Spider-Woman Ends at #7

So, Spider-Girl here.  You all are quite lucky that I do not swear or else I would be saying things that would make a sailor blush!

As taken from a Cup O’ Joe Panel at ECCC:

“A fan of Spider-Woman came up and asked about the status of the character. Bendis informed him that while she will appear in his new “Avengers” book, issue #7 will be the last of her self-titled series. He explained that the motion comic was much more work than artist Alex Maleev had anticipated, and he really needed a break. For those people who have missed Maleev’s art on a more regular basis, Bendis had good news – the two of them will be releasing a book through Marvel’s Icon imprint in the near future.”

ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!  While I know some people will disagree, in my opinion, Spider-Woman was currently one of the bright points being published by Marvel.  Not only is Jessica a believable female character, she was a STRONG character, and one with a great future!

Why put her in a team book when the main focus is always going to be on the Big Three?  I have two solutions in order to keep Spider-Woman’s solo series going:

1.  Drop the motion comic!


There!  Problem solved!

You can comment below or head on over to this thread.

Man…I feel like punching something… <_>

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  1. Hmm, another one bites the dust. Gone the same way as Immortal Iron Fist, Captain Britain and MI13, Brother Voodoo, SWORD…all titles I collected. I might have to end up adding Nova and GotG to that list…

  2. I agree, I don’t think it would hold the numbers. Disappointing either way though. And knowing that Superman is getting an event with similar numbers makes it even more disappointing. Oh well, cheers eddie. 🙂

  3. Cheers Jon,

    I don’t know about sales, was it lighting the world on fire? no but is was not poor sales buy any means it was quite strong for a female lead book (not meaning to be insensitive here but it is a truth of the market that female leads don’t sell well)

    its drop from issues to issue was far below average, which is a great sign for the strength of a comic. I don’t think this would be an easy book for marvel to loose at all,

    This book is doing good (and more importantly holding) numbers of Superman books, thats the book DC is doing an event on next year!

    The question i’d put out there though is this, would the numbers hold true if you didn’t have this creative team? i honestly don’t think it would.

  4. Thanks for response there. Understandable about the work load on Maleev. I can respect that Bendis doesn’t want to do it without his buddy for the reasons you stated. But if this thing were an actual good seller, I don’t think Bendis not wanting to do it without alex is relevant. This would still be going on with a new team. The sales probably made it much much easier to respect Bendis’ wishes.

  5. Hey guys,

    I never posted before but reading your comments i do want to say a couple of things.

    The book is coming to an end because it got to much for Maleev and Bendis dosen’t won’t to do this story without him, Maleev puts in 4 issues worth of work into one issue, of Spider-woman, thats like a 28 issue run at this point to him, i don’t blame alex for leaving at all even if they got rid of the motion part of things,
    If Bendis dosen’t want to do the story unless he gets to do it the best he can (with alex) the way he sees fit, thats great for him and good on marvel for respecting that. That said, Spider-woman is still in his hands and bendis has said he is allowed to return to the book when ever he wants,

    I also doubt its because Bendis has to much on his plate as he and Alex will be working on there own creator own project right now and the best for them for doing it.

    i don’t think spider-woman will be lost between now and when they return to the book. after all bendis has spent his time at marvel building her up in as a character, she may not be a promient but his doing more with her then any creators cared to do before

    Also i see alot of Blame going to Joe Q, but it was a creator choice to end the book, Not Marvel! but if for some reason you wanted to blame editorial it would be Lauren Sankovitch not Joe Q that was in charge of the book.

    now i am playing devils advocate here, it is a shame to see the title go, its an even bigger shame we a loosing a title with a well written female, quite rare in even in this day and age. but i’m glad its ending by creative choice and not keeping it going just for the sake of keeping it around

    thanks for your time

  6. Oy. Should have gotten a writer that probably made her less sucidal or broading. Maybe an artist that can actually draw. I always hate the arguement that just because Joe q saved marvel it excuse him from what is happen to marvel now or last few years. Last few years marvel has been several of the same mistake comic wise that they did 90s.

  7. Bendis is not the only big name writer they have. Big names? What is that in the end, but the equivilent of a vanity plate. Fraction I would say is a great writer, so what if he is loathed by alot of x-fans, I loathe alot of them. Bottom line, x-men is one title. He could be a great asset on other titles who’s fans I’m sure would be more then glad to have him. I’d love him on ASM. Brubaker just speaks for himself, great writer without a doubt. Andy Diggle, who wasn’t even mentioned, I’ll put his best up against anybody’s period. He is just getting started at Marvel. Kieron Gillen in my books is a great writer as well. Greg Pak, Jeff Parker, if these guys aren’t “big names” with how you define them, they certainly have a chance to be (if not already) with their talent. Sorry, COMPLETLY disagree with you. At least in terms of what the relevence of big names is when they CLEARLY have plenty of great writers.

  8. Sorry, half of those names are “big…in japan” success stories who lose points across the spectrum of the comics medium for eith their behaviour to people or there consistency on titles…there “internet darlings”, and whilst that’s good enough for some, there not the mainstream hit Bendis is in all realistic sense. BND is not Ultimate Spider-Man, nor New Avengers, or The Ultimate Universe, or Powers, or The Pulse. Bendis might get ragged on (mainly out of jealously, not common sense), but he IS an iconic innovator and visionary compared to these nostalgic fanfic writers who only OCCASIONALLY think outside the box and dare not attempt to with the passion Bendis sort of still wheels out.

    Slott is best known for his niche stuff and ought to have been far more hands-on as the lead writer of ASM than he turned out to be…I mean, jeez, THREE years pass and HOW much has he done? His attitude towards critics also paints him in a bad light. I don’t care if you’re Squirrel Girl’s panty advocate, being mean to ordinary people is a thumbs down. I’ll be more impressed when there’s a full few years with him at the helm. I’m expecting that soon.

    Fraction? Awesome Spidey writer, but generally LOATHED by X-Men fans. He hasnt saved that series at all. He made me a Claremont fan all over again…WAS that his job?

    Brubaker? I’ll give you that, he’s the reason the Cap movie is getting made and we all know it. No problems there

    Fred wrote the worst MJ story in recent memory, but again, he’s very, VERY, niche

  9. I understand the Joe Q. hate because of One More Day, but give him credit for taking over a mess of a company and making returning it to its former glory, business-wise.

    As for Bendis, he may be overextended, but he’s by no means the only name writer they have. Dan Slott, Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, Jeff Parker, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning are all writers with a great deal of respect from both comic creators and fans alike.

  10. The Bendis overkill is getting ridiculous. I don’t hate the guy as much as I hate tons of Marvel’s “creative team”, and I even think without Bendis, Marvel would SINK because they lack so many big names compared to 2000 when the “Quey 2” era began, but overtaxing and depending on him for the “Heroic Age” is all too much of a subtle and psychological ADMISSION that they have no trust in other writers to carry that load…why? Because all the other talents they have are…NOT BIG NAMES

    Not a patch on a big name…Bendis is the only star power they have left ten years removed from the time they had the cream-of-the-crop

    Smooth sailing boys. This is where your company is ten years on….screwed. A marketing monster? Maybe, but that’s all beneficial from your glory days, watch as the empire falls into ash

    Somebody sink the Quey 2 and lighten Bendis’ load

  11. I disagree with you Tabularasa. Spider-Woman is just going to be swept under the rug in an Avengers book. There will be ZERO character development. What’s more, I don’t think Jessica is meant to be on a team. She works better alone!

  12. It’s sad news, however I bet Marvel would keep the series going if the book sold better. With a big name like Bendis on the book and it only selling 20k, then they’re cutting their losses.

  13. That’s a shame. It was on my list of comics to get to eventually, when I had more time. 🙁

  14. I have been buying the book but not reading it…I read the 1st issue and I liked it, but it keeps getting put under the “read soon” pile.

  15. Tabularasa, I think you mean he did a good job of having her take over the F****** book!!!!

    I just found out that Power Girl’s creative team is being replaced after issue 12… I was actually buying this book for reasons other than the two obvious ones!!

    You think Stella’s mad? I REALLY don’t need to be around anyone right now.

  16. I enjoy the book. I try to watch the motion comic but it wasn’t for me. If Bendis and Maleev couldn’t do it anymore, get someone else. There are bunch of female writers and artist at Marvel; there are some really talented Indie writers/ artis just begging for a shot.

    I am with Stella. I want to punch and kick something right now. Where is my Spider-man stuff doll at? Time to lay a smackdown!

  17. I feel like I’ll simply never get into motion comics. I’m a dinosaur and motion comics and I won’t exist.

  18. Thanks, Bear! Spider-Woman’s issue 5 of January came in at 74th with 27,716 units sold.

  19. And just to add… I have some Daredevil issues and a trade by Maleev… he’s not even that good, in my opinion..

    If they can throw 2-3 artists in a single issue of Spider-Man….

  20. I don’t think it’s just because of the motion comic. Maleev and Bendis are really busy right now. Bendis is going to be doing Ultimate Spider-Man, The Avengers, New Avengers, The Avengers Prime, and Powers. That’s five books that he needs to stay on top of. He orignally said that he was taking a break from Spider-Woman because he needed to focus more on Siege. I think this a case of Bendis taking on more titles that were more important for the Marvel universe. If it is the motion comic, I think the motion comic is the only reason Spider-Woman got her own title. So if the motion comic is failing, then Marvel probably doesn’t see a reason to continue the book especially with so many new titles starting up in May & June.

    As for her being in The Avengers, it should go well. I think Bendis did a good job of making her a part of The New Avengers and maybe Marvel didn’t see a point in a minor character of the avengers being in two titles.

    But I agree, Spider-Woman was a big bright spot in Marvel’s line.

  21. Or how about getting another artist? Is this not possible? How are the sales doing on this thing? The Maleev excuse rings hollow to me. I really liked this title.

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