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  1. i saw the play a couple days ago, and it was amazing, no matter how stupid the costumes were lol 🙂

  2. Um I can see how Julie wanted to use a praying mantis as a medaphor for the Green Goblin but… NO. EPIC FAIL Swiss Miss looks like Colossus (from X-Men) doing really bad drag. Someone shoot me in the face.

  3. Oh, and a cloak would also be a nice touch (sorry for the double post but I can’t edit the last post o_O).

  4. Wow… when first saw this I thought “wow… that’s a pretty good costume… but definitely not a Green Goblin costume.” Then I read all the comments and looked at it again and siad “AGGHHH! Man! That’s not a good costume at all! He looks like frickin’ grasshopper–not a goblin! The Swiss Miss costume looks pretty good though… just doesn’t seem like a good character.” I even think the Green Goblin costume could be about like the Swiss Miss costume (without metal boobs of course o_O) only a nice shade of green and purple… but man is that “goblin” costume BAD!!!

  5. Is it just me or does GG’s head look like a Pineapple?…Swiss Miss? Metallic Electro?…Sweet Jeebus:(

  6. Am I the only one who can taste the bile? Musical or not…costumes are godawfully gawdy…..This is so horrific it might require a Chris Nolan reboot (as opposed to the imminent reboot with Peter Parnassus…err..Parker played by that English actor)…worked magnificently for the Dark Knight…. This, however, is Joel Shumacher, plastic costumes with nipples and defined buttocks bad:(….

  7. Maybe it wouldn’t look so bad if they darkened the green and got whoever was in the suit to stop doing such a garish pose 🙄 Or gave him a cloak, but dancing would be hard in that..

  8. I saw the new Superman musical. I fucking loved it. I had plans to see the Spider-Man show, and I probably will still do so, but my high expectations have been shattered.

  9. Oh please, it’s a musical, there’s gonna be elaborate gay dances. You can’t do that in the classic comic book look.
    Granted, it’s not the way I woulda gone, but how can you expect it to be anything like the comics? It’s not a Spider-man Stunt Show. It’s a play.

    But of course, if the Spidey suit ends up looking that fruity………..

  10. I’m Gonna Bring An Old Classic Back.This Is Prison Ass! And Another:This Is Wipe-Your-Ass Bad!

  11. @Captn.Cheesesteak Oh Hell No!! The Goblin Suit Never Had Spikes Or A Leaf!!! This Is What Would Happen If Plant Man An Poison Ivy Had A Baby! Oh,Man That’s So Bad i’m Crying. But damn How Is JR Gonna React This. This Should Be Discussed in This Month’s Podcast. Oh That Rants.

  12. @ Captain Cheesesteak

    I don’t care how much you hated the movie suit… THIS thing better?

    No… no the hell it isn’t.

  13. If Spider-Man is going to look like a Power Ranger this might make sense.

    “Goblin”? Looks more like a parakeet.

  14. Who is this musical being marketed to? The superhero crowd will just laugh at it, musical lovers probably eye it suspiciously.
    All so bizarre.

  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA… oh man, too funny. I feel bad for the guy who has to wear that Green Goblin costume. Wait, do I call it Doctor Goblin or Green Goctopus? Still funny.

  16. Anyone who’s seen the Broadway version of Lion King knows Taymor likes crazy, elaborate costumes. The only thing I really would have liked from the Gobby costume was some purple.

  17. My sister saw those pictures and she told me she thought that Swiss Miss looks like Grace Jones. LOL!!!

  18. @AmFan15 – I hope not. I LIKE the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

    Swiss Miss? Doctor Osborn, who’s a Southerner? Oh, sweet Moses.

    And why does Green Goblin’s suit look like a mix between Meg Mucklebones and Poison Ivy? I don’t usually say things like “EPIC fail”, but man, in this case, I’ll make an exception. These suits really are that bad. As in OMD/BND/OMIT bad.

    … Excuse me. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

  19. BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!

    Thanks, BD…that’s the best laugh I’ve had all day!
    I knew this was gonna be bad, but…WHEW!!!

  20. I like it.
    It’s a play, it’s not cannon with the character.
    It’s supposed to be a tad whimsicle.
    Plus, fruity as it is, that goblin is better than the movie suit.

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