Spider-Man: Crawl Space is a series of comic scripts exclusive to this website telling new, original stories of Spider-Man in the original timeline with his wife, Mary Jane Parker.
Recently I committed to deliver a new issue of Crawl Space every Wednesday that drops an issue of Marvel’s “OMIT,” and we’re here to deliver!
Following the landmark events of “Spider-Man Black,” Peter Parker is powerless. And forces he knows nothing about have manipulated events to get to this point. Now, even as Peter takes the reins of Oscorp and announces a bold initiative for the company, New York City is under siege – a siege of Spider-Men! Featuring Mary Jane Parker, Carlie Cooper, half of the Fantastic Four, a special guest Crawl Spacers will recognize, more clones than you can shake a holofoil variant at, and introducing Black Cat to the supporting cast! If you’re a Spider-Fan, you can’t afford to miss “One in a Million Part 1 – It’s Raining (Spider-)Men!”
Click here to read the issue: http://spidermancrawlspace.com/wwwboard/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7083
Then, head over to Spideydude.com for an EXCLUSIVE preview of Crawl Space #10’s cover: http://www.spideydude.com/2010/07/21/crawlspace9
And finally, don’t forget to stop by this issue’s discussion thread to leave me your thoughts: http://spidermancrawlspace.com/wwwboard/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7084
Happy New Comic Day, Crawl Spacers, and thanks for reading!
And the day ends on a high note. Nice job Kevin.
Boy I’m Glad I Woke Up Early This Morning. 🙂