails with a certain guest Webmaster of a certain Spider-Man website. Then, a sad day in the show’s short history of reviewing the Ditko era arrives in the breakup of Peter and Betty in ASM #30. Can she possibly redeem herself after issues of being a two-faced shrew? There’s only one way to find out, so get to clicking and enjoy this de facto holiday episode!

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  1. Glad you enjoyed it Heartburn! It was really long mostly because it was uncut partly for a treat after the hiatus, and partly to get it out faster. Go to the boards and let us know what you think!

  2. Wow, this was my first time actually listening to this podcast and I really enjoyed it. Even though it was really long (it took me close to two days to listen to it considering I didn’t have the time to listen to it all in one day) I really thought it was fun and humerous for most parts. Going to keep my eyes out for the next one and see if I can catch up on the podcasts over the next few months. Great job guys.

  3. “I want a man who has a good, steady job–who comes home each night, to his pipe and his paper, his Hobgoblin Glider–and to me!” 🙂

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