Another Crawl Space/OMIT Schedule Change

As you hopefully know by now (since I’ve been shamelessly plugging for weeks), this site’s original script series, Spider-Man: Crawl Space, is releasing an issue every Wednesday that Marvel releases a part of the “OMIT” storyline. You may remember that part 2 of OMIT slipped on the schedule from July 28th to August 4th, so Crawl Space #10 followed suit.

Well, here we are again. According to, OMIT part 3 (ASM #640) will now be released on August 18th instead of its originally solicited release date of August 11th. SO, what that means to you Crawl Spacers is Spider-Man: Crawl Space #11, “One in a Million Part 3 of 3,” will ALSO now be released on August 18th.

For now that’s the only new schedule change. I’ll keep checking to make sure, as I’m wondering the same thing all of you probably are – if all four parts are by the same creative team and parts 2 and 3 have each slipped a week – will part 4 really be on time? It’s a nail biter! Keep it tuned to the Crawl Space, and we’ll bring you word as soon as it comes if there are any more changes!

And if you haven’t yet, make sure to check out the newest issue, Crawl Space #9, “One in a Million Part 1:”

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  1. You know, i’d probably read your Crawl Space series… if I weren’t so damn distracta… ooh, shiny.

  2. @Jonny: I’m not absolving Joe Q of the blame. For all I know, Rivera is behind because he got the scripts late. 😉

    The point is, he’s still working at the 11th hour to finish the issues, which is a troubling sign.

  3. Ah right my bad Gerard, I just assumed given Joey Q’s record with OMD it was him.

  4. @Jonny: If you look at Paolo Rivera’s blog, it’s clear that he’s had some issues with the deadlines. It makes you wonder how much lead time he had to even do this …

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