A really nice bonding moment with Spider-Man and Hulk from Peter Parker: Spider-Man (vol2) issue 14. At the time Mary Jane was presumed dead in a plane crash.
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by Bertone
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I thought this was a nice little moment. The art is great. The dialogue isn’t exactly complicated, but it’s direct and to the point. And I remember the issue. It was one of the few at the time that didn’t make me groan loudly.
@Andrew No one said this was the greatest writing ever, but it is a great character moment between Spidey and the Hulk. You know, like the type often missing in current books.
I havent’ read this issue, but I love to see Spidey and the Hulk together. I hope to someday make a comprehensive list of all their appearances together (not counting large Avengers-like teamups, just the two of them).
You would think after the mess that this unneccessary reboot became the people working at Marvel for the past five years would know not to do it again. Certainly not do something about Spider-man’s biggest stuff ever is supposed to happen to him but it’s just a long drawn out thing that ends with him not being married. That was the worst thing I’d ever seen in a Marvel comic. Now, they’re doing it again, the only difference is they are not going to renumber the books. It’s the same thing, really.
I tried to find this issue, but they are hard to find for some reason.
Really? This is supposed to be great writing? I’m sorry, but this is still crap. This issue was not quite as bad as all the other reboot issues. But the best reboot issue is still not as good as the worst issue of pretty much any other Spider-Man run (including Gale’s BND).
I remember this issue. I had a print made of the cover and enlarged it to 11 x 17 for my wall. This was a really touching moment. Getting that from the Hulk was a shot in the dark coming out of a very intense one-sided battle between the two. It shows how alike these two men are; individuals simultaneously gifted in but cursed by science into what they are now. Always love JRJR’s take on both of them.
If I know my Marvel history, it took a whole lot longer for Betty to come back from the dead than it did for Mary-Jane.
For a moment I thought this was a Bertone Spidey-Revision.
“Bug Man’s life partner dead? Hulk’s wife dead. Hulk know it is not same thing. But Hulk sorry anyway.”
I loved JRJR’s art during this era, it was a real highlight for me.
Back in the day I thought this was ‘the best’ of the Mackie/Byrne reboot years. Having it drawn by Romita Jr. certainly helped it.
This issue is one of the (very) few highlights of the Reboot.
I loved that issue. Of course I pretty much love all Spidey/ Hulk fights.