Slott Speaks Out and Blames Crawlspace

Dan Slott has posted on his formspring account a reply to the recent incident where he told a fan to go F-himself. Slott does not regret the decision and blames it on having a bad day which we all have.
However, he decided to make another public shot at the Crawlspace. He claims someone from this site or somewhere on the internet told him to “die in a fire.” I have searched the front page and message board and can not find that quote. If you have a link e-mail me. The person will be banned instantly. However, Slott still thinks this is the Mos Eisley of the Spider-Man community. Where a “wretched hive of scum and villainy” live.  So what do you think about these recent comments? Here’s the quote from his site.

The guy apologized. He was VERY nice about it. He apologized publicly in the forum. He reached out to me in a private message, I accepted his apology, he was happy, and CBR took the posts DOWN. This really was an over-and-done-with-issue… Until a Spider-Man message board– with a history of mods, admins, and posters saying a far greater volume of insulting things about Marvel employees– picked this up and ran it on their front page just to stir-some-shit. And it worked. Bleeding Cool picked it up to stir-some-more-shit. And guess what? Shit got stirred. To me, one of the funniest things about this WHOLE turn of events– is how so many posters FROM that Spider-Man message board have been the MOST vocal about this around the net– clutching their pearls, falling on their fainting couches, and writing lengthy Emily Post-like suggestions for how I should comport myself online– especially the guy who ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS has said that myself and others in the industry should “die in a fire”. Yeah. I’m taking protocol advice from that guy. *golf claps all around*

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  1. Can some of the admins check the IP on that Slott? No offense if it’s the actual Dan but we’ve had imposter Slotts a few times in the past.

  2. @87 Holy shit talk about things getting blown out of epic proportions. This reminds me of the game telephone where people sit in a cirle, one person starts off by wispering something to one person and that continues around until the orginator gets it back to find the informatio has changed from what they originally said. In this case a heated argument that ended with Slott telling an unruley fan on CBR to go F Himself has been exagerated into Slott telling multiple posters on Crawl space to go F themselves, a member of crawlspace apparently sending Slott death threats, an internet flame war and lawsuites. Its so wrong and absurd its actually halariouse, I can’t stop laughing. Hey maybe in a week that wiki info will be changed to soemthing even more outragouse, maybe it will escalate to something like this.

    “Dan Slott got stalked by multiple internet posters after telling the whole internet to go f its self, it all finally came to head with Slott and George Berryman(cause you know K-Box just isn’t epic enough for this one, sorry K-Box) having an epic throw down ontop of the statue of liberty while Marvel and crawl space were busy filing multiple law suits against one another along with multiple death threats against one another. Things got so bad President Obama actually had to declare a state of emergency just to tear the two groups apart.” Great now that I wrote that somebody probably will put that on there.

  3. Just so you guys know, George once told me to die in a fire. The post was quickly edited and removed, but George faced no reprimanding. Typical CrawlSpace.

  4. #93 Marvel’s intention is putting out a product that they believe consumers will want to buy. Thats it. That doesn’t mean the creators are going to go out of their way to suck up to the fans and get down on their knees begging you to buy it. Either you buy the book or you don’t.

  5. Judging by that pic, one of Dan’s detractors has decided to step up their game and slip a tack onto his chair.

  6. Mr. Wacker, like you, I post by my real name, so I am hardly anonymous. I WAS a consumer and could be again, but your snark is a turn off to me. Does Marvel not want the return of readers like me? Does it not want to win us, and our money, back?

  7. In That Pic He Looks Like He’s About To Tear The Photographer To Shreds. Or In Marvel Zombie Speak” He looks Like He’s About To Hulk Out On THe Photographer”

  8. @The false wiki

    WOW. OK, that is OBVIOUSLY not someone from the CS, because we would never sling shit like that or publish lies about Mr. Slott. That is just WRONG

  9. @ my comment in #88 – * Oops. I meant “about”, not “avout”. Oh, well. Typos happen. Hey, pobody’s nerfect. 😉

  10. Thank you Stuart, for a classy response 🙂 I echo your sentiments 100% (though I assume you mean there is NOharm in people not giving their names)

  11. @ Mr. Wacker – Eight anonymous people are still eight potential customers for Marvel. They just didn’t give their names, there’s harm in that and you don’t have to say who you are in order to make your point avout something you like and care about, like Spider-Man. Besides, with the comments and replies made to some of the posts, can you blame someone for not wanting to give their real name? Still, I hope we can have more peaceful discussions in the future and I hope everyone here, and I gladly include you when I say that Mr. Wacker, enjoys the rest of their weekend. Have a great day, guys. ‘Nuff said.

  12. From WIKIPEDIA’s Dan Slott page

    Spider-Man Crawlspace Controversy

    After inappropriate behavior on the internet, Dan Slott has criticized the popular Spider-Man Crawlspace website and told several members to “Go F- themselves.” Similar incidents have happened on websites such as Comic Book Resources, but never escalated to such a point. He also stated that “Their negativity has spread over the internet like a cancer”, and has called out moderators on his forumspring account. While the website of interest has been known for criticizing Slott’s work, Slott in return is guilty of slandering the website numerous times. The tension between them erupted in an internet flaming war. On December 11, 2010, Slott recieved death threats from user “K-Box” filed suit against Crawlspace owner Brad Douglas, Administrator Kevin Cushing, and 2 unidentified users of the Crawlspace Message Board for as of yet unknown charges.


    Continuity errors galore!

    (and no Dan Slott is not suing anyone)

  13. #85 There’s actually no wonder at all. And no, its not because the evilness of OMD or the endless snarkiness of Mr. Wacker.

  14. #84 have you ever heard the saying, “for every person that complains about a problem, there are a thousand others that remain silent.”? and people wonder why Amazing Spider-man’s sales figures are so low.

  15. #81- I was talking in general, with anyone possibly interested in ASM, as well as anyone interested in purchasing other titles you edit or that Mr. Slott writes.

  16. #78-Consumers? Most of you have claimed to have dropped the book several times over the past 3 years.

    I’m surprised the site’s owner is risking turning off so many potential visitors, though, with some of the stuff that gets posted here..

  17. Why even interact withe fans at all? It looks like you have more dignity if you just leave them and their websites alone. This is the internet, honor has no place here.

  18. Some of this is hilarious. I love both the Crawlspace and Wacker :).

    (except Shed, c’mon, man!)

  19. RE: Mr. Wacker

    I mean you no offense by saying this, but perhaps you should treat the consumers with some more respect instead. Many people that are considering buying products that you edit (or that Mr. Slott writes) are choosingnot to purchasze tem because they feel your comments are not professional. Even if you feel that we are being offensive and annoying to you (which I personally disagree with) I would ask yourself then: try to be the better man and not sink to the level of insults and snark. Eery time you do you pptentially lose paying customers

  20. Can’t all the posters that have problems with Slott or Wacker just private message them, and come to an agreement of where to meet up and fight? I’ve done that before with Eric Larsen and he really taught me a thing or two.

  21. I don’t think anybody thought you were trying to stir something up Epidot. Wikipedia is wrong in this case. It says that Dan Slott told a poster from the crawlspace to f**k off. He actually said that to a poster from cbr. And no internet flame war between Slott and the crawlspace ever happened.

    I’m guessing somebody was bored and decided to write that in Slott’s wikipedia entry without checking for any facts. Maybe it was somebody from cbr….

  22. I’m not trying to stir something up (even though I now see how it could be interpited that way), I just want to know it it is any truth to it. Wikipedia is a site that certain people (the people that can) can change things, and thus is not the safest sorce of information.

  23. Excuse me, I meant to say “I didn’t know you could sue somebody for not liking your work.”

  24. I just want to ask a question. Is it true that Slott has made a lawsuit against Crawl Space? I just read it on Wikipedia, but I’m having trouble believing it.

  25. Slott needs to take a chill pill and stop worrying what other people say on the internet. It’s not the end of the world. Calling people out here and throwing dirt in their faces was excessive.

    @52 Well played, sir.

  26. “I have searched the front page and message board and can not find that quote. If you have a link e-mail me. The person will be banned instantly.”

    Oh, goody! A witch hunt!

    Nah, I’m just joshing.

  27. does anyone know or have proof that someone was stupid enough to say die in a fire? If this was said, dude what the hell

  28. On a serious note, “Die in a fire” is simply an evil, evil thing to say to anyone….ANYONE.
    People do die in fires, and it has to be horrible; at work, a colleague’s brother did die in
    an arson-related fire a few years ago. And we know there have been many, many fire deaths,
    so yeh, big laughs to type that someone should “die in a fire”. As I started out saying –
    that’s a purely evil thing to say. And disgusting and sub-human.

  29. Stephen Wacker wrote: “This is a cool place. I for one often use it to catch up on the strip.

    However the persecution complex and never-tested, all-encompassing expertise of many of the site’s most vibrant members is often like cartoony performance art.”


  30. @ #30 – “In fact many of you here are plants by us to make this place look bad. (Sorry, AmFan15. They were going to find out at some point.)”

    Damn! You kept that secret so well, even I didn’t know about it! How much am I supposed to be getting PAID for this?
    Inquiring minds want to know!

  31. Plus, it’s the intranetz… you really didn’t think it was going to get out?

    This isn’t the best place try and hide comments…

  32. K-Box hasn’t said anyone should die in a fire anywhere at Crawl Space. If he’s said it anywhere else I dunno, but he hasn’t said that here. He’s also not an Admin/Mod.

    At the end of the day I am guessing Slott just lumps any negative criticism of his work that he sees *anywhere* on the Net in with Crawl Space. Probably Wacker as well.

    After having read Slott’s formspring posts about this it seems more like he’s pissed that it was brought up after he and/or CBR had already sanitized it to cover Slott. I can understand that; it’s inconvenient for him. But I guess my advice would be to find better ways of telling fans (paying customers) that you take umbrage with something they’ve said. That way you won’t get mad when someone points out your behavior or the lengths taken by a forum to sweep it all under the rug.

    Counting down until Wacker responds by mocking or insulting rather than address anything actually specific to the discussion, or possibly making a baseball reference. Don’t let us down, Stephen. 3… 2… 1…

  33. I would say something, but I don’t want to come off as “negative”. CS may be Mos Eisley, but you shot first Mr. Slott.

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