Meet Baby Crawlspace: Ava Marie Douglas

I’m so happy to share with you all my baby girl Ava Marie Douglas. She was born today at 12:40 central time. She weighs 6lbs 15.5 ounces and she is 21 inches long. She has a beautiful head of hair, unlike her pops. I love her so much. Mom and baby are doing fine, I have an iv of Mt. Dew in and am recovering. My little girl is only one day old and already a tv star. Click here to see video and an interview with a proud pappa. Also click here to listen to Spider-Man’s daddy  Stan Lee welcome little Ava into the world.

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  1. Congrats BD! You’ll make a great father and good luck with the best job in the world.

  2. Congrats Brad! As a father who is about to send his second child to daycare next week, I want to tell you to enjoy every single moment with her, ’cause it’s the best thing in the world.

  3. Welcome to the club, Big Daddy! And you’re right…your heart does fill up, more than you ever thought possible. Congratulations, Brad and Mrs. Crawlspace! Enjoy each and every minute, because you won’t believe how fast they grow up!

  4. Awww she’s adorable!!! Congrats Brad And Mrs Crawlspace and a huge hello to lil Ava Marie!!!

  5. I’m so happy for you BD. Congratulations all around to both you and the missus as you welcome a new life into the world.

    Let me be one of many to say…Hello Little Ava, welcome to the world.

  6. Welcome to the world Mis Ava! Congrats Brad and Wendi!!!!!!!! Enjoy every minute of it when you can. It will go by quick! It seems like our daughter was just born and she will be 9 months next week. Let the Spidey indoctrination begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Congratulations Brad! She looks beautiful. Give my best to Mrs. Crawlspace. And welcome to the world Ava Marie!!

  8. Congrats, but make sure your priorities are still this website and making sure I can read the latest Stan Lee comic strip.
    You can change diapers later.

  9. Holy cow! Congratulations, Dude! Although, in that one picture does she seem to have a cynical expression already? You know, something along the lines of “oh god, is THAT my old man? This is going to be a rougher ride than I expected…”

  10. Congratulations my good sir, you will be a great dad and raise your daughter right under the teachings of Spideys 😀

  11. Hope this day is one of exceeding joy for all of you Brad. Give Wendi and little Ava our regards. Also Brad, don’t worry you WILL be a great dad, God bless and keep you all.

  12. I Hope I Get A Baby Girl Like That. Congrats BD!! So Tell Us… Did Ya Cut The Cord? She’s Lucky To Have A Guy Like You As Her Father.

  13. She looks just like you man! Congradulations to you and Ms. Wendi! Don’t put any Mt. Dew in her bottle! 😛

  14. As one dad to another, congratulations to you and Mrs. Crawlspace on the arrival of Ava! Glad to hear everyone is doing great. Get some sleep , (you are going to need it…) and get ready for a great adventure!

  15. Well at least you got your Mountain Dew 😛

    Congrats to you Brad and Mrs Crawlspace, she’s beautiful! And on this day, unlike any other… Baby Spider-Girl was born! 😀

  16. Congratulations Brad – she is beautiful. You are going to love being a dad, it’s the greatest.

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