This is from the classic “Spectacular Spider-Man” issue 250. Great story…too bad this scan has a massive continuity error. Crawlspace No-Prize for the first fella who spots it!
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Be first at the feast, and last at the fight
That’s was some pretty neat stuff. They had stuff like Kraven’s other son tormenting the Chameleon about his parentage. The Man-Wolf and Norman Osborn buys the Daily Bugle. I really enjoyed it. It was at the moment I said to myself ‘This is moving in the right direction all they need to do is keep going and get Spider-man’s mojo back’.
Actually, I would say this actually happened and the new stuff didn’t. I say that because the ‘new guy’ seems nothing like SPider-man to me.
Loved the art, too. It was great.
I think Harry commissioned the photo; his daddy issues would have wanted him to put him in the shot. As to the pre-OMD continuity…Norman’s a liar, remember? A pathological liar. Of course he’s not letting Liz in on the fact he’s alive.
Great pic, I never noticed that continuity error before.
The error is the actual continuity, OMD, BND, OMT, WTF!!!!!!
Wait, there’s only ONE error?
Well as Bertone wrote it, Norman did not meet his grandson until he came back from the “dead”. I mean come on, anyone who has ever followed spidey for a long time knows that Harry got married way after his father “died”, of course with the continuity changes Harry never really died he just was sent of to Europe and his family (Liz and Normie) did not even know that he was alive.
But as far as no-prizes go, you could always say that’s Norman’s REFLECTION appearing on the glass of a picture that’s just Harry, Liz and Normie.
There IS no error, Harry was ALWAYS alive! Now I want you to stop it with all this “Harry died” nonsense! 😉
No, wait, Norman loved his son?
Why is Norman in the same portarait as Harry, his wife, and newborn baby
Damn, I lost the prize
In the classic Marvel No-Prize tradition, I’d say that’s not a family photo but a family portrait that was painted. Norman had it done to show a “happy” family image he could present to the public. Or… Norman hired Peter to photoshop himself in the background of Harry’s family picture. Because he’s just that vain…
Yup photo could have never happened.
Sequence of events..
1) Norman “dies”.
2) Harry meets and marries Liz.
3) Little Normie born.
4) Harry “dies”.
5) Norman returns and meets his godson and daughter-in-law for the first time.
So yeah that picture is odd.
@ Glade Packer.
I’m pretty sure there is only one kid in that picture and that’s lil’ Normie. Although Harry does look like he’s 12 in the picture. I’m guessing the mistake is that there is a picture of Norman Osborn standing with both Harry and Normie. Norman was believed to be dead for a long time. Long after Normie was born and shortly after Harry died. Which means that photo could never have happened 😉
I really liked Luke Ross’s art back then.
The continuity error: In the second column, the family picture, there are 2 kids instead of one. Am I right?