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Spidey Memories#83

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  1. Fine casting choice but I don’t want to sit through the origin story again, I hope they breeze past it. Too soon for a reboot but definitely too soon for an origin story.

  2. I have no problem with the casting. I’m just saying that instead of doing the origin, they should do something like they did with ‘Punisher: War Zone’, and create something else (granted the second Punisher movie was based on comics, but they made it much better than the original).

  3. sad pathetic, typical fanboy BS, looking to nitpick everything because your life would be meaningless without it. You haven’t even seen a single still from the film and you know all. This movie will be MASSIVE and anyone with half a brain knows it. Do you realise the talent that has been cast in this film so far? Garfield, Ifans, Sheen? And the guy who said Sheen cant play a kind soul? You have to be kidding me? you obviously don’t know the mans work. Go back to watching Chuck or Smallville. Same with green lantern, one shot of Reynolds in costume and the sad fanboys are up in arms about it before they even see the movie. I guess it’s your badge of honor to be up in arms, or what is the use of being a fan. You are a miniscule percentile of people who will see this film and that is the cold hard truth.

  4. What would that serve? Marvel is not trying to reach existing fans with the movies, but new ones. If they don’t kill him, people that pick up the comic will start wondering where he is. Anyway, everything involving Spider-man seems to be laboured ‘do-over’ these days, so my guess is that they are going to try to redo the origin, and try to make it ‘original’ and ‘hip’. The problem is that Marvel hasn’t realized that ‘guilt trips’ isn’t entertaining, especialy not on screen.

  5. well i still think something fishy is going on here. they are not gonna get sb like Sheen and use him only in flashbacks so it means they are hoing make us sit through the origin sequence again. and maybe they are going to break one of the most basic fundemantals of spider-man and not kill Uncle Ben in the movie.

  6. I agree Epidot. I want this movie to rock but it’s chances of doing that are seriously reduced if they just retell the origin for the first hour

  7. I don’t mind the actors, but I don’t want to see the origin again. It’s been done, and Spider-man’s origin, no mater how interesting (as he was, as I am one of those BND haters and need to keep the front up) a character, is rather droll (don’t kill me).

  8. Charlie Sheen for Peter’s live cousin who later becomes, Venom 😛
    Legend of the Spider-Clan anyone?

  9. Hmm, I’m really torn about this movie.

    On one hand, the cast is seems great and Martin Sheen is a good choice for Uncle Ben. On the other hand, everything points to an origin story, which frankly no-one needs to see. The only comparison I can make is with the Batman movies: Batman and Robin flopped in 1997 and it took 8 years to reboot with Batman Begins. Spider-Man 3 wasn’t exactly a commercial failure but it’s only been 3 (and a bit) years since it came out. The Raimi movies are still pretty fresh in people’s minds and I don’t think we’ll see a dramatic change in tone — from rubber nipples to military inspired tech in B&R and BB — to mark this new movie out as something new and singular.

  10. @Hermann22

    I’m actually tentatively looking forward to this reboot. I’m just not too crazy about Martin Sheen.

  11. MAN…you guys really don’t like this move? @spider-Dad have you seen The Departed? He plays a kind hearted cop who is there for Leo while is under cover and comes across great. Look before you leap dude.

  12. Whoa, I Misread The title And Thought “So Huh, Uncle Ben Is Gonna Teach Peter About “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” While Trashing Hotel Rooms And Having A Pornstar Locked In The Bathroom. Can Someone Tell Me Some Movies The Man Has Done? Maybe They Will Sound Familiar.

  13. The Flying Nun as Aunt May?? I’m willing to give it a shot if she does actually get the part.

  14. I actually like this casting. Still not sure I’m gonna see this but I like Martin Sheen as an actor…as long as he doesn’t ham it up like he did in Spawn. Sally Fields needs to stay the hell away though.

  15. I honestly believe they’re upping the star power a little bit in part to make the revamp seem more “legitimate” to those (like me) who say that it’s too soon for a revamp. It’s not going to work on me, but I believe it will draw in some reluctant fans

  16. How can you not like an actor of Martin Sheen’s caliper being cast as Uncle Ben? A little surprising since I wouldn’t think it’s be such a huge role.

  17. Why? Oh Why do we need Uncle Ben in the movie? He’s dead everyone know’s that! If Sony really wanted to save some money they could of just done a flashback with a gun shot and an arm falling to the ground. Sheen won’t come cheap

  18. Martin Sheen and Sally Field?? I’m losing interest in this movie with every announcement.

  19. Isn’t Josiah the character’s actual name? Everyone called him Jed but they mentioned his given name a few times and it was something like Josiah.

  20. i though it was understood a long time ago this was a gritty reboot/revamp?!!!? Not sure i see Sheen as loveable Uncle Ben. Sally Field could play a good Ultimate Aunt May because that is what we are going for. Ema Stone is totally Ulimate Gwen, not really 616 Gwen.

  21. I like Martin Sheen, but I don’t see him as Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben is a kind soul, and I don’t think Martin can portray that type of character…

  22. Oh bloody heck…Can someone edit that. I meant Jed Bartlett.

    Josiah? Where did I get that from?

  23. President Josiah Bartlett!

    It is interesting though. Does this mean they are pretty much blowing their casting budget on Sheen?

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