Slott Speaks Out and Blames Crawlspace

Dan Slott has posted on his formspring account a reply to the recent incident where he told a fan to go F-himself. Slott does not regret the decision and blames it on having a bad day which we all have.
However, he decided to make another public shot at the Crawlspace. He claims someone from this site or somewhere on the internet told him to “die in a fire.” I have searched the front page and message board and can not find that quote. If you have a link e-mail me. The person will be banned instantly. However, Slott still thinks this is the Mos Eisley of the Spider-Man community. Where a “wretched hive of scum and villainy” live.  So what do you think about these recent comments? Here’s the quote from his site.

The guy apologized. He was VERY nice about it. He apologized publicly in the forum. He reached out to me in a private message, I accepted his apology, he was happy, and CBR took the posts DOWN. This really was an over-and-done-with-issue… Until a Spider-Man message board– with a history of mods, admins, and posters saying a far greater volume of insulting things about Marvel employees– picked this up and ran it on their front page just to stir-some-shit. And it worked. Bleeding Cool picked it up to stir-some-more-shit. And guess what? Shit got stirred. To me, one of the funniest things about this WHOLE turn of events– is how so many posters FROM that Spider-Man message board have been the MOST vocal about this around the net– clutching their pearls, falling on their fainting couches, and writing lengthy Emily Post-like suggestions for how I should comport myself online– especially the guy who ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS has said that myself and others in the industry should “die in a fire”. Yeah. I’m taking protocol advice from that guy. *golf claps all around*

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  1. is it just me, or is it kinda weird that he points out Brad’s kid, too? Seems VERY unnecessary coming from someone with such disdain for the people here.

  2. He fails to mention that out of those 600, there are quite a few posts that are just commenting on what happened in the issue number that coincided on that post. Not about HIM, but about the comics of old. Also, crawlspace is just about the only place where you can speak your mind freely about dislike for current spidey as Marvel bans dissent. And that maybe the negative about the last 4 years is mentioned because there are quite a few who aren’t enjoying it. AND THAT’S OKAY. there are books like Flash and Superman that have been hot and cold, too. Just happens that he didn’t write them…

  3. Thanks Venomaniac.
    Just found a thread where I read some of his posts.

    I think it’s pretty ridiculous that Slott is blaming, in part or in whole, this message board for stirring more shit up in regard to the whole Go Fuck Yourself debacle.
    At the end of the day, he only has himself to blame for what happened. I say, be man enough to own up to your mistake, which he seems to have done on his formspring account, and turn over the page. Tomorrow is another day. All he’s doing by blaming this board and specific people on this board is alienating possible readers. I’m going to be vulgar here, but he needs to simply shut the fuck up.

  4. @45
    K-Box is one of our posters, normally in the Sales thread.
    He actually makes very detailed-long-winded points, normally backed up with strong logic and quotes (moreso then any other poster imo)

  5. Searched through the alleged offender’s posts, and die in a fire wasn’t there. Which brings up two interesting questions:
    1. Did the person actually say the line?
    2. If they DID say the line, it would appear to be on another board. Can they be banned for that?

  6. #42

    Let’s put it this way… if he IS talking about another website… and another Kevin, it would shock the hell out of me. What are the odds?

  7. I didn’t see him say Crawl Space by name. Did I miss it or could the guy he’s talking about be on a different message board?

  8. Oh god… not again.

    And followed up with a preemptive strike… bravo, Mr. Wacker… Bravo.

    And I see what this is… Ohhh, yes. My conspiracy-theory sense is tingling…. this is a sleight of hand attack for the negative books reviews, isn’t it?


    So you think he’s funny huh? Okay. Uhhh… when did you guys get banned from the message board again?

  9. 39 I agree. I didnt want to say it cause some people are actually really mad, but I find Wackers responses to be funny

  10. I agree with #33 Zakc. But reading how upset everyone is about this is entertaining and I find Wacker funny.

  11. Marvel should really restrict Mr. Wacker’s internet access. He spends far too much time on message boards. Without the access, he could get so much more real work done.

  12. @35 I reposted Dan’s response under the appropriate thread on the message board. It’s too long to repost here.

  13. @ 33 You’re right, its completely becoming TMZ. In fact they posted a video of a little girl playing with her Spider-Man doll on the Front Page!! Talk about invasion of privacy. 😛

  14. In case no one has noticed, Slott has responded on his formspring account to this article and has given the name of the person who he says said the “die in a fire” thing.

  15. I debated on wether or not to post on this the last time. But, cannot hold my tounge (fingers) anymore. I feel like this site has just become tmz. who cares. I love this site. But right now, I don’t know why the crap this stuff is even being talked about.

  16. I don’t recall anybody saying Slott or anybody from Marvel should die in a fire. If they did then they would definately be banned from the crawlspace immediately (as Brad said in his post).
    Perhaps Slott is just trying to get sympathy points from his formspring followers…*shrug*

  17. The propaganda remark is completely on the mark and not over the top in the least. In fact, I only took the job 10 years ago in the hopes of someday bringing this place to its knees.

    And our colleagues throughout the media are only too happy to help, obviously. Afraid of how many truthtellers are congr This Douglas is an enemy to the state!

    In fact many of you here are plants by us to make this place look bad. (Sorry, AmFan15. They were going to find out at some point.)

  18. I personally think a post shouldnt have been made about this whole debacle in the first place. And Slott really shud just ignore the internet for reviews or remarks because the internet is too chaotic, too free and too vulgar. Its bound almost by no rules and any stupid person like me can say something. Thats why you see celebrities or whoever, they say they don’t read reviews from magazines or forms. It’s the same idea, you can’t let it get it to you if you just dont know.

  19. They should watch themselves. We have the permaban sentence in 17 bulletin boards.

    But seriously they’re positioning Crawlspace as the baddies. Classic propaganda, which is the only thing these two guys seem to actually have a degree in.

  20. Thanks, Berserk. I’m watching both kids this afternoon and didn’t have time to type it.

  21. I’m betting he’s referencing the fact that Zach has jokingly told other cast members (usually BD) to go die in a fire on the podcast when one of them busts his balls. I do not recall Zach ever telling an actual creator to go die in a fire. He’s said it to me many a time on skype chats though. 😛

    It just seems like Slotts usuall bullshit persecuton complex to me. Cue Wacker calling us pearl clutchers…

  22. I recall Berryman mentioning that some Marvel staffer said BERRYMAN should die in a fire back in the Hero Realm days. Maybe Slott got that mixed up.

  23. It loioks to me like everyone has done a good job of not falling into the trap (of getting riled and nasty).

  24. 19 If thats true we should only say nice things and theyll have nothing to report. Wacker is so handsome and Slott is a cool guy.

  25. Enh. Slott lost face because Crawlspace reported on what happened & let anyone talk about it, unlike courtier CBR which covered-up the incident by erasing the thread. As a result, Slott’s reputation is further dinged. So first he uses the excuse of being sick, now he’s blaming this site for talking about what he wrote in a public venue. Even though this site also allowed anyone who felt Slott was justified in what he said, or at least that it was no big deal, to express that opinion.

    And his boss is here trying to provoke any sort of negative reactions toward himself he can stir up, so that he can copy-&-paste it other places for negative PR purposes (“Look at those haters at CS! Did you see what they said to me in THIS POST…?!”).

    The fish rots from the head.

  26. You know for a website that’s been called insignificant and an echo chamber, we certainly seem to get a lot of blame when things go badly…

  27. Ah, still using a few people to blame the entire site and insult the intelligence of every member on the boards are we?
    Good to see the current Amazing Spider-man staff is still classy like that! 🙂

  28. Y’know what gets me? We have documented PROOF of Mr. Slott’s…verbal slippage. Where is the proof of THIS?

    I have to say, this coming Wednesday (12/15), I’ll have been a member of the MB for a year, and have been visiting the main site for far longer. I’ve caught up on nearly all of the podcasts. And I can’t remember ANYONE (member or mod) ever saying such a thing, either on a podcast or on the boards. I HAVE seen many members get warnings and/or been outright banned for saying far less than that, however.
    I find it VERY hard to believe such an incident would pass by unnoticed here.

    I , for one, would love to see proof of this accusation.

  29. Before this gets to a certain point and to make this very clear, I never posted that anyone should “die in a fire”. I never said those words on any of my podcast even when I raving about Dan Slott which I regret doing. No one has ever posted those words here at Crawlspace, and I have looked. With that, I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

  30. @12. I don’t think anyone is dumb or filled with ignorance or hate. I just disagree with their business strategy and disagree with their interpetation of the character.

    Silly question- WHY is the information private? I’m sure you guys have a good idea of how your competitors like DC are doing in the market anyhow (and vice-versa), so I don’t see what harm releasing the extra numbers for more transparency would do- plus it would shut much of the doubters up

    Feel free to correct me if my logic is off 🙂

  31. I personally think this site is one of the most civil ones on the net. Yes people debate, sometime debates get heated, but thats how conversations are supposed to happen without getting one sided. The mods and admins do a much more admirable job keeping people from crossing the line of argueing to insulting than most other meesage boards Ive visited do(IMDB Im looking at you). And if CBR actually did delete that convo then that doesn’t make them sound like a very respectable news site to me since news sites are supposed to report the news not hide it.

  32. Like many people on the net, you’re assuming someone is obligated to participate in some debate simply because you want one. I’m really not.

    And I certainly never would in a point-scoring environment like this where people aren’t obligated to stand behind their remarks. Particularly on subjects where you don’t have all the info I have (since it’s private). If you want that info, then work hard to get a job at Marvel. (I don’t work that hard, so don’t follow my example.)

    In general, it might be a good rule of thumb to question any theories that require you believing that the people actually doing jobs are really stupid and filled with ignorance and hate.


  33. @#8:

    All-encompassing expertise?
    Many of us keep asking to have a debate about this, and when we cite what we believe are facts, you say the facts are not accurate. Which is fine if you can back them up, but while you SAY they are not accurate we are never shown. Remember the central storytelling rule: SHOW not TELL

  34. This is a cool place. I for one often use it to catch up on the strip.

    However the persecution complex and never-tested, all-encompassing expertise of many of the site’s most vibrant members is often like cartoony performance art.


  35. Am I on the same Crawl Space as Mr. Slott? I never read that quote from that “guy” who said the “ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS” line, and I hope I never do. But blaming Spider-Man Crawl Space? That’s a bit of a stretch, in my opinion. Yes, there are comments here that can go too far, there are upset fans, and not every topic posted here is a good one that everyone agrees with. Then again, isn’t that on, oh I dunno, every message board on the internet? What I like about SMCS’s MBs are that we can have a conversation about why we like/dislike the Spider-Man comics and we’re not constantly being given snide remarks every other post by those who disagree with us. Here, we get to explain what we like/dislike and why, we own up to our mistakes, we say we’re sorry, we get notices and warnings to cut it out by Mods/Admins, etc. Whether you’re a Zeta or a Delta, I’m sure everyone here agrees that the Crawl Space Message Boards are a pretty darn cool place to hang out and talk about everything Spider-Man, from the TV shows and video games to the very comic books that started it all. The Mods, Admins and fellow members who post on the MB are some of the best, kindest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of talking with on a message board, ever, and I can’t compliment this site or the people who post here enough. I can’t imagine why anyone WOULDN’T want to hang out here.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  36. Well what did he expect? Crawlspace posted it because it had something to do with Spider-Man, and the last time I checked this site was about all things Webhead right?
    Although the whole rant he did about a “certain Spider-Man message board” was funny (of course I doubt he meant it to be.) I’m actually second guessing about reading the Big Time now that he’s posted this.

  37. I love that Mos Eisley comparison Brad. I’m a huge Star Wars fans, so that’s actually a compliment to me. I will now consider the Mos Eisley cantina bit a reference to the Delta House Tiki Bar. 🙂

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