Podcast 106: Spider-Panel Tackles Casting and Comics
Gang, I’m sorry for the delay in the release of this podcast. I have stopped having the shows hosted at Podomatic and from now on they will be hosted on my regular webhost that houses […]
Comic Con Pics: Spidey, MJ and Weisman
Bertone was able to snap some pictures of folks from the various Spider-Man cartoons. First up is Spectacular Spider-Man producer Greg Weisman. He’s been on the podcast several times and such a nice guy. We […]
Comic Con Pics: Dan Slott
Bertone was able to track down Amazing Spider-Man writer Dan Slott to hold up the sign. You’ve gotta admit, he was a good sport to do this. I told Bertone to tell Slott that he […]
Editorial: Digesting the San Diego Spidey News
“… The Good, the Bad and the WTF?” Well the Spider-Panel’s over at San Diego’s Comic Con. The news is out but the dust hasn’t settled yet. So let’s break down what the new details […]
Stan Lee Congratulates BD on Ava Marie
Bertone had a chance to talk to Stan Lee last night at the San Diego Comic Con. He asked Stan to congradulate me on the birth of my baby girl Ava Marie and he did […]
Comic Con Spider-Man Panel: Live News
Update: The panel has wrapped up, thanks to Bertone for the live info as it came in. 2pm central : Bertone is live at the Spider-Panel in San Diego. He’s texting me info I’ll add […]
Katy Perry Loves Spidey
Katy Perry will melt your Spider-Sicle because she’s, I mean it’s so hot. LOL
Another Crawl Space/OMIT Schedule Change
As you hopefully know by now (since I’ve been shamelessly plugging for weeks), this site’s original script series, Spider-Man: Crawl Space, is releasing an issue every Wednesday that Marvel releases a part of the “OMIT” […]
Comic Con Pics: Spidey and Elektra
Bertone had a chance to snap some of the thousands of folks dressed up in costume at the San Diego Comic Con. First up we have this Spidey and the hottie Elektra. Great job!
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