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Ultimate Comics: Spider-man #13 Review

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  1. Fat Guy: Stay in the chair old man. There’s nothing you can do now. I’m the most powerful villian in the Marvel Universe and I’ve destroyed your greatest creation!

    Stan: Don’t get too overconfidant Quesada. If I wasn’t being paid to sit here I’d get up and kick you a_s myself.

  2. Keep your hands folded over your crotch, Wolvie! The fans have been complaining about you being overexposed!

  3. Stan: He’s the best there is at what he does.. and yes, food is involved.


  4. “Oh come on, old-timer, pop a squat on my lap, go ahead…. ahhhhhhhh…..What can I get you fer christmas, bub?”

  5. “Mr. Lee, I bet if YOU had created me instead of that Wein fella, I wouldn’t be such a huge a…. err, I mean HAVE such a huge ass.”

  6. Lee: “D-Man, you’re one character I don’t want to claim credit for creating!”

  7. ” Hello Mr.Lee, my names Jonah Hill, I’m interested in playing Wolverine in a movie, what do ya think ? “

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