Spider-Girl’s Last Stand?

According to a post from Tom DeFalco on the Spider-Girl message board, this could be the last stand for Mayday — the Spectacular Spider-Girl miniseries could be the last original Spider-Girl material.  Here’s the beginning of his post, with the rest following the jump …

Hi, Guys!

Here’s the current deal with Spider-Girl…
SPECTACULAR SPIDER-GIRL is going to be a 4-issue limited series.

#1 will include a 16 page Spider-Girl story, a 5 page American Dream story and 8 additional pages (but I don’t know what they will be.)

#2 will include a 16 page Spider-Girl story, a 5 page Buzz story and 1 page L’il Benjy story.

#3 will include two 16 spage Spider-Girl stories.

#4 will also include two 16 page Spider-Girl stories.

There is also talk about an additional Spider-Girl one-shot, but I don’t really have any details on that.

While MARVEL DIGITAL will print all the above material, they have decided to stop buying any new Spider-Girl stories.

I believe that Marvel has decided to print this “last” Spider-Girl limited series to see if our girl still has enough buyers to support a regular title or if it’s finally time to stop producing her.

Her fate will be decided by how many copies her limited series sells…as it should be!

Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against her. Comic book stores rarely support limited series these days–unless they are part of some big crossover event–and usually buy just enough copies to fulfill their pull lists.

Here’s what YOU can do to help even the odds: If you plan to buy SPECTACULAR SPIDER-GIRL, please go to your local comic book store and RESERVE it now. (If you don’t reserve your copy, the odds are that you won’t get one…just like what happened with KID COLT, BLACK KNIGHT and, for a few of you, SPIDER-MAN: THE CLONE SAGA.)

You can also try to convince your local comic book store to buy a few extra copies and put them out on the racks…so that people who haven’t reserved a copy will have a chance to buy a copy.

And please you tell your friends about SPECTACULAR SPIDER-GIRL. (A lot of people don’t even know the book is coming out!)

We have had a wild and long run, gang! If we’re meant to continue, so be it! If not, thanks for being there!

Tom D.

Say it ain’t so, Marvel.  We’re the only ones that can save Spider-Girl now.

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  1. My neighbor and I were simply debating this particular subject, he’s usually seeking to prove me incorrect. Your view on this is nice and exactly how I truly feel. I simply now mailed him this site to show him your personal view. After wanting over your web site I guide marked and can be coming back to read your new posts!

  2. I stopped reading Spiderman and Spidergirl around 2006. When I heard about the Mephisto/Marriage nonsense, I decided I made the right decision. That said, I always liked Spidergirl and I’m giving this miniseries a shot.

    By the way, is it true that Spiderman’s readership is now below 100k? I’m old enough to remember when he sold in the 500k range, when something below 200k was considered an abject failure… maybe the 3.99 cover price is part of the problem?

  3. …Marvel forces people to buy Spider-man 3 times a month, just so people can keep up. I’ll buy 3 copies of the same issue on principle when this story hits the store, because this is a comic that is actually worth 12$ a month.

  4. This is really sad news. I LOVE Spider-Girl! I’m definitely buying the mini and I’m really hoping that maybe sales will be high enough to warrant more stories. I might even buy a couple of extra issues and spread them around…

  5. This is horrible news. Here are my feelings on the big two: Marvel has far better characters, but DC treats their fans better, though they have mostly boring characters. I’m completely disinterested in reading about characters like the flash or wonder woman, but Marvel continues to s’hit on true spidey fans like me and so many others. I guess I’m going indy from now on. Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour, here I come.

  6. …Marvel forces people to buy Spider-man 3 times a month, just so people can keep up. I’ll buy 3 copies of the same issue on principle when this story hits the store, because this is a comic that is actually worth 12$ a month.

  7. This is really sad news. I LOVE Spider-Girl! I’m definitely buying the mini and I’m really hoping that maybe sales will be high enough to warrant more stories. I might even buy a couple of extra issues and spread them around…

  8. I AM GOING TO BUY THIS BOOK and it’s 3 series other parts in droves, and Here’s why: It’s the only part of the TRUE SPIDER-MAN as I know him to be with problems of ALL KINDS! I also support this with a two part series on my blog site entitled:”What ever had happen to Peter Parker’s LOST kid? and LATELY SPIDER-GIRL titles are the only support Marvel gets from this Spider-Fan because of a certain EIC!

  9. This is horrible news. Here are my feelings on the big two: Marvel has far better characters, but DC treats their fans better, though they have mostly boring characters. I’m completely disinterested in reading about characters like the flash or wonder woman, but Marvel continues to s’hit on true spidey fans like me and so many others. I guess I’m going indy from now on. Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour, here I come.

  10. WKB. I Completely Agree With You. I Don’t Read DC. But I Am Considering Dropping Comics in Total. I’ve Only Got 3 Words For Ya (in The Words Of Brad Douglas): Go Fu** Yourself. Marvel

  11. I haven’t picked up the book in awihle, but I find this sad nonetheless. If they want to save her, they could add a Mayday backup in ASM as they seem to be going the $3.99 route anyways

  12. Strike one: The marriage
    Strike two: Loyal fans
    Strike three: Spider-girl is the wrong sex for Marvel to keep it.

    and yyyyyooooouuuuuurrrrrr out of here.

    Typical Marvel move…No wonder I get more DC comics now.

  13. I can think of SEVERAL books they could stand to drop…. most involve Spider-Man at the moment…

    Brace yourselves… I haven’t seen a comment from Spideydude, yet…

  14. i know this might sound stupid but why don’t they get Campbell to do some spider-girl covers? It might get some more people to pick up the book and maybe draw in a few new readers. Either way I’ll buy the book.

  15. The Digital comic kill this new Monthly before it got started. Since Marvel Digital is no longer buying new Spider-Girl stories, Marvel doesn’t see fit to continue the series beyond four issues.
    This is almost the same situation where the Spider-Woman Motion Comic kill the Printed title.
    This is just a real big downer for me.

  16. That’s really too bad that Marvel isn’t buying any news SG stories. I think she would have been perfect in “Web” and in this tough economey I don’t think she can support her own title. Especially when her dad’s title sells in the 60-70k numbers.

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