New Spider-Man Interviewed on Late Night
Actor Andrew Garfield was interviewed on Monday night by Jimmy Fallon on NBC. He briefly talks about playing Peter Parker/ Spider-Man in the upcoming movie. Check it out and leave your thoughts.
Actor Andrew Garfield was interviewed on Monday night by Jimmy Fallon on NBC. He briefly talks about playing Peter Parker/ Spider-Man in the upcoming movie. Check it out and leave your thoughts.
I just got an e-mail back from Kathy Garver/ Firestar and she’s up for the reunion. That’s one spider-friend confirmed and two more to go. Dan Gilvezan/ Spider-Man said he’d be up for it when […]
Every now and then I try to plan a big podcast. The Sal Buscema podcast with special guest Stan Lee was about as big as I’ve ever done, however I want to top it. My […]
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