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  1. Heh, I had no idea G4 still covered video games. I thought they were too busy with reruns of Cops and making idiots of themselves on AOTS.

  2. I can see by looking at the gameplay that Spider-Man Noir may look a little like Batman: Arkham Asylum, BUT from a person whose read the comic… trust me, the character and his universe is not a rip off. I’m just getting tired of hearing this all over the place…

  3. There three thing reviewers find negative and i disagree with all of them. One, no one seems to like the dialog but i love it. Two, I’ve heard that 2099 is to gaudy and it hurt your eyes but I thought the update on the costume and the world were great. Third, we have this reviewer bashing spider-man noir and it was one of my favorite parts of the game.

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