Amazing Spider-Man Classics Podcast #13

Guess who’s back? Oh yes, after forty days and forty nights of abstinence and meditation, the Classics gang return and return in style! Joined by Stephen Lacey, the four start out by reviewing  the start of the first major Ditko trilogy in Spider-Man #17.

Click to listen to both this and the back episodes here:

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  1. It makes me smile to see people enjoying the show. Brad, I’m glad you enjoyed the shout out, though I can’t take credit for the idea. (I think it was Josh, but I hope Don doesn’t kill me if it was actually he.) And thank you as always for the support here.

    And apologies to all who downloaded it in the first 12 hours or so. There were some audio issues in a couple spots that I fixed in the afternoon after it’d been online for over half a day. Sorry about that.

  2. I’m listening to the show right now. I’m so happy to share this on my front page. I loooved the Steve Ditko shout out to me. LOL. So funny. I was like, there’s no way you got Ditko!??!?! LOL.

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