Quesada talks OMIT at C2E2

Some interesting tidbits..

* Some message board posters have been speculating that perhaps this takes place during the “Back in Black” period. This won’t be the case. This will expand upon the events of the “Amazing Spider-Man” Annual 21. There will also be some current continuity and “One More Day” stuff in there.

* Joe wasn’t originally going to write this but he had an idea over what some of the “answers” were going to be. He came up with the basic plot structure about a year ago.

* Every lingering questions (mindwipe, the whisper, etc) will be answered.

Check out the full story and interview over at CBR.

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  1. I will read this. I have low expectations, though. Maybe Joe Q. is writing this because no other writer wanted to touch this story. Peter and MJ should still be married, but I’ve accepted the status quo, so let’s just move on.

  2. Amen to AmFan15 :)…also…one tiny comment with no iota of disrespect…marriage ages Peter????…Peter/Spider-Man is immortal!…As a fictional character as long as the writing is good….the character is ageless……the age of reboots and “heroism” or “hedonism” more likely fail to reinvent, but merely fragment or mutate the character from one of the strongest moral heroes to a gent with super-powers who likes to innocu….errr…”express interest” in as many partners as possible and demonstrate questionable, self-centered decisions which further tarnishes the rep of the hero we grew up with for 40 + years…like everyone else, I will keep an eye on O.M.I.T….but my expectations are far from hopeful…

  3. I have to say, I’d really be concerned about O.M.I.T…except Marvel ruined Spider-Man for me years ago with BND.
    Time for a regime change on this title.

  4. Because the whole ‘new status quo’ was designed to get her out of the picture, and the ratings are already too low to blame it on Peter.

  5. Why do I have the sinking feeling their going to make MJ look like the bad guy by making her cheat on Peter? Or have more Peter/Gwen angst?

  6. Sorry, hope I don’t sound TOO disrespectful…but…

    I do hereby declare that I have OFFICIALLY bought my last Marvel comic.
    First they playfully decide to alter Spidey’s entire reality, to suit Quesada’s own personal views (Not FANDOM’S views, mind you, but QUESADA’S views!). So they wiped out the past 20 years of Spider-history…never happened, right? Ah, but wait! There’s still hope! Maybe everyone just FORGOT that they happened! Well, I was mad, but surely, they’ll come to their senses, and realize just how horrible of a mistake they’re making, and bring it all back to the Spidey I knew and loved, right?…


    Well, hey, at least I can always just count on “Spectacular Spider-Man” to save the day, right?

    *BUUZZZ again!*

    Showing a COMPLETE lack of respect for the creators, the cast, and the fans…and apparently, there are a LOT of us…they cancelled a brilliant series, and only 2 seasons into Spidey’s history…Now we’ll never see the likes of Hobgoblin, Carnage, or Morbius. (I would’ve loved to have seen an episode where Spidey grew 4 extra arms!) And why did they cancel it? Because of low ratings? No, it had excellent ratings! Critics and fans alike loved it! It had the modern feel of the Ulimate Spidey universe, but still stayed true to Spidey’s vast history! Perfect! It satisfied fans of BOTH worlds! No, it was cancelled because, AGAIN, an executive decided he knew what was best for Spidey’s fans, and how dare they say otherwise!

    Also, I have no hope for the movies, either…Granted, I didn’t like Spidey 3 (It had a few good moments, but nothing could wipe away the image of Peter disco-dancing…*shudder*), but I loved the first two. In fact, Spidey 2 is one of my top 5 comics movies! So why do we need a reboot? Granted, Tobey and Kirstin could be kind of irritating sometimes, but they’ve been pretty much accepted AS Spidey & MJ. Just change THOSE actors! (Keep JK Simmons, though, WHATEVER you do!) And besides, the series has only been around for a few years! No, again, corporate opinion outweighs us lowly fans…

    No, Marvel has won. I feel a bit like Mary Jane must…A forgotten, cast aside creature who’s had everything they loved about Spidey officially wiped from existence. (Of course I’ll continue to come to this site, though…You guys are great!) No, the only refuge for a tired, broken down ol’ Spider-fan like myself, is here. LONG LIVE THE CRAWLSPACE!!!

  7. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in seeing how they’re gonna explain all this.

  8. do i miss MJ married to Pete? Sure. Will I keep buying ASM? Sure. Who won’t? But I’m really curious as to how certain things that happened post-wedding like the clone saga went down, and how long MJ stuck around after the wedding. And with Kraven coming back (apparently) will he sense a difference in Spidey or not? And why doesn’t Kaine? and damnit why doesn’t this make any sense and I had to wait 3 years for the answer? man. deals with the devil, unholy resurrections, what’s coming next Jesus and Pals in OMIT? Good thing im employed to pay for this thing.

  9. I know that it’s in vogue to hate on this kind of stuff, but I just want to say I’m glad it’s happening. Ever since January 2008, we’ve been wanting to know the full story of what happened. Maybe that desire was swamped with hate and regret, but it was still there. And now they’re answering the question with an eight-issue story put out in four over-sized books. This makes me happy. I want to say thank you to Joe. Does that mean I like everything else being done with Peter now? No. Does it mean that I will like the story? Hell, I won’t know that until I read it. But I can’t tell you how glad I am that the story is finally being told.

    Side note — Back a few weeks or months before the Harry Osborn reveal in late 2008, the Braintrust pulled the curtain back a little too far (imo) in stating that the story behind Harry wasn’t developed until after One More Day. He was brought back to life and then the reasons and mechanics were developed later. Now, I’m sure this sort of thing happens all the time in serial storytelling, but we’re rarely told about it, and it certainly shook everyone’s faith in the story being told. And so I wondered what was the case with OMD/OMIT? Here, Joe is stating that he knew the mechanics at the time of OMD and the problem became how to build the reveal and work it into the story. I find that gratifying as well. Basically, this interview put me in the right mood to approach this story.

    Feel free to shoot. I’m wearing kevlar.

  10. [mind that this isn’t made to offend anyone, but just as a joke]

    Joe Q [from interview] – “and there were some parts that were also me doing continuity math”

    “Hey class! I’m Professor Q, who’s ready to learn some MATH? What is ONE married Spider-Man plus ONE married Super-Model?”
    “Ooh, pick me! I think I know! Is it TWENTY years of history?”
    “WRONG!!! *presses trap door button* It’s ZERO! As in, NEVER HAPPENED!”

  11. Joe Quesada is an artist, not a writer, and as we all saw in the gawd-awful spidey McFarlane series from the early 90’s that good artists don’t necessarily make good writers. Regardless, as I have said since the announcement that spider-girl is coming back, I consider that the true continuation of spidey continuity and will happily pick that book up each month and ignore ASM.

  12. I’m actually looking forward to this (don’t shoot! don’t shoot!) because it means 2 major things to me:

    1) IF they pull this off.. and I feel satisfied with the reasoning in it.. it will give me some closure with the whole deal, make me want to continue reading, and maybe people will finally get over it [yeah, right]
    2) IF they fail though… I will drop ASM and all Spidey books. So essentially, this thing is a good drop off point if nothing more. I have a feeling this doesn’t just apply to me…

  13. Interesting that OMIT is kind of part of a trilogy with OMD being part of the first installment. I wonder what the 3rd arc will cover.


  14. Who wants to make a bet that this story ark will be so badly written that it will make “One more Day” look semi decent? Who want to bet that Peter and MJ are going to be out of character in order for Quesada to try to make a case for his mismanagement of the characters? And after this story is over, who wants to bet that Spider man will hit a new low in sales?

    Its funny to read Joe’s comments on Superman only selling 40,000 copies but Spider Man is only about 10,000 -13,000 away from Superman right now.

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