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Weird Marvel Collectibles # 57

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  1. Happy Birthday Mr. Ditko.

    BD, thanks for the find! Awesome…all SEVEN parts…that’s right there is a total of 7, so if you can watch it all…For me, I never saw Stan Lee as the SOLE creator of Spider-Man. I always saw it as Lee as the idea\writer and Steve Ditko as the visionary. Of course, Stan Lee can think it is his “creation”, but without the visuals…well, then Spider-Man can look like anything. So hats off to both Lee\Ditko, without them both we would not be enjoying this great character as we see it now.

  2. I wish Ditko would come plot and draw an issue or two of Spidey. That would see through the roof

  3. This is so very wonderful of a posting Brad. Happy Birthday to Spidey’s first illustrator, now if you could get pod cast with him someday that would be the simply “AMAZING”!

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