Podcast 106: Spider-Panel Tackles Casting and Comics

 Gang, I’m sorry for the delay in the release of this podcast. I have stopped having the shows hosted at Podomatic and from now on they will be hosted on my regular webhost that houses this website. I have contacted itunes to update the xml feed. It could take awhile to get that changed, however you can still download the mp3 here and listen to it through this player.

The new xml feed of the podcast is located here



Here are some of the topics we hit up in the show

*Andrew Garfield cast as Peter Parker in Spider-Man 4
*Reviews of Amazing Spider-Man # 633-635
*ASM to be written by Dan Slott and shipping twice a month (This was recorded before it was confirmed at San Diego)

*Real Life Superhero Viper patrolling the streets
*The Hastings chain stores will be selling comics nationwide
*This Month in Spider-History with JR. We tackle July 1972 which saw the release of Amazing Spider-Man #158

Once you listen to the show comment here or on the message board thread.

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  1. For those of you (like me) who can’t wait to get at the podcast, but don’t want a hassle in getting it onto your iPod, here’s what you do.

    Step 1: Copy the new XML URL into your clipboard. (Right-click on the link and select ‘copy link location’ or whatever.)
    (For the lazy: http://www.spidermancrawlspace.com/podcast/crawlspacepodcast.xml)

    Step 2: In iTunes, go to the ‘Advanced’ menu and then select ‘Subscribe to Podcast.’

    Step 3: Paste the XML URL into the box. You’ll have to use a keyboard shortcut – or at least I did. Ctrl-V on Windows, Cmd-V on Mac. Click ‘OK.’

    Step 4: The podcast should start to download immediately. While you wait, think of some new insults for Spideydude.

    Step 5: Connect your iPod after the podcast download has finished.

    Step 6: Listen to the podcast in public and freak people out by busting up laughing.

  2. Spidercat, Brad offered me the choice of talking about a story from July 1972 or July 1976, and I chose the latter, so it was just an unintentional mix-up.

  3. I have noticed hastings getting better about their comics selection hmmm
    havent listened to this yet but I’m looking forward to it!

  4. Couldn’t agree more about Toy Story JR and BD. It brought back some memories of my childhood. 🙂

    Awesome podcast as usual guys.

  5. Take your time, Brad…frankly, I’m surprised and thrilled that we got to listen to it at all this month! Some things are more important than a Spider-Man podcast, and the birth of a child is DEFINITELY one of them. (Is she your first?)
    Anyway, be with your family, & share the love. There’ll be plenty of time for Spider-Man later on!

  6. Jared,
    Re-read what I just posted. It’s not on itunes at the moment. The only way to get the episode for the time being is through the player and the direct mp3 link. I’m working on the xml file and itunes as we speak.

  7. Uh, there seems to be a problem with your podcast feed–106 isn’t on it at all, and I haven’t been able to get any of the other episodes to download.

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