Two and Half Spider-Men?

This may be the end of the Logan Lerman rumors.

Ever since the Spider-Man reboot was announced, Leeman was a favorite choice for many as the new Peter Parker. Leeman even spoke about the prospect to various reporters and on a few talk shows.

Sony made a statement today which should put a stop to this. A few websites got a tip that nobody has been cast and no negoitations have been made.

We did get another name in the running if MovieWeb is to be trusted. They were told that although no choice has been made, Angus T. Jones (pictured above from “Two and a Half Men”) has been considered. It’s probably a joke. I hope it’s a joke.

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  1. You you should edit the webpage name title Spider Man Crawlspace » Two and Half Spider-Men? to more better for your content you create. I loved the post withal.

  2. “Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo Spider-Men Men Men Spider-Men Men Men OOOOH OHOOOOOH! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!”

  3. All these random names. Zack Efron? Angus T. Jones? Patrick Robertson? You know what? I’m up to play Peter Parker as well. Hey, I don’t need a reputable source either.

  4. Well if they use the Ultimate storyline at least they’ll have a Spidey whose head is bigger than his body like the comics too

  5. “Casting” Jones as Spider-Man reminds me of what Green Lantern was threatened to be back in like 2007. “Repressed, stereotypical nerd gains superpowers”. (Jack Black was supposed to play the main…)

  6. @tabularasa

    I doubt Angus will be casted, but doing a show and movie at the same time never stopped Michael J. Fox from juggling Family Ties and Back to the Future….but Angus is no Fox.

  7. Seriously, If he’s going to be Spider-man I WILL not, be seeing this movie.
    Any of the other names I could handle, but not him. NOT HIM! 🙁


  9. It’s a joke. It would be impossible for him to start filming in 2011 and continue his obligations to the 8th season of 2 & 1/2 Men which he already has a contract for that.

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