Slott Speaks Out and Blames Crawlspace

Dan Slott has posted on his formspring account a reply to the recent incident where he told a fan to go F-himself. Slott does not regret the decision and blames it on having a bad day which we all have.
However, he decided to make another public shot at the Crawlspace. He claims someone from this site or somewhere on the internet told him to “die in a fire.” I have searched the front page and message board and can not find that quote. If you have a link e-mail me. The person will be banned instantly. However, Slott still thinks this is the Mos Eisley of the Spider-Man community. Where a “wretched hive of scum and villainy” live.  So what do you think about these recent comments? Here’s the quote from his site.

The guy apologized. He was VERY nice about it. He apologized publicly in the forum. He reached out to me in a private message, I accepted his apology, he was happy, and CBR took the posts DOWN. This really was an over-and-done-with-issue… Until a Spider-Man message board– with a history of mods, admins, and posters saying a far greater volume of insulting things about Marvel employees– picked this up and ran it on their front page just to stir-some-shit. And it worked. Bleeding Cool picked it up to stir-some-more-shit. And guess what? Shit got stirred. To me, one of the funniest things about this WHOLE turn of events– is how so many posters FROM that Spider-Man message board have been the MOST vocal about this around the net– clutching their pearls, falling on their fainting couches, and writing lengthy Emily Post-like suggestions for how I should comport myself online– especially the guy who ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS has said that myself and others in the industry should “die in a fire”. Yeah. I’m taking protocol advice from that guy. *golf claps all around*

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  1. I’ve been off the site all day. Lots to clean up in this thread.
    First off Cyberghostface has been instantly banned. He impersonated Dan Slott on the front page here. There is a three strike and your out rule here, however if you impersonate anyone that’s an instant ban. He didn’t have any previous warnings before the impersonation.

    Secondly, I have no idea who edited that garbage on Dan Slott’s wiki page. It was not the staff of the Crawlspace I can tell you that much. However, that sure didn’t stop Mr. Slott from instantly blaming the site yet again for the change. From what I read of the post it was very anti-crawlspace so could it be that it might be a member that has been banned here? Sounds logical to me.

    Webswinger 3000-You make some good points, however you’ve been banned yet you came back to post? I’m blocking your IP from the front page but leaving your post in tact.

  2. @145
    Alright alright Ill ammend my comment, maybe Oberon king of the fairies (or Lord of the third race if your a Gargoyles fan) did it.

  3. Yes, I for one I am really enjoying the last two issues 647-648. I think artists and creators can have rough public personalities, as long as they can write stories that sell. I think this is most simply a case where a creator (and supporting his editor) are not handling dislike of their comments well. What should they care what people on the internet think if they are doing their job well enough to meet sales goals? This whole thing is getting very strange to me.

  4. Of course not all change is good. Some change has been horrible, however with a revolving pulp like Spidey, if things didn’t change things would get stagnant. I mean, I’m a Scarlet Spider fan for God’s sake so I know that I’m on the outside here. I guess I’m sort of a bad fan when it comes to Spidey because I’ll give just about anything a try. I had read on the site about someone’s extreme dislike of the new Spider-girl. So much so that they wouldn’t even try the book because it wasn’t May. I think the new book can be a blast and because things aren’t going how us fans would like them, we refuse to give new things a try. I for one would hate to ever write Spider-Man because I love the character too much. I’d have him eating wheat cakes with May and Ben and playing Battleship with his clone. That would suck. So I try to just enjoy the new things for what the are and remember my favorite moments in my years of being a fan. I also mean no disrespect to this site or its community. Love what you love, it just may not be for everyone and that completely cool.

  5. @ #127:

    Hey, hey!!
    Don’t drag me into this wiki stuff!!

    ~~Delta House member Gremlin

    @ #143:

    Well, I’ve been a fan ten years longer
    than you have, and I say not all change is good.

  6. “I ended up dropping the podcast and avoiding the site because it did seem to me very negative of most current spidey stuff.”

    And yet despite being ‘very negative’ the podcast crew do truthfully point out when they like something. In the next podcast that got recorded yesterday some positive remarks were even said about #647-#649.

  7. I hate to say it, but I try to avoid this site. Its hard cause it still stands as a shrine to Spidey. It’s obvious that lots of hard work went in to making this site what it was. I ended up dropping the podcast and avoiding the site because it did seem to me very negative of most current spidey stuff. I’ve been a fan of Spidey for 30 + years, before I could read even, and I’ve seen tons of change. I like change. I feel that it keeps the character fresh. New folks need to put Ole Pete through his paces. It seems like this Slott issue will further tarnish that site that was a game changer for fan sites.

  8. “Just so you guys know, George once told me to die in a fire. The post was quickly edited and removed, but George faced no reprimanding. Typical CrawlSpace.”

    I’ll take “Stuff That Never Happened” for $1000, Alex.

  9. OK, so let me see what is going on.

    Dan Slott is being defensive about any criticism about his work.
    Steve Wacker is saying silly comments to bait folks.
    The Bears cannot tackle.
    Wikipedia has some facts incorrect.
    An internet forum has members criticizing other members.

    Is there anything new here? Nope…moving on.

  10. If I ran a website it would have as much free speech as Dr Doom’s Latveria. Ahhh…. the joys of tyranny. 😀

  11. Ah what the hell, I’ll throw my hat in the ring here again. Not that any of you remember me or even care what I have to say, but I’ll say it anyways:

    I used to post in the forums on here in the summer, til I was banned. Now I basically don’t agree with all the rules, and I was banned because I was defending someone who Steve Wacker, (yes that one) was arguing with, I believe. Now don’t ask me what it was all about, because at this time I can’t even remember. Anyways, I got a warning for discussing this when Kevin told people not to anymore, and the subject was closed in the forum. Anyways, I have an issue listening to rules, so I said a snide remark about this not being my last warning, and Kevin banned me. Of course, I can see it his way, and understand he was only enforcing the rules, but I think he takes this job a little too seriously, and I don’t agree with all the rules this site has. I could probably try coming back, but I’m mouthy and would end up banned again, and I also don’t feel like I read enough Spiderman comics to be here. Anyways, with that all said now, I’ll get to the point.
    This website is run fairly, as fair as the mods see it, and though I may disagree with somethings they do, (as I’m sure a few others disagree as well), it is the best Spiderman forums out there from what I have seen, and never do the mods here allow insults to be thrown at creators or writers. So with that said, either Danny is lying through his teeth and knows it, (and is simply stirring the pot some more) or he is sadly mistaken. I can never see Berryman telling someone to die in a fire, it’s just not his style, and while Kbox, COULD have said such a thing, it wasn’t here, because a mod would definitely have spotted that, or if not a mod, then a regular user would have reported it to the mods. Now what these guys do on other sites, doesn’t at all reflect the Crawlspace, so Danny blaming this place for that, and blaming it for the fake accounts, is grasping at straws. Although at this point, I 75% believe Danny IS just trying to stir the pot, and Wacker is, well he’s just being himself still. Now as for the guy in these comments who said everyone on Crawlspace is negative and complains about everything….I can agree with that to an extent. I do find mostly a lot of people on here complain and point out various flaws within Spiderman, (looking for them at times) although to be fair, I never saw what they said before the OMD/BND era started, so perhaps the comics just simply got worse, or the members here really do like to complain. I’ll leave that up to you to decide.
    BUT at the same time….who’s to say they are wrong? It’s obvious they’re all very passionate about this fictional character, and saying that outloud seems strange, but isn’t that why there are fictional characters in the first place? Aren’t we supposed to get attached to them, and upset if we feel they’ve been wronged? Maybe it’s not that the people here like to complain and are so negative, maybe it’s just the fact that they are more passionate than others on the internet, and that is why they seem so negative. They only want what is best. And they all would probably make a hell of a writing team someday for the real Spiderman.
    Anyways, I’ve dabbled on long enough. While I don’t agree with all the rules here, and how certain things are handled, I do see Crawlspace’s side in this matter. And quite frankly, Danny is either stirring the pot, or he’s just a little pussy. Oh and if you see this, Dan, it’s not the Crawlspace calling you that, it’s just some guy on the internet who you should ignore. Maybe it’s time you learned how to do that.
    And finally…..if my comment here gets deleted, then free speech does not exist in the Crawlspace. But I’m pretty sure it does. So if this comment stays, that basically proves it. Thank you very much, gentlemen.

  12. *sigh*, alright you got me. But I’ll have you know, I’ve moved out of Des Moines several years ago!

  13. Hi, guys. I hope everyone’s having a good weekend, including Mr. Wacker and Mr. Quesada.

    And thanks to Venomaniac @#89 for correcting what I meant to say in my earlier post.

    Have a great night, everyone! 😀

  14. Piss off #131. We know you’re probably Bob Schmuckstein from Des Moines. Joe Quesada has better things to do than troll the crawlspace, like take drawing lessons. 😉

  15. I have to say….when I first started reading this thread, something about “die in a fire” rang a faint bell…
    Then, in #96, “Dan Slott” says it was George Berryman…
    Damn if that didn’t ring the bell a bit louder.
    I seem to recall hearing him say that when he was a guest on the podcast. I can hear his voice saying it….
    I’m not trying to stoke anything here, I think the CS is outstanding, and George is a top-notch guy and funny as hell.
    But I do seem to recall thinking “Jeez George, that’s a bit harsh!”

  16. If thats not Dan Slott, than we can never know whats real anymore. Am I the real Butters911? yes I am. I couldnt find someone who wanted to pretend to be me 🙁

  17. Not to mention, my friend who hates retcons
    will be sad to know he’s “under-educated”….
    My friend, ya know, who’s a Doctor of Philosophy
    and Psychiatry…
    Oh, well…he’ll live, I guess, uneducated though he may be…

  18. @Derek

    And yet you felt we were SO IMPORTANT, that you had to take away from your busy schedule frequenting said sites to come and tell us this? If we’re so unimportant, why bother with us at all?

    And are you guys REALLY going to try to top the last thread count?

  19. @ #115

    “Under-educated”?? Dag, all those years of college for what?!?
    And if you must discuss edumacashion and intelligencious, Brad
    never ever “let’s” posters run amok as you said. And using one brush
    to tar everybody is pathetic….doncha know?

    F A I L ! Big, fat fail.

  20. WE told Him To Go F-Himself?!?!? Kevin Issued Deaeth Threats?!?!? I Used To Do All My School Papers based on Reaserch From Wikipedia But That’s Pile Of (Excuse My French Here) SHIT!!!

  21. Ok, so it’s not Dan slott…
    Can we do something about this please? We had a fake Stan Lee and now a fake Dan.

    Jeez, what’s next?

  22. @Derek
    If CS is such a laughinstock then how come to quote Bertone

    by BertoneBeatle » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:05 pm


    I’d say Crawlspace isn’t as alone or as much of an outcast as some like to make you believe..

    I don’t want to be arrogant…I don’t want to brag….but for the sake of this thread,

    * Crawlspace is one of the few fan-sites (as oppose to news-sites) to actually get press passes for cons and events.

    * The podcast is the longest running Spider-Man podcast and by far the most popular. I’m privy to things like download numbers and there are plenty of other big non-Spider-Man podcasts that Crawlspace eclipses in downloads.

    * Peter David, Tom Defalco, Joe Quesada, Dan Slott, Stan Lee, John Romita Jr, JMD…I COULD GO ON! What do they have in common? They have all been on the Crawlspace podcast. You can’t downplay the popularity of the site when it’s had big names like that.

    * What do Joe Quesada and Stan Lee have in common? They both ran Marvel Comics. What else do they have in common? They both congratulated Brad on the birth of Ava Marie. Joe actually did it on the phone with Brad during San Diego. Crawlspace was also the first site to interview Joe on OMIT. A mod on another Spider-Man board once told me in PM “I don’t know why Quesada would bother with a site like Crawlspace”. Well he did.

    * During San Diego, I mentioned Crawlspace to people like Bendis and they were very familiar with it. It wasn’t in a derogatory way either. If we were a minor site why would we be recognized by the big guys?

    * Josh Keaton, voice actor of Spider-Man, texts Brad on his personal number from time to time.

  23. I used to be a big slott fan steve and have communicated with him over twitter in the past pleasantly enough, even when he did mock my friend for saying he thought it was cool of Slott to tweet me.

  24. You guys realize this website is the laughing stock of comic book websites, right? Other sites that are actually “intelligent” actually look down and mock this site for it’s group of “Crazies.” You people that are obsessed with all things negative associated with Spider-Man. You people are pathetically under-educated, with your bad fan fiction and comic reviews that I recall once actually had one critic use the phrase “FUCK THAT!” in regard to a ASM comic review. Yes, it actually said that, throwing all legitimate credibility out the window. Sad, sad, sad is what this pathetic site is. Brad let’s the posters here run rampant, and the site goes to hell.

  25. Ok Dan, first you claim K-Box told you to “go die in a fire” and now you’re saying it’s George. In the future maybe you should keep your “I’m the innocent victim” stories straight.

  26. It’s not Slott everyone, from his twitter

    23:47 Wow! Lurked on a certain message board for the LAST time. I added BlockSite to my main computer and blocked their site a while ago, now I’m- (RT, ¶, @, ☆, #)
    23:48 -going to do the same 4 my laptop as well. Unbelievable. On the SAME thread where they’re saying “No one from our site would EVER vandalize-

    23:49 -Slott’s Wiki page, we’re just NOT like that here. Yet on the SAME thread a poster has signed on w/ a fake alias and is pretending to B me!-

    23:52 -Seriously. Bad enough you guys make stuff up left and right, claim we do things we’ve never done in the book, take cheap shots at Joe and- (RT, ¶, @, ☆, #)
    23:53 -the editorial and creative team… But– You know what? I’m done even bitching about it. Whatever. (RT, ¶, @, ☆, #)

    Oddly enough its OUR fault someone is PRETENDING to be him and TRYING to get someone slott doesn’t even like fired.


  27. A logical person would never wish another person would die in a fire, no matter how emotional they are. That seems insane. On that same token, I think Slott should produce some proof (a cache or something?) to back up his claim.

  28. 95-not what I am implying. I am not saying for them to listen to everything I say and that they should do it. I do not want or expect for them to kneel before me and plead for my cash. I am stating that how they comport themselves online is a turn off for me and asking if they feel it is in their best financial interests to go out of their way to stoke internet ire.

  29. Re 108
    I agree as well, though K-Box can be a bit boistrous (though he does back EVERYTHING up with facts and figures)
    But even the most logical person CAN let their emotions get the best of them sometimes. I think right now it is highly improbable…but not necessarily impossible

  30. I know Venomaniac, I’m just pointing out what doesn’t add up. I find it hard to believe that K-box, the man who backs everything up with facts and figures would resort to pointless personal attacks.

  31. Re 106

    If K-Box told Mr. Slott to go die in a fire, it wasn’t on Crawl Space. Myself and a few others have checked his posts

  32. @96 So allegedly Berryman told you once to die in a fire

    But in your formspring you said it was k-box, and in CBR you said up there in black and white that it was numerous times.

    Doesn’t batman to know something doesn’t add up here

  33. Re: Bertone- just to make things even more clearer, he banned a Delta (I know Mr. Slott and Mr. Wacker think there is bias when it comes to the mods and admins, but I know from my experiences here there is not)
    And I forgot to mwntion in #102 the no bashing policy was established in November 2008

  34. I do know that Kevin banned someone (with no previous warnings) for posting a “I’M GONNA KILL YOU” video to Joe Quesada after OMIT part 1.

    But this Mod thing is just a paycheck to me. I’m not a real fan.

  35. In regards to George allegdly telling Dan to die in a fire…
    Taking it all with a grain of salt (George may dislike the behavior of Mr. Slott and Mr. Wacker, but I doubt he would go that far. However, Mr. Slott has no motive whatsoever to lie).
    I will ask Mr. Slott this: To the best of your knowledge, did this happen BEFORE the ban on personal insults was established? If not, and the statement is correct, then George should have been punished

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