If we are to believe “Spider-Man Chapter One” issue 8, then this is Spider-Man’s first chronological meeting with Norman Osborn. There are two earlier ones though, and a Crawlspace no-prize goes out to whoever can give me both of them! So now Norman makes The Donald look poor? Remember the days when Norman was just a struggling businessman before he was morphed into Bruce Wayne/Lex Luthor 2.0?
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Was it ‘Crapter One’ or Byrne’s ASM that almost always began in the middle and backtracked? In any event,they both sucked,sad to see Byrne go downhill as a writer & artist. I quit reading the series before he “met” Osbourn
@ Enigma_2099
You think I’m talking about the art? I’m talking about the writing. Chapter One is the most attrocious comic that has ever seen the light of day. And that even includes OMD and OMIT.
But later that issue in spider-man chapter 1 issue 2 spidey is seen dragging the captured chameleon back to the room where Jonah, Harry and Norman are, all seen in the same panel. Now I didn’t actually read the dialogue so I don’t know that spidey actually said anything to Norman or vice versa but they were both there. So if just being in the same room as one another counts then spider-man chapter 1 issue two is indeed that first meeting even though Chapter 1 aint canon anymore.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…. I see what you did there… -_-
but later that issue…. 🙂
Alright, I’m stubborn, i just can’t let this one go and its bothering me…;)
Final guess, i just went back to re-read Spider-Man: Chapter One, in #2 Spidey webs up JJJ, Norman and Harry…and that story takes place at the time of ASM#1…but this can’t be it for two reasons, 1. Theres no way Bertone is gonna cite Spider-Man Chapter One twice for trivia purposes and 2. Its actually the Chameleon in the Spidey costume, not the real Peter Parker!
thats all i got…
Wait, Norman is the Green Goblin?!?
People, please include a SPOILER warning!
go even farther back…the meeting I’m talking about takes place chronologically before those issues…even before Amazing 14.
Why do I have this uncanny feeling that Spidey first met Norman back in Untold Tales Annual ’97?
That story takes place between ASM #20 & 21 (with UTSM #23 sandwhiched in there as well)
Damn… I wish I had my books handy…
Any meeting combination…
Good homework Doc but you’re missing one..
Oh, I was way off for what we’re looking for here…i thought we wanted the handshake meet/greet btn the two type meetings…;)
I know Spidey wasnt in Inner Demons and the only other 616 pre-ASM 14 Norman appearances that i’m aware of are the two Untold Tales (1 & 8)…Norman’s in the shadows for UT1 and i didn’t think he came in direct contact with Spidey during UT8…so i’d venture to guess we’re looking at UT1….otherwise i’m stumped…
I’m anxious to hear this one…that no prize wouldve gone great on my no shelf
@Bertone: Make up your damn mind! Are we counting Spider-Man/Norman meetings, Peter/Norman meetings, \Spider-Man/Green Goblin meetings, or all three? 😛
The question seemed to imply Spider-Man/Norman.
The minus one issue (ugh) is one of them. There is another chronological meeting that takes place before AMZ 14 that nobody has said yet..
@Themanofbat: Yup. Spider-Man finally “meets” him in ASM 37 (very briefly, as Norman attacks him … I don’t think Spidey even sees his face). I don’t go for dumb retcons like this, so to me ASM 37 is the first encounter, and ASM 39 is the first official “meeting.” 🙂
Beats the hell out of the interior art we’re currently getting.
Norman first appears in ASM #23 & 25 as people in the background (in ASM #23, he’s at the Midtown Business Club where JJJ hangs out), and in ASM #25, he appears at the Bugle to buy some advertising… both times, his name is unmentioned, but it’s clearly Norman Osborn as Ditko drew him…. but I know that Peter didn’t meet him then… though he at least saw him in ASM #25…
@Gerard, oh for sure…but i thought we were looking for the first Peter meeting Norman (which could be ASM 39 of course, but Norman didn’t remember that meeting for awhile), otherwise, I don’t think Peter met Norman in ASM 37…Spidey met Norman! If its Spidey meets Norman than you got me! 😉
@Donovan, in the PPSpid -1 that mentioned, Peter met Norman as a young boy…but that was written by Mackie iirc…is that the one you’re thinking of…otherwise, Im unaware of the Spec DeMatteis story…
And to think he was broke by ASM 121.
Butters is right. Chapter One was stupid.
There was that one DeMatties issue of Spec where it was retconned that Peter met him as a young boy.
KILL IT!! KILL IT!! KILL IT!! Oh God, my eyes!!! ><
@Doc: I think you mean ASM 37, not 47. 🙂
Ugh…Chapter One! I think we can all agree that’s non-continuity…
So that would mean, Peter meets Norman ‘for the first time’ twice, once in ASM 47 (Harry and Peter as roommates) and in Peter Parker Spider-Man minus 1 (Uncle Ben and Aunt May are with Peter for that meeting!), does that land me the no-prize? 😉
Who in thier right mind thought it was a good idea to replace the Lee/Ditko stories? Thats one of the greatest runs in the history of comics.