BD & Bubba Moose Perform “We Didn’t Start the Spider”

Podcast 105 is edited and will be added later today. However, here is a clip from the upcoming show. Stella aka Bubba Moose and I perform “We Didn’t Start the Spider.” We sing it in the stylings of Billy Joel’s classic “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” The message board wrote the words, we just sang em. Leave your comments below.


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  1. Creepy thing about that pic is that it looks like Kenny and Dolly are wearing Brad and Stella masks.

  2. The pic is disturbing

    The song was… painful

    A good song, but I know you guys have better singing chops!

  3. just noticed after downloading it that the genre for the song is ‘Blues’ your trying to tell us somethnig Brad?

  4. I’ll never know sleep that’s not plagued with terror. And that picture is why. o.O

  5. AmFan15 says: “And to think, we all had a part in that!”

    I will take no responsibility for that whatsoever!!

  6. Oh, man…You did it! I can’t believe it! That was awesome! And to think, we all had a part in that!
    (I came up with “Midtown High, ESU, working for the Bugle, too, Jameson & Betty Brant”…not much, I know, but how great was it to actually hear my words on a podcast!)

    Thanks, BD & Stella!

  7. Woo Hoo, i thought this was going be another relase in the next month again 😛 I looking forward to listening since for personal reasons i need something to cheer me up

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