Spidey Memories#72

In the spirit of giving the people what they want, “Peter/MJ week” continues!

Amazing Spider-Man issue 193 is often touted as the issue where Peter and Mary Jane break up. Really what we see above is MJ’s full appearance in the issue. We don’t even get to see both of her eyes! Just that one line and (aside from a few cameos) she’s out of the book for years! To be fair the breakup was a slow burn that started ten issues earlier when she turned down his proposal of marriage. Well Peter doesn’t seem stressed out because his consolation prize just walked in.

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  1. Got me on the Marvel Team-Ups, since I did not care for them, (even as a early teen…) so I do not have a lot of them. As for PPSSM #38, I have that entire run, so I will have to check that one out again!

    @BD, yes it was that long before MJ became a regular again. I remember thinking the return of MJ was pretty cool, but some “old-timers” who did not like MJ were miffed she was back. Matter of fact, the old-timer I knew was named Joe…could it be…OK, I’m kidding on the name…

  2. @Spider-Dad,

    Off the top of my head she had a cameo in issue 201, Spectacular issue 38 and a Marvel Team-Up or two. The cameos were never more than a page or two and she was out of Peter’s life for the most part.


    She decided to dump him when she turned down his proposal in issue 183. He didn’t quit though. We saw them going out on casual dates in Marvel Team-Up but he kept having to ditch her. She dated Brad Davis and he dated Betty Leeds which caused some friction but around 191 he begged for another chance, “one last date” which she reluctantly agreed to. Peter didn’t show up and never called her (he was tied to a bomb with JJJ). What we see above is her reaction. It’s all good, Black Cat appears next issue.

  3. I agree that the MJ and Peter breakup was a “slow burn”. Betty and Peter actually “hook up” in #189, then Peter is seen 2 issues later trying to patch things up with MJ and is asking her out on a date. Obviously when Peter doesn’t show due to being Spider-Man, you get this issue. And of course, right after this panel, Ned Leeds comes in and punches out Peter…

    Bertone, you mention that MJ has “a few cameos” in future issues before not being seen for years. In ASM I can only think of one other cameo, (issue #201) before she came back “for good” in ASM #243. Are there other issues that I am not recalling?

    Otherwise, keep up the good work.

  4. Here is where Peter Makes an effort at least, even when Ms. Leeds comes to his door while he’s making up with MJ or at most trying to?

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