Spidey Memories#71

In the spirit of giving the people what they want, “Peter/MJ week” continues!

Going backwards a bit from yesterday, here is Peter and Mary Jane’s first kiss. One of my favorite first kisses in comics ever. I love how Robbie is so obviously looking at them out of the corner of his eye. This classic moment can be found in “Amazing Spider-Man” issue 143 and is collected in the “Clone Genesis” trade paperback.

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  1. @Superchencho: In Sensational Annual #1 they took the original scene and added a bit. We get what MJ and Peter were thinking at the time, and from my vantage point, it made the original scene even better…

  2. I felt that this scene was embellished and compiled real nicely in the Sensational Annual during “Back in Black.” Certainly added weight to that issue.

  3. What a great scene…I always remembered Robbie gleefully looking out of the corner of his eye…

    As for Ross Andru? Best when inked by Frank Giacoia, not Esposito. Not a dynamic artist, but was very adept at telling a story. When you read his layouts you clearly knew what was happening. In some current stories, I sometimes catch myself going over several panels in a row to get a sense of the direction the action is taking place. In addition, his Peter Parker looks like Peter Parker…

  4. I’ve just never seen any dynanism from the guy, his work has always looked so vanilla to me. Especially after guys like Buscema, Gil Kane and especially John Romita Sr., I thought his shit looked bland as hell. But I’m beginning to turn around…

  5. I don’t mind Andru’s work, it’s just whenever he draws a smiling character, they tend to look insanely evil. (Especially his Aunt May, who looks like she should be introducing stories for “Tales from the Crypt.”

  6. I’ve kind of disregarded Ross Andru’s art in the past, but this is a great page.

  7. Hey Bertone, you’ve done it again, I also used the bottom half this page in What ever had happen to Peter Parker’s LOST kid, part one blog at DaylifeoftheMatt@blogspot.com I love that fans know better at least in my option what’s best for the characters of the whole Marvel universe than the writers and editors forced to do things byway of the company’s EIC demands.

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