Podcast 109: Spider-Panel Tackles Grim Hunt and Omit Pt. 1

The opening of the show can’t be beat. Stan Lee congratulates BD on being a new father. In this episode we tackle the news from the San Diego Comic Con. Those include
*Dan Slott is the solo writer of Amazing Spider-Man
*Spidey gets a new career
*The Hobgoblin comes back
The gang also reviews Amazing Spider-Man # 636-638. It’s the wrap up of the Kraven’s Grim Hunt and the first part of “One Moment In Time.”

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  1. Grazie for your post, seriously, can you become a contributor for wikipedia because the current entries in there for our interest is next to useless. I can’t say I agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.

  2. @ BD… Sorry for the many posts… I was typing things as I was hearing them… it was 92 minutes long…lol

    I’ll try and summerize the next time.

    @ George… I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree, but I don’t see anything from ASM #183 to #290 resembling “anything” like a serious courtship between Peter and MJ…

  3. Themanofbat,
    Do you really need six different posts? Wow, just make one big one. I was all excited to see 14 posts on this thread until I saw six of them were from the same dude.

    Why did you focus on the negative review and not the positive review of Grim Hunt. I have the gang give pros and cons to each issue. There were plenty of pros in the Grim Hunt. The Shed storyline was universally disliked by the panel, which is a rarity. We are usually split down the middle each and every month.

    As far as getting you in on the call, you have an opportunity each and every month to ask a question to the panel. Have you done that before?

  4. I will go there since that’s exactly where it started.

    Everyone on the podcast has said positive things about what they have liked about the Brandnewverse and negative things about what they have disliked about it. They’ve been absolutely fair to it. It’s been that way since the Brandnewverse began.

  5. And I know I hear “some” positive material, but it would be nice to hear someone on the panel that actually likes BND and can really understand why Marvel broke them up for the longevity of the character… I guess BD fills that bill…

    In any event, it’s just my opinion.

  6. Don’t go there with the courtship begining in the 70’s… I was reading the book in the 70’s, and even though I may have been too young to realize that MJ (at the time) was the “replacement” girl for the after-Gwen death that people usually go through after losing a loved one… sure, Peter may have thought those feelings were real, and in some aspect, they were genuine because he did care for her as a friend prior to Gwen’s death… hence, the quick proposal…

    But when she got back at the end of ASM #242 or 243 (my memory escapes me here), it’s not like they started to date or anything… they continued being “good friends”, albeit having “secret feelings” for one another… but then as I mentioned, a few issues prior to ASM #291, we have a scene were MJ enters Peter’s apartment to find the Black Cat making him breakfast (possibly assuming that they had “friendly relations” and Peter doesn’t seem too unphased to see MJ there, and then simply leaves because he has Spider-Things to do…

    Now obviously, we know that DeFalco was leading up to a wedding at some point where MJ jilts Peter at the altar, but there certainly was NO engagement/courtship phase.
    I’ve been reading the books since 1975… prior to ASM Annual #21, the only time I remember seeing Peter & MJ close as a couple was from the kiss scene at the end of ASM #143 & her leaving in ASM #182.

  7. They *do* talk positively about ASM when they feel the stories are good. When they feel they aren’t then they’ll say that as well. If you listen to the podcast they even said positive things about Grim Hunt.

    And the wedding wasn’t rushed – or at least the courtship building to it wasn’t. That had been building since the 70’s.

  8. Somebody should tell Kevin that the wedding was rushed…

    Read ASM about 3 issues prior to Peter proposing, and MJ walks into his apartment to find the Black Cat making Peter breakfast…

  9. Y’know… in all fairness, why don’t you guys include somebody who sees the book as something positive?

    Because going from one guy to the next, even including a gal, is tiresome to read when it’s all one big ball of negativity…

    I’ve listened to the podcasts for quite some time now, but it’s becoming really tiresome because of the “jaded” opinions that I hear…

    Christ, if you people are doing this via phone conference call, get me in there… at least it could add a new spin to the podcast…

  10. There is NO “Who is the Hobgoblin” story… as they reveal who he is in the first issue…

  11. Who’s the guy that said Slott doesn’t pay attention to continuity?


    Slott, if anything, is one of the rare writers at Marvel that uses continuity as a tool as opposed to a hinderance…

    Wouldn’t be suprised if this is the “JMS is my fave Spidey writer” guy…


  12. I always enjoy the podcasts, but this one was fantastic. The Crawlspace Gang™ is always so insightful…and makes me see things and think about things that I hadn’t before.

    (I also think that Bertone did a great job with the Quesada interview. It was very professional. And I totally expected it to be boring…but it was like a “director’s cut” or “director commentary” on the comic. That’s pretty special. So great job, Mr. Bertone.)

    A couple of points:
    *I think some of the Gang™ need to brush up on Spanish pronunciation. For example, Araña is Ar-an-ya.
    *It’s never “just comics.” The word “just” denigrates and demeans the medium…and as comics fans who want the medium to be taken seriously (when they deserve it) should avoid that sort of language.

  13. Great podcast, I love hearing JR rants. I believe the world needs more JR in general.

    @H4H: That’s exactly what I’m thinking. What was the name of the company that Peter worked for in ASM vol.2, #1? Perhaps his promise and new job have something to do with that?

  14. YEAHHHH!!! Just got home from the computer shop, and I come here to find this! Hell yes!

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