Slott Speaks Out and Blames Crawlspace

Dan Slott has posted on his formspring account a reply to the recent incident where he told a fan to go F-himself. Slott does not regret the decision and blames it on having a bad day which we all have.
However, he decided to make another public shot at the Crawlspace. He claims someone from this site or somewhere on the internet told him to “die in a fire.” I have searched the front page and message board and can not find that quote. If you have a link e-mail me. The person will be banned instantly. However, Slott still thinks this is the Mos Eisley of the Spider-Man community. Where a “wretched hive of scum and villainy” live.  So what do you think about these recent comments? Here’s the quote from his site.

The guy apologized. He was VERY nice about it. He apologized publicly in the forum. He reached out to me in a private message, I accepted his apology, he was happy, and CBR took the posts DOWN. This really was an over-and-done-with-issue… Until a Spider-Man message board– with a history of mods, admins, and posters saying a far greater volume of insulting things about Marvel employees– picked this up and ran it on their front page just to stir-some-shit. And it worked. Bleeding Cool picked it up to stir-some-more-shit. And guess what? Shit got stirred. To me, one of the funniest things about this WHOLE turn of events– is how so many posters FROM that Spider-Man message board have been the MOST vocal about this around the net– clutching their pearls, falling on their fainting couches, and writing lengthy Emily Post-like suggestions for how I should comport myself online– especially the guy who ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS has said that myself and others in the industry should “die in a fire”. Yeah. I’m taking protocol advice from that guy. *golf claps all around*

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  1. Ok…I’m going to play the “grown-up” card. (After all, I’m 40…..)

    Mr. Wacker – ever since BND began, I’ve spent the vast majority of time being disappointed in ASM. I have, however continued to buy (and will continue on) because I’ve been a fan since I was 4. I know you’re doing your job the best you can, because NOBODY would intentionally submarine the fans (or the Character) of Marvel’s flagship title. That’s absolutely illogical.

    Kevin Cushing – as you know from all my previous postings, and the occasional pm, I have an endless amount of respect for you, BD, and the rest of the Crawlspace…but you in particular. You’ve always conducted yourself as the consummate professional, whether on the Podcast, or on the message boards.

    Dan Slott – again, nothing but the utmost of respect for Mr. Slott’s creativity and abilitites. It seems that ASM is finally going to stop disappointing me, and will be enjoyable on a regular basis. As head writer of ASM, I’ll attribute this directly to Dan.

    ALL THAT BEING SAID: this has to stop.
    Going in circles, saying the same thing over and over, using semantics to sling mud at each other…..what’s the point?
    As a referee for many years, let me tell you….
    The final buzzer has gone.
    The game is over.


  2. @183
    The ‘Marvel is against us!’ thing is only there, because a lot of people that have stopped buying are waiting for changes to happen, and the long wait is getting to us. After a while, almost anything can be interpited as an insult, and then it all adds up from there.

  3. This just interests me this week. I love theatre, I guess. (George is certainly doing a great Mama Rose.)

    I’ll move on soon though, I’m sure. I get bored easily.

    If it’s really bugging people, I’m sure the leadership would have no problem banning me — or whatever it is you call it.. It’d certainly add to the “marvel is agin us!!!” myth.

    What’s “agitprop schtick”?

  4. It’s all so unimportant, it’s not worth worrying about… And yet the editor of Amazing Spider-Man is here relentlessly doing his agitprop schtick and trying to demonise the dissidents.

    Marvel must really REALLY want to keep the last 40,000 readers of ASM.

    Whoever’s making the new movie presumably just wants the comicbook circus to go away.

    Spectacular #182: “Reckonings”. Apropos.

    The Child Within Part 5 of 6.

  5. Well let’s jut ask BD were u trying to stir shit cuz that sounds like a filthy nasty job lol jk jk seriously this is turning into some serious beef I think that there needs to be some sit down of some sort and maybe u and Slott could hash this out. Seriously this is turning into high school drama I think it’s best to ignore each other at this point acknowledging it anymore fuels the fire.

  6. Steve@168, how do you know that’s george making the same points? Maybe it’s several anonymous posters who all say the same things because there’s a rule here that everyone has to agree with the real george, whom we call “berryman prime.”

  7. I have no fear of a world ruled by George Berryman, so this is acceptable to me.

    You however remain very disappointing. I expect more of you.



    You claim of being “disappointed” that I’m ME makes it personal. Much like in your issue with Slott, YOU don’t get to decide when I feel offended.

    I expect your boss here will apologize soon. Certainly the management won’t let this blatant disregard for my well-being stand!!! (Unless different rules apply to me since George is mad at me).

    Until then I stand by my mustachio comment.


  9. You claim of being “disappointed” the poster was makes it personal. I expect your boss here will apologize soon. Certainly the management won’t let this blatant disregard for my well-being stand!!! (Unless different rules apply to me since George is mad at me).

    Until then I stand by my mustachio comment.


  10. So you mean it as an insult, but if I don’t take it as one, then it doesn’t matter. Got it.

    Your mustachio is lemur-esque..

  11. “George, I believe you get paid every time you make the same points.”

    Doesn’t make those points any less true.

    “Are people in your club allowed to disagree with you publicly?”

    They are and they do, and vice versa. Sometimes vehemently. All over Crawl Space. And when it happens we all don’t start insulting one another or saying “eff yourself” to each other. And Crawl Space doesn’t shut down people disagreeing with us or forbid those topics on the forums. That’d make us’s boards.


  12. Kevin, it’s the definition of personal. I’ll be okay though. Don’t worry about ::snff:: me….

  13. George, I believe you get paid every time you make the same points.

    Are people in your club allowed to disagree with you publicly?


  14. “I don’t think anyone here really did it. My point is… Who knows? You could be that guy for all we know …trying to drum up some sympathy.” — Wacker

    This from someone who just accused someone else of a persecution complex.

    As for “fake” drama… enh. This is a Spider-Man site. It covers Spider-Man news and all things Spider-Man. When Marvel’s ASM writer starts telling fans to “go eff themselves” it’s Spider-newsworthy.

  15. I don’t think anyone here really did it. My point is… Who knows? You could be that guy for all we know …trying to drum up some sympathy. It’s not like the place doesn’t try to drum up some fake drama from time to time. Heck, there are people here who admit to using a different name on the front page than they do on your own boards.

    Wiki-drama aside (and welcome to the real world of fandom gone wild with that one), maybe you’ve spent too much time taking all of this “Crawlspace vs. the world” a bit too seriously?

    (I predict you won’t agree and as usual, it’s everyone else who should change! Belive me, I wish that too some days.)


  16. 118 “A mod on another Spider-Man board once told me in PM “I don’t know why Quesada would bother with a site like Crawlspace”

    Maybe it’s because we may disagree, but we keep it (mostly) civil.

    Re: 158: Mr Wacker (assuming it IS you and not a Skrull, a clone, or someone on this board impersonating you), you think WE jump to torches and pitchforks? I’d argue it’s worse at CBR (correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe you post over there also). Hell, try posting your opinions about something on, say, YouTube.

  17. He uses a fake name? Big deal, here’s me using my full name but as far as you’re concerned and I’m still an annoymous online poster, you want my ssn with that? Maybe my address and dob? What difference does it make if we use a fake name or not to you

  18. “But you didn’t know that when I asked. (And it still not clear you do as you guys seem to jump to torches and pitchforks on just about any subject at the drop of a hat).”

    I knew it wasn’t any of our staff.

    “And let’s be honest, since the guy you “caught” uses a fake name, it could still be any of you. You grasp that, right? Anonymity is strength, remember? At least it was a couple days ago.”

    We didn’t “catch” him. He admitted to it. Using the same IP that was already banned from posting. He tried to post that and it was thrown into a comment queue for moderation. When one of our Admins saw that it was him fessing up to it (and he does this kind of stuff for attention – it’s why he’s banned here) then we let that comment through.

    “You have a severe persecution complex, George. I’m sorry it seems comics didn’t work out for you, but the world isn’t as against you as you believe. ”

    And see, this is where we’re different. I don’t resort to insults when things don’t go my way.

    “I certainly don’t hate you, so you can feel better. You just often act kind of silly and overblown, but I know you’re trying to build up a character and it’s cool you found some folks here you can share your passions and anger with.”

    Like I said in another thread, I’ll leave the insults and the “eff yous” to the “pros” at Marvel.

  19. @157
    But you didn’t know that when I asked. (And it still not clear you do as you guys seem to jump to torches and pitchforks on just about any subject at the drop of a hat).

    And let’s be honest, since the guy you “caught” uses a fake name, it could still be any of you. You grasp that, right? Anonymity is strength, remember? At least it was a couple days ago.

    You have a severe persecution complex, George. I’m sorry it seems comics didn’t work out for you, but the world isn’t as against you as you believe.

    I certainly don’t hate you, so you can feel better. You just often act kind of silly and overblown, but I know you’re trying to build up a character and it’s cool you found some folks here you can share your passions and anger with.


  20. @#150 I still frequent the site for the daily strips, and read the message boards from time to time, so I can keep up with stuff. But seriously? You’re banning my IP just because I was banned from the site once? See, this is what I mean by the rules I don’t agree with. It’s not like I told someone to “die in a fire” when I got banned the first time. Honestly, I shouldn’t be banned again unless I break a precious rule. But whatever, it’s your site, your rules, your ego. Latah.

    Oh and PS: I can always come back with an IP address change 😉

  21. A 5 letter word cause “Trust, BD trusts his staff to not abuse their power and not do anything that would lead to a negative attack on the website or reflect badly on it, just like you trust Dan not to do anything that would possibly reflect badly on the company

    ….oh shit wait a minute…….

  22. “1I have no idea who edited that garbage on Dan Slott’s wiki page. It was not the staff of the Crawlspace I can tell you that much. ”

    How do you know?


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