Spider-Man film to include Peter Parker’s Parents

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Marc Webb’s upcoming Spider-Man movie will include both Richard and Mary Parker. Campbell Scott has signed on to play Richard, while Julianne Nicholson is in talks to play Mary. There’s also news that Irrfan Khan has been hired to portray a villain named Van Atter. What could this mean???

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  1. Irrfan Khan’s wiki entry says Van Atter/Morlun. It probably BS that someone put up there about Morlun, but if not why put him in this new movie when this is suppose to be a reboot and starting for the beginning.

  2. They are certainly trying their hardest to make this seem much bigger than the first spider-man movie was, but I still maintain the impression that it would have been more suited as a tv series. If Mary and Richard is going to make an apperance, it will probably just be in a flashback (they can’t stray too much from the original after all).

  3. I agree with Kevin on Web-Head’s back story idea for the new movie. Maybe it won’t be as bad as some think it will be after all, just saying is all?

  4. My guess is that Nels Van Atter will only be the character in name since he is so minor. I’m guessing he will be taking a more Ultimate Bolivar Trask kind of role, being responsible for Peter’s parent’s deaths in a plane crash. Because you know they aren’t going to be SHIELD agents for this. Dr. Connors could have worked with the Parker’s and lose his arm in the same plane crash and go after Van Atter as the Lizard. Peter would be conflicted having to save his teacher and friend from the guy who killed his parents.

  5. Its funny, I picked one of the more obscure Goblins to name myself off of when I joined this board a few months back and now it looks like he might be in the new film. Talk about bizzare coincidences.

  6. InsaneJonny brought this update to my attention on the boards here, and as everyone has speculated Van Atter must be Nels Van Adder, aka the Proto-Goblin…could we possibly have the Proto-Goblin without Norman? That would be weird…you’d at the very least need Stromm in the film if they want to stay near comic book continuity…

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