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Spider-Captions # 116

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Happy Birthday Mrs. Crawlspace!

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  1. Stella… he’s just writing the story… he’s not making the game…

    … and they’re just gonna try and come up with an answer for Batman: Arkham Asylum…

  2. @George and Donomark: Wow…I didn’t even know that existed! Haha, Bubba Moose appreciates the support!

    Concerning the video game, I’m glad to hear the Slott has played all the other games, so he knows what the fans like, and what makes those games good (especially the PS1 games). I really like the look of Spidey Noir…I hope it’s as cool in execution!

    As for his uber-secret comic…it will be interesting to see what it is!

  3. Web-Head: Yeah, mis-typing the video game name is me. I keep getting it wrong, I’m sorry. It’s almost a running joke now. I should re-name it with each post. lol

  4. She signed up on Dec 24th, 2009, she hasn’t been back since Dec 28th, 2009. Yeah, she’s not likely to come back. But yeah I read the thread, she totally misread an in-joke. And then started fighting. LOL. Gotta love the internet.

  5. “You’re writing stories out of sequence… you’re feeding this guy, you’re feeding that guy… you’re reading everyone else’s scripts to make sure the continuity meshes…”


    Is there a single book on sale right now that’s paying attention to continuity?

  6. It’s called Shattered Dimensions. I swear, you guys are calling this game by a different name every time you post something new about it. 😛

  7. It’s that gal who came here and got ultra pissed on the boards when someone asked “Which is better?” between her rap and Bubba Moose’s!! I remember her getting mad at me specifically and decrying the anonymity of the internet and then me pointing out my forum account name is my real name. She’s a pistol!

  8. I gotta admit, that was a fun interview! 🙂 I especiallly loved, how he pretended to leave, when she said she wasn´t reading Amazing! XD But I really hope they will reveal the last two universes soon. This suspense is killing me! x_x

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