It’s a Spider-Man marathon, literally! While the Amazing webhead is chased by his adoring fans AND the insidious Jonah-Slayer, the gang is joined by the artist extraordinaire, Gerard DeLatour! So pop out your schanpps and get ready to play the Flash Thompson drinking game!
Donovan Grant
View articlesTypical college aged comic fan who wants to write and draw in the biz
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Bill Slattery III on Spider-Tracer: Top 10 Lizard Figures of All Time: “Glad you enjoyed it, Mister Mets, and thank you!” Mar 11, 21:18
Mister Mets on Spider-Tracer: Top 10 Lizard Figures of All Time: “I did not know I needed this list.” Mar 11, 05:57
Hornacek on Panel of the Day #1651 (Splash Page Sunday!): “Marvel, bring back the little blurbs at the bottom of the pages advertising other comics!” Mar 9, 09:20
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I would say thank you, Eddie, but I don’t know if it’s the symbiote lying to us. 😛
But no, seriously, glad we could entertain and thanks so much for the kind words!
oh yeah, definitely looking forward to JR joining you guys next time.
Awesome show!!! I just started to listening to these and they help me get a lot of work done. PLEASE do not change the length – the impersonations and commentary on the corniness that was such a staple back then is the hallmark/best part about this podcast. Just do what comes naturally!