Take this with a grain of salt, but a british tabloid is reporting that Zac Efron has been cast as Peter Parker in the new Spider-Man re-boot movie. His High School Musical co-star Vanessa Hudgens is rumored to play Mary Jane? What’s your two cents? Is this great casting or a horrible idea?
Brad Douglas
View articlesBrad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on Marvel.com and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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Any wheatcakes left? – Sorry, I just can’t see him as Peter Parker. Too much of a pretty boy. Maybe College Peter who started dating but he can’t play a dorky teen in High School, whose gonna by that with Zac’s pirade of screaming pre-teen fans?
I’m a Spider-Man fan so obviously I will see it in the movies no matter who they cast though. If I don’t like it I just won’t see it 5 times in the IMAX theater like I did for all the other Spider-Man movies lol!
No. Just… no.
Hey Sano, Peter isn’t written to be a wisecracker in the Spidey movies anyway, so it might work out. Plus, if you’ve ever seen Zac Efron in other roles besides HSM, he can be a pretty funny guy.
Damn . . . I made this joke to my friend when the news broke that it was being rebooted . . . *puke*
He’s not funny AT ALL so no he can’t play Peter Parker.
He can be in the Broadway Spider-Man musical though. 😛
Oh…the horror, the horror…….
it not true persian the news came from the uk magazine/website ok which is pretty much just a tabloid news source. The article which i read/heard about was full of false information like the film was with universal pictures, and that toby walked form sm4 when that wasnt true he left when raimi was given the boot. Plus then it said venessa hudgens zac girlfriend was to be mj, and that zac was to get 10million dollars for the film. which i doubt that. Since its been stated by the studio they want ot make the movie on a cheaper budget around 80million dollars. i doubt they would want to waste 10mill on zac, they will probably go with some unknown/lesser know and they will probably get a couple hundred grand for the pick. Since marc webb the director is getting 10million for the picture. Plus i wouldnt believe any articles unless its officiall from marvel or sony pictures. Plus really film wise marvel/disney probably doenst have any bearing on what films do with spidey. Since sony still has film rights to do what ever.
Tobey Maguire has been Spider-Man in the first three Spider-Man movies. Why change a good thing? Tobey Maguire is good as Peter Parker and Spider-Man. Oh, one more thing, I think Kristen Dunst made an excellent Mary Jane Watson.
relax kids. i read this on mtv website and it was just a poll between him and 3 other guys. Efron won the poll of course. (its MTV)
OK everyone, lighten up a little on Zac Efron. I’ve seen all the High School Musical movies and the guy is a decent actor and quite talented and you all know it. Disike the HSM movies if you must, I’m not saying you’re wrong if you dislike the genre, but saying he sucks is completely ridiculous. I wish I had half his talent.
As for him playing Spider-Man, I can’t see it, but who knows, he might surprise (if this is at all true).
(Quoting Styleshift) “Tobey recommended him. (If so) Why?”
Of course he did… he knows he’s the only person who could be cast to make people scream “BRING BACK TOBEY!!” =P
Y’know, if somebody fixed his mop of hair, he may actually look like quite a bit like Pete. Well, Middle-aged Pete…
We’re making a mountain out of an anthill, and a storm in a glass of water (one of those metaphors is right, I think). I’m not taking this seriously until I start hearing from the horse’s mouth.
To make it simpler: HELL NO!!!!
I was in the age demographic for High School Musical when it premiered!!! And I wanted to stuff his throat full of Webs!!! And My cousin who’s all Fruity and everything she owns is pink. And She hated it and the Sequel!! and don’t get me started in pt.3
as an old geezer, I really have no idea who this kid is, I’ve seen all the high school musical stuff in stores, but haven’t seen the shows. But it seems to me that it’s been out for years now, is this guy even in high school age group anymore? If they’re gonna do it Ultimate Spidey like, use the right aged actors.
“My first instinct is that he looks too pretty-boyish to play Peter Parker.”
First of all, why do British tabloids possess information that Americans do not? We’re the nosiest people on the planet.
2nd. They want to use Vanessa Hudgens as Mary Jane. Think about that one for a minute. Whatever. I don’t think Mj is going to be getting naked in the new film. =/
3rd Tobey recommended him. (If so) Why?
Whatever happens, I just hope they don’t repeat the same mistake like they did with Superman Returns.
Let the actor play Peter Parker, NOT Tobey Maguire. =/
If Efron is cast, This actually doesn’t bother me.
When I see “Shia labeouf” being taken into consideration…….than I will start crying. JGL SHOULD be Peter Parker. He knows how to deliver some wit AND he is a really good actor.
I’m going to be really disappointed if he doesn’t get it and instead we get another unenthusiastic person with LAME delivery.
My first instinct is that he looks too pretty-boyish to play Peter Parker.
At first I thought, ‘Well, it can’t be THAT bad considering Heath Ledger took some initial heat and skepticism when it was announced that he’d play as the Joker.’ THEN I read the part about Hudgens. “She is hotly tipped to replace Kirsten Dunst, 27, as Spider-Man’s love interest and the source added: “It would be a great coup to land her as well.” I literally felt puke-ishly nauseated. This HAS to be some UK version of an April Fools Day joke.
I refuse to belive this.
I doubt it’s true. I’ve never seen the “High School Musical” stuff, but he was pretty funny when he guest-hosted “Saturday Night Live” last year.
I know this is just rumor mill bull but if by some chance thus were to happen I wouldn’t watch spider-man movies any more I wouldn’t care if they were giving Oscar worthy performances I would not watch them. Effron has already angered me by being the first choice actor to play light yagami in the American version of the live action death note remake I can’t have him ruin death note and spidey it’s preposterous.
Chill out, this is pure garbage. If this happens–and that’s a big if–it won’t be reported first in some random British magazine.
I blame it on Spider-Girl. She mention his name as a possible Spider-Man… now look what happened.
Oh well… if anyone needs me I’ll be jumping off a bridge.
This is my greatest fear. I even said this to Michael Bailey!
Please God no.
I don’t know, I’m not familiar with this dude acting, never saw any of his work
At least in face depoo he’s more Pete than JGL
so hes actually not a bad actor. i mean HS Musical is pure crap but 17 again was pretty funny. sine they are using Ultimate as the plot i think itwill work out pretty well
Masahiro Inoue dammit, he could a passing through Kamen Spider!
I just puked in my mouth a little