Rare Spider-Man Novels for Sale By Author

Author Keith R.A. DeCandido is selling several of his Marvel books on his website. Like many of us, times are tight and he’s asking for your help. He’ll even autograph the book for you. Some of the books he has for sale are Untold Tales of Spider-Man, Venom’s Wrath and Down These Mean Streets.

A little side note, Keith was the very first person to ever e-mail me when I started up the Crawlspace back in 1998. He thanked me for reviewing the Marvel novels. I’ll never forget it. So if you haven’t read these books before now is your chance to get a lot of out of print Spidey at a solid price.

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  1. Oh yah Keith emailed you, Wow thats great cuz I emailed you too, and didn’t get any kind of response. So why should we care?

  2. Dope! Already own “Down these mean streets” I’ll look into getting Venom’s Wrath. 🙂

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