New Trailer for Spider-Man: Big Time

USA Today got a nice scoop for the upcoming “Big Time” arc in Amazing Spider-Man. The trailer has some never before seen preview art and confirms Carlie Cooper is Pete’s new girlfriend. What are your thoughts? Props to Stillanerd for the find.

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  1. Wow. Was that Hobgoblin in the trailer. That makes me a little excited. Also, was spidey being voiced by johnny young bosch?

  2. The ONLY reason I will purchase ASM again is if and only if the Hobgoblin is Ned Leeds. Let’s make it personal Marvel.

  3. “The least attractive woman in Peter’s life? The woman with no personality and a boy haircut?”

    Wow. Least attractive and a “boy haircut”. Those are definite reason to not date a woman. I’ll tell all my female friends with short hair to go kill themselves now, because no man would want them.

    That said, I was pulling for Norah.

  4. Well, the art looks like crap of course. And why even give Peter another girl friend? Who cares. We already know Marvel won’t allow it to go anywhere. Furthermore, why is MJ even in the book anymore? I guess it’s kinda like a long term F you to long term Spidey fans.

  5. If it’s Kingsley, I’ll be happy. If not, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Then again I’m not sure I WANT Hobgoblin and the Flaming Sword of Fire to be Kingsley…

    Least there was a shot of classic Hobgoblin in there…

  6. ramos’ art looks nice
    now if only they could get paul jenkins to write spidey again instead of slott the way him it was a while back (sigh)

  7. I haven’t bought ASM for many years, and if I ever was inclined to do so again, the news that I will have to see more of Carlie Cooper would certainly quash that. Boycott ASM! I can’t say this enough, but if you’re not start reading avengers academy, it is magnificent, if you’re on a budget drop crap ASM for that one, you won’t be dissapointed.

  8. They say “The Parker Luck” one more time, I am going to punch somebody in the stomach.

  9. Why is Mary Jane even in this book anymore, you ask?

    Just to piss off everyone who wants the marriage back.

  10. Carlie? Really? The least attractive woman in Peter’s life? The woman with no personality and a boy haircut? Who did Marvel lose a bet to that they have to use her?

  11. I have been off of Spider-Man for a couple of years now. With the big announcement of Brand New Day ending I am interested to see how Spidey is moving on. So I will be picking up “Big Time” in hopes I can enjoy Spider-Man again. Here is to keeping my fingers crossed.

  12. The promo is great! I’m excited. I think it’s cool Pete has a job at a lab (always thought Pete as a scientist should be explored more), and the main title will involve the Avengers more. I’m happy ASM will be written by one person too, say what you want about Slott, but the guy really does have a passion for Spidey. Ramos’s new art looks good too, it’s not as exaggerated as his previous Spidey work. Overall I have a feeling the new run will be better than BND.

  13. I wouldn’t say I’m super excited or super optimistic, but I am hopeful. There’s nothing so far that’s put me off. I’m curious about the reason for the new suits and their design, and I hope it’s not just “Oo, I can make costumes” like it says in the trailer.

  14. I am glad that ASM is getting some publicity, and I kinda like where this is headed. Humbertos’ art should compensate for that whole “Carlie” thing….and Spider-Lantern.

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