Mark Bagley Returns to Spider-Man

Mark Bagley Returns to Marvel in DEATH OF SPIDER-MAN

Legendary Artist Joins Groundbreaking Storyline

The biggest event in Ultimate Comics history just got bigger, as superstar artist Mark Bagley returns to Marvel and the series he helped make one of the best-selling of all time! Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #156 reunites the record-setting duo of Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley to kick off “Death of Spider-Man”. With a new creative team and the biggest Ultimate story ever, you can’t miss a single issue of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man!

“While I appreciate the opportunities DC afforded me, it’s great to be coming home to my first love—Marvel,” said Bagley. “I’m thrilled to be working with Brian again and I’m totally excited by our new project.”

Together, the team of Bendis and Bagley revolutionized the comic book world with Ultimate Spider-Man, setting a new record for consecutive issues by a single creative team and producing some of the most acclaimed comic books of all-time.

Bendis exclaimed. “I’ve been jumping up and down with excitement! Mark and I have huge plans this year both in both the Marvel Universe and Ultimate Comics Universe and this is just the beginning. Join me in saying my new favorite catchphrase:  Bagley’s Back!!”

The team that sold over a million copies of Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1 is back together for their biggest story yet—“Death of Spider-Man”—because in the Ultimate Universe there are no rules and you never know what to expect next!



Pencils & Cover by MARK BAGLEY

Rated T+ …$3.99


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  1. I have to say, out of all the artists who drew Spider-Man, Mark Bagely is my favorite. He didn’t make Spider-Man too big, but made him muscular. Remember, Peter Parker is a science nerd. After years of fighting guys like Doc Ock, Venom and Puma, Spider-Man would build some muscle. Bagley also drew Spider-Man’s women in a very beautiful way. He made The Black Cat fill out her costume in a very good way. When she was out of costume as Felicia Hardy, it wasn’t hard to understand why Peter Parker went out with her for awhile. He made Aunt May look older, NOT like a woman on the verge of a heart attack. Of course, there was Peter’s ultimate girl, his wife: Mary Jane. The way Mark Bagely drew MJ was amazing (no pun intended). It was up there with the way John Romita Sr. drew her. Romita Sr. made her look like that cute college girl every guy on campus wanted to get to know. Bagely made MJ look like the hot super model every guy wishes he was married to. Luckily, Mark Bagely was drawing Spider-Man when I got into the comic. It was around the time of the Maximum Carnage story line. With all the different characters involed in the story, both hero and villian, it was a great visual epic to see. I grew up seeing Venom always as a villian, but I got to see him as kind of an anti-hero. The action scenes were really good, and all the panels where Mary Jane wore the tight outfits & short dresses didn’t hurt either. After Mark Bagely left, the only good artist was John Romita Jr. It’s great to hear that Mark Bagely’s coming back. Maybe the comic will get back to the glory days it had in the ’90’s. Right before that God awful Clone Saga happened. Yeah, The House of Ideas really screwed up with that. All I have to say is, welcome back Mark.

  2. to be honest im conflicted while im ecstatic bagley comin back im very much enjoying lafuentes art. it hasnt felt like its been that long and to be honest i havent missed bags that much maybe seeing him on the book again will change that. but ultimate spidey is the only spidey book i havent dropped because the stories werent good

  3. bagley and bendis!
    the dream team!

    ok still I don’t want them to kill of ultimate peter parker but this is exciting news

  4. DC didn’t lock him down?


    I think the same of John Romita Jr. But EITHER is better than the guy drawing it now.

  5. I think the press release is referencing the trade paperback Vol 1. It could have sold a million in bookstores.

  6. I think their “over a million copies” is a numer they’re just pulling out of their ass as they don’t have to specify it. May get this just for Bagley, we’ll see.


  8. they might be counting the free comic book day version, varient cover, tpb sales into the tally of a million copies.

  9. OMG! Yes This is coming out the same time near my bday! BAGLEY IS COMING BACK YES!!! SO GETTING THIS ISSUE!

  10. @Gerard That thought had occurred to me as well but I’ve no indication of tpb numbers or anything or the sort.

    You could be right and marvel didn’t even think to inflate the number as high as it could go but it doesn’t seem like marvel at all, usually they stretch the numbers as far as they can…..just look at asm

  11. @Gerard

    It can’t mean that can it, otherwise they’re saying ultimate averaged under 10,000 an issue which i’m pretty sure it far exceeded

  12. Well, we all knew this was going to happen. Bagely’s my favorite Spider-Man artist of all time, so I will give this a look.

  13. @Donovan: Me too. I think they just pulled me back in. On the other hand, it’s $3.99 and I’ve completely given up on Bendis. It’ll be a game time decision. 😛

    By the way …

    “The team that sold over a million copies of Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1 is back together for their biggest story yet”

    That’s some serious number-bending there. They sold over a million copies of OVER A HUNDRED ISSUES COMBINED. 😆

  14. Yeah I gotta say…I’m probably gonna be buying this. I am a whory slut for Mark Bagely Spider-Man.

  15. Mark Bagley is the most overrated Spidey artist ever!!! The 90’s are back…isn’t that great.

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